Point Cloud Library (PCL)  1.14.1-dev
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cpcl::registration::CorrespondenceRejectorFeatures:: FeatureContainerInterface
 C__pixAdd_CN< Tin, Tout, CN >
 C__pixAdd_CN< Tin, Tout, 1 >
 C__pixAdd_CN< Tin, Tout, 3 >
 C__pixAdd_CN< Tin, Tout, 4 >
 C__pixColorConv< CSin, CSout, Tin, Tout >
 C__pixColorConv< NCVColorSpaceGray, NCVColorSpaceRGBA, Tin, Tout >
 C__pixColorConv< NCVColorSpaceRGBA, NCVColorSpaceGray, Tin, Tout >
 C__pixDemoteClampNN_CN< Tin, Tout, CN >
 C__pixDemoteClampNN_CN< Tin, Tout, 1 >
 C__pixDemoteClampNN_CN< Tin, Tout, 3 >
 C__pixDemoteClampNN_CN< Tin, Tout, 4 >
 C__pixDemoteClampZ_CN< Tin, Tout, CN >
 C__pixDemoteClampZ_CN< Tin, Tout, 1 >
 C__pixDemoteClampZ_CN< Tin, Tout, 3 >
 C__pixDemoteClampZ_CN< Tin, Tout, 4 >
 C__pixDist_CN< Tin, Tout, CN >
 C__pixDist_CN< Tin, Tout, 1 >
 C__pixDist_CN< Tin, Tout, 3 >
 C__pixDist_CN< Tin, Tout, 4 >
 C__pixScale_CN< Tin, Tout, Tw, CN >
 C__pixScale_CN< Tin, Tout, Tw, 1 >
 C__pixScale_CN< Tin, Tout, Tw, 3 >
 C__pixScale_CN< Tin, Tout, Tw, 4 >
 Cpcl::_PointXYZIA point structure representing Euclidean xyz coordinates, and the intensity value
 Cpcl::_ReferenceFrameA structure representing the Local Reference Frame of a point
 Cpcl::keypoints::agast::AbstractAgastDetectorAbstract detector class for AGAST corner point detectors
 CAbstractMetadataAbstract interface for outofcore metadata file types
 Cpcl::detail::Accumulators< PointT >
 Cpcl::detail::Accumulators< pcl::PointXYZRGB >
 Cpcl::AdaptiveRangeCoderAdaptiveRangeCoder compression class
 Cpcl::cuda::AddCovariancesAdds two matrices element-wise
 Cpcl::detail::AddPoint< PointT >
 Cpcl::cuda::AddPointsSimple kernel to add two points
 Cpcl::keypoints::internal::AgastApplyNonMaxSuppresion< Out >
 Cpcl::keypoints::internal::AgastApplyNonMaxSuppresion< pcl::PointUV >
 Cpcl::keypoints::internal::AgastDetector< Out >
 Cpcl::keypoints::internal::AgastDetector< pcl::PointUV >
 Cpcl::poisson::Allocator< T >This templated class assists in memory allocation and is well suited for instances when it is known that the sequence of memory allocations is performed in a stack-based manner, so that memory allocated last is released first
 Cpcl::poisson::Allocator< pcl::poisson::MatrixEntry< T > >
 Cpcl::poisson::Allocator< pcl::poisson::OctNode >
 Cpcl::visualization::AreaPickingEvent/brief Class representing 3D area picking events
 Cpcl::FastBilateralFilter< PointT >::Array3D
 Cpcl::traits::asEnum< T >
 Cpcl::traits::asEnum< bool >
 Cpcl::traits::asEnum< double >
 Cpcl::traits::asEnum< float >
 Cpcl::traits::asEnum< std::int16_t >
 Cpcl::traits::asEnum< std::int32_t >
 Cpcl::traits::asEnum< std::int64_t >
 Cpcl::traits::asEnum< std::int8_t >
 Cpcl::traits::asEnum< std::uint16_t >
 Cpcl::traits::asEnum< std::uint32_t >
 Cpcl::traits::asEnum< std::uint64_t >
 Cpcl::traits::asEnum< std::uint8_t >
 CNcvCTprep::assertTest< x >
 Cpcl::traits::asType< int >
 Cpcl::traits::asType< detail::PointFieldTypes::BOOL >
 Cpcl::traits::asType< detail::PointFieldTypes::FLOAT32 >
 Cpcl::traits::asType< detail::PointFieldTypes::FLOAT64 >
 Cpcl::traits::asType< detail::PointFieldTypes::INT16 >
 Cpcl::traits::asType< detail::PointFieldTypes::INT32 >
 Cpcl::traits::asType< detail::PointFieldTypes::INT64 >
 Cpcl::traits::asType< detail::PointFieldTypes::INT8 >
 Cpcl::traits::asType< detail::PointFieldTypes::UINT16 >
 Cpcl::traits::asType< detail::PointFieldTypes::UINT32 >
 Cpcl::traits::asType< detail::PointFieldTypes::UINT64 >
 Cpcl::traits::asType< detail::PointFieldTypes::UINT8 >
 Cpcl::gpu::AsyncCopy< T >
 CBFGS< FunctorType >BFGS stands for Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) method for solving unconstrained nonlinear optimization problems
 CBFGSDummyFunctor< _Scalar, NX >
 CBFGSDummyFunctor< double, 6 >
 Cpcl::poisson::BinaryNode< Real >
 Cpcl::BivariatePolynomialT< real >This represents a bivariate polynomial and provides some functionality for it
 Cpcl::gpu::people::Blob2This structure contains all parameters to describe blobs and their parent/child relations
 Cpcl::BorderDescriptionA structure to store if a point in a range image lies on a border between an obstacle and the background
 Cpcl::BoundaryA point structure representing a description of whether a point is lying on a surface boundary or not
 Cpcl::recognition::BVH< UserData >::BoundedObject
 Cpcl::segmentation::grabcut::BoykovKolmogorovBoost implementation of Boykov and Kolmogorov's maxflow algorithm doesn't support negative flows which makes it inappropriate for this context
 Cpcl::BranchEstimatorInterface for branch estimators
 Cpcl::BRISK2DEstimation< PointInT, PointOutT, KeypointT, IntensityT >Implementation of the BRISK-descriptor, based on the original code and paper reference by
 Cpcl::BRISKSignature512A point structure representing the Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints (BRISK)
 Cpcl::poisson::BSplineData< Degree, Real >::BSplineComponents
 Cpcl::poisson::BSplineData< Degree, Real >
 Cpcl::poisson::BSplineData< Degree, BSplineDataReal >
 Cpcl::poisson::BSplineElementCoefficients< Degree >
 Cpcl::io::Buffer< T >An abstract base class for fixed-size data buffers
 Cbuffer_traits< T >
 Cbuffer_traits< double >
 Cbuffer_traits< float >
 Cpcl::recognition::BVH< UserData >This class is an implementation of bounding volume hierarchies
 Cpcl::registration::by_scoreSorting of candidates based on fitness score value
 Cpcl::texture_mapping::CameraStructure to store camera pose and focal length
 Cpcl::visualization::CameraCamera class holds a set of camera parameters together with the window pos/size
 Cpcl::io::CameraParametersBasic camera parameters placeholder
 CCameraPoseProcessorInterface to extract camera pose data generated by the pcl_kinfu_app program
 Cpcl::ColorGradientDOTModality< PointInT >::Candidate
 Cpcl::ColorGradientModality< PointInT >::CandidateCandidate for a feature (used in feature extraction methods)
 Cpcl::ColorModality< PointInT >::Candidate
 Cpcl::SurfaceNormalModality< PointInT >::CandidateCandidate for a feature (used in feature extraction methods)
 Cpcl::CentroidPoint< PointT >A generic class that computes the centroid of points fed to it
 Cpcl::cuda::CheckPlanarInlierCheck if a certain tuple is a point inlier
 Cpcl::cuda::CheckPlanarInlierIndicesCheck if a certain tuple is a point inlier
 Cpcl::cuda::CheckPlanarInlierKinectIndicesCheck if a certain tuple is a point inlier
 Cpcl::cuda::CheckPlanarInlierKinectNormalIndicesCheck if a certain tuple is a point inlier
 Cpcl::cuda::CheckPlanarInlierNormalIndicesCheck if a certain tuple is a point inlier
 Cpcl::Clipper3D< PointT >Base class for 3D clipper objects
 Cpcl::internal::cloud_point_index_idxUsed internally in voxel grid classes
 Cpcl::common::CloudGenerator< PointT, GeneratorT >
 Cpcl::common::CloudGenerator< pcl::PointXY, GeneratorT >
 Cpcl::CloudIterator< PointT >Iterator class for point clouds with or without given indices
 Cpcl::segmentation::grabcut::ColorStructure to save RGB colors into floats
 Cpcl::octree::ColorCoding< PointT >ColorCoding class
 Cpcl::octree::ColorCoding< pcl::PointXYZRGB >
 Cpcl::ColorLUT< T >
 Cpcl::gpu::ColorVolumeColorVolume class
 Cpcl::gpu::kinfuLS::ColorVolumeColorVolume class
 Cpcl::Comparator< PointT >Comparator is the base class for comparators that compare two points given some function
 Cpcl::SupervoxelClustering< PointT >::SupervoxelHelper::compareLeavesComparator for LeafContainerT pointers - used for sorting set of leaves
 Cpcl::keypoints::agast::AbstractAgastDetector::CompareScoreIndexScore index comparator
 Cpcl::ComparisonBase< PointT >The (abstract) base class for the comparison object
 Cpcl::io::CompressionPointTraits< PointT >
 Cpcl::io::CompressionPointTraits< PointXYZRGB >
 Cpcl::io::CompressionPointTraits< PointXYZRGBA >
 Cpcl::cuda::ComputeCovarianceForPointKernel to compute a `‘covariance matrix’' for a single point
 Cpcl::cuda::ComputeXYZCompute the XYZ values for a point based on disparity information
 Cpcl::cuda::ComputeXYZRGBCompute the XYZ and RGB values for a point based on disparity information
 Cpcl::ConditionBase< PointT >Base condition class
 Cpcl::ConstCloudIterator< PointT >Iterator class for point clouds with or without given indices
 Cpcl::ConstCloudIterator< PointT >::ConstIteratorIdx
 Cpcl::poisson::OctNode< NodeData, Real >::ConstNeighborKey3
 Cpcl::poisson::OctNode< NodeData, Real >::ConstNeighborKey5
 Cpcl::poisson::OctNode< NodeData, Real >::ConstNeighbors3
 Cpcl::poisson::OctNode< NodeData, Real >::ConstNeighbors5
 Cboost::container_gen< eigen_listS, ValueType >
 Cboost::container_gen< eigen_vecS, ValueType >
 Cpcl::registration::ConvergenceCriteriaConvergenceCriteria represents an abstract base class for different convergence criteria used in registration loops
 Cpcl::cuda::convert_point_to_float3Simple kernel to convert a PointXYZRGB to float3
 Cpcl::filters::Convolution< PointIn, PointOut >Convolution is a mathematical operation on two functions f and g, producing a third function that is typically viewed as a modified version of one of the original functions
 Cpcl::filters::ConvolvingKernel< PointInT, PointOutT >Class ConvolvingKernel base class for all convolving kernels
 Cpcl::filters::ConvolvingKernel< PointT, pcl::Normal >
 Cpcl::filters::ConvolvingKernel< PointT, pcl::PointXY >
 Cpcl::CopyIfFieldExists< PointInT, OutT >A helper functor that can copy a specific value if the given field exists
 Cpcl::detail::CopyPointHelper< PointInT, PointOutT, Enable >
 Cpcl::detail::CopyPointHelper< PointInT, PointOutT, std::enable_if_t< boost::mpl::and_< boost::mpl::not_< std::is_same< PointInT, PointOutT > >, boost::mpl::or_< boost::mpl::and_< pcl::traits::has_field< PointInT, pcl::fields::rgb >, pcl::traits::has_field< PointOutT, pcl::fields::rgba > >, boost::mpl::and_< pcl::traits::has_field< PointInT, pcl::fields::rgba >, pcl::traits::has_field< PointOutT, pcl::fields::rgb > > > >::value > >
 Cpcl::detail::CopyPointHelper< PointInT, PointOutT, std::enable_if_t< boost::mpl::and_< boost::mpl::not_< std::is_same< PointInT, PointOutT > >, boost::mpl::or_< boost::mpl::not_< pcl::traits::has_color< PointInT > >, boost::mpl::not_< pcl::traits::has_color< PointOutT > >, boost::mpl::and_< pcl::traits::has_field< PointInT, pcl::fields::rgb >, pcl::traits::has_field< PointOutT, pcl::fields::rgb > >, boost::mpl::and_< pcl::traits::has_field< PointInT, pcl::fields::rgba >, pcl::traits::has_field< PointOutT, pcl::fields::rgba > > > >::value > >
 Cpcl::detail::CopyPointHelper< PointInT, PointOutT, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< PointInT, PointOutT >::value > >
 Cpcl::CorrespondenceCorrespondence represents a match between two entities (e.g., points, descriptors, etc)
 Cpcl::registration::CorrespondenceRejectorCorrespondenceRejector represents the base class for correspondence rejection methods
 Cpcl::cuda::CountPlanarInlierCheck if a certain tuple is a point inlier
 Cpcl::cuda::CovarianceMatrixMisnamed class holding a 3x3 matrix
 Cpcl::CPPFSignatureA point structure for storing the Point Pair Feature (CPPF) values
 Cpcl::cuda::Create1PointPlaneHypothesis< Storage >Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier
 Cpcl::cuda::Create1PointPlaneSampleHypothesis< Storage >Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier
 Cpcl::cuda::CreatePlaneHypothesis< Storage >Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier
 Cpcl::CrfNormalSegmentation< PointT >
 Cpcl::CrfSegmentation< PointT >
 Cpcl::CRHAlignment< PointT, nbins_ >CRHAlignment uses two Camera Roll Histograms (CRH) to find the roll rotation that aligns both views
 CNcvCTprep::CT_ASSERT_FAILURE< true >
 Cpcl::device::CUDATreeStruct that holds a single RDF tree in GPU
 Cpcl::gpu::kinfuLS::CyclicalBufferCyclicalBuffer implements a cyclical TSDF buffer
 Cpcl::registration::DataContainerInterfaceDataContainerInterface provides a generic interface for computing correspondence scores between correspondent points in the input and target clouds
 Cpcl::io::DeBayerVarious debayering methods
 Cpcl::cuda::DebayerBilinear< Storage >
 Cpcl::cuda::Debayering< Storage >
 Cpcl::cuda::DebayeringDownsampling< Storage >
 Cpcl::DecisionForestEvaluator< FeatureType, DataSet, LabelType, ExampleIndex, NodeType >Utility class for evaluating a decision forests
 Cpcl::DecisionForestTrainer< FeatureType, DataSet, LabelType, ExampleIndex, NodeType >Trainer for decision trees
 Cpcl::DecisionTree< NodeType >Class representing a decision tree
 Cpcl::DecisionTreeEvaluator< FeatureType, DataSet, LabelType, ExampleIndex, NodeType >Utility class for evaluating a decision tree
 Cpcl::DecisionTreeTrainer< FeatureType, DataSet, LabelType, ExampleIndex, NodeType >Trainer for decision trees
 Cpcl::DecisionTreeTrainerDataProvider< FeatureType, DataSet, LabelType, ExampleIndex, NodeType >
 Cpcl::ConstCloudIterator< PointT >::DefaultConstIterator
 Cpcl::DefaultIterator< PointT >
 Cpcl::geometry::DefaultMeshTraits< VertexDataT, HalfEdgeDataT, EdgeDataT, FaceDataT >The mesh traits are used to set up compile time settings for the mesh
 Cpcl::cuda::DeleteIndicesCheck if a certain tuple is a point inlier
 CDeprecatedTypeA dummy type to aid in template parameter deprecation
 Copenni_wrapper::DepthImageThis class provides methods to fill a depth or disparity image
 Cpcl::io::DepthImageThis class provides methods to fill a depth or disparity image
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< FeaturePointT >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< BRISKSignature512 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< ESFSignature640 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< FPFHSignature33 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< GASDSignature512 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< GASDSignature7992 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< GASDSignature984 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< GFPFHSignature16 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< GRSDSignature21 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< Histogram< N > >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< Narf36 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< PFHRGBSignature250 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< PFHSignature125 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< ShapeContext1980 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< SHOT1344 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< SHOT352 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< UniqueShapeContext1960 >
 Cpcl::detail::traits::descriptorSize< VFHSignature308 >
 Cpcl::LineRGBD< PointXYZT, PointRGBT >::DetectionA LineRGBD detection
 Cpcl::cuda::Device< T >Device helper class
 Cpcl::gpu::DeviceMemoryDeviceMemory class
 Cpcl::gpu::DeviceMemory2DDeviceMemory2D class
 Cpcl::gpu::DevPtr< T >
 Cpcl::DisparityMapConverter< PointT >Compute point cloud from the disparity map
 Cpcl::DisparityMapConverter< PointDEM >
 Cpcl::cuda::DisparityToCloudDisparity to PointCloudAOS generator
 Cpcl::DistanceMapRepresents a distance map obtained from a distance transformation
 Cpcl::DOTMODTemplate matching using the DOTMOD approach
 Cpcl::Edge< PointInT, PointOutT >
 Cpcl::Edge< ImageType, ImageType >
 Cpcl::registration::LUM< PointT >::EdgeProperties
 Cpcl::detail::EigenVector< Vector, Scalar >
 Cpcl::EnergyMapsStores a set of energy maps
 Cpcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor< PointT >::Entry
 Cpcl::SampleConsensusInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, FeatureT >::ErrorFunctor
 Cpcl::ESFSignature640A point structure representing the Ensemble of Shape Functions (ESF)
 Cpcl::gpu::EuclideanClusterExtraction< PointT >EuclideanClusterExtraction represents a segmentation class for cluster extraction in an Euclidean sense, depending on pcl::gpu::octree
 Cpcl::gpu::EuclideanLabeledClusterExtraction< PointT >EuclideanLabeledClusterExtraction represents a segmentation class for cluster extraction in an Euclidean sense, depending on pcl::gpu::octree
 CEvaluationClass for RGB-D SLAM Dataset and Benchmark
 Cpcl::EventFrequencyA helper class to measure frequency of a certain event
 Cpcl::geometry::FaceA face is a closed loop of edges
 Cpcl::cuda::FastNormalEstimationKernel< Storage >
 Cpcl::gpu::FeatureFeature represents the base feature class
 Cpcl::FeatureHandler< FeatureType, DataSet, ExampleIndex >Utility class interface which is used for creating and evaluating features
 Cpcl::FeatureHandler< FT, DataSet, ExampleIndex >
 Cpcl::FeatureHandler< pcl::MultiChannel2DComparisonFeature< pcl::PointXY32f >, pcl::MultiChannel2DDataSet< DATA_TYPE, NUM_OF_CHANNELS >, pcl::MultipleData2DExampleIndex >
 Cpcl::FeatureHandler< pcl::MultiChannel2DComparisonFeature< pcl::PointXY32i >, pcl::MultiChannel2DDataSet< DATA_TYPE, NUM_OF_CHANNELS >, pcl::MultipleData2DExampleIndex >
 Cpcl::FeatureHistogramType for histograms for computing mean and variance of some floats
 Cpcl::FeatureWithLocalReferenceFrames< PointInT, PointRFT >FeatureWithLocalReferenceFrames provides a public interface for descriptor extractor classes which need a local reference frame at each input keypoint
 Cpcl::FeatureWithLocalReferenceFrames< PointInT, pcl::ReferenceFrame >
 Cpcl::Fern< FeatureType, NodeType >Class representing a Fern
 Cpcl::FernEvaluator< FeatureType, DataSet, LabelType, ExampleIndex, NodeType >Utility class for evaluating a fern
 Cpcl::FernTrainer< FeatureType, DataSet, LabelType, ExampleIndex, NodeType >Trainer for a Fern
 Cpcl::detail::FieldAdder< PointT >
 Cpcl::detail::FieldAdderAdvanced< PointT >Used together with pcl::for_each_type, creates list of all fields, and list of size of each field
 Cpcl::detail::FieldCaster< PointT >
 Cpcl::detail::FieldCopier< PointT >Used together with pcl::for_each_type, copies all point fields from cloud_data (respecting each field offset) to msg_data (tightly packed)
 Cpcl::detail::FieldMapper< PointT >
 Cpcl::FieldMatches< PointT, Tag >
 Cpcl::visualization::Figure2DAbstract class for storing figure information
 Cpcl::FileGrabber< PointT >FileGrabber provides a container-style interface for grabbers which operate on fixed-size input
 Cpcl::FileReaderPoint Cloud Data (FILE) file format reader interface
 Cpcl::FileWriterPoint Cloud Data (FILE) file format writer
 Cpcl::search::FlannSearch< PointT, FlannDistance >::FlannIndexCreatorHelper class that creates a FLANN index from a given FLANN matrix
 Cpcl::visualization::FloatImageUtilsProvide some general functionalities regarding 2d float arrays, e.g., for visualization purposes
 Cpcl::for_each_type_impl< done >
 Cpcl::for_each_type_impl< false >
 Cpcl::FPFHSignature33A point structure representing the Fast Point Feature Histogram (FPFH)
 Cpcl::io::FrameWrapperPure abstract interface to wrap native frame data types
 Cpcl::poisson::FunctionData< Degree, Real >
 Cpcl::Functor< _Scalar, NX, NY >Base functor all the models that need non linear optimization must define their own one and implement operator() (const Eigen::VectorXd& x, Eigen::VectorXd& fvec) or operator() (const Eigen::VectorXf& x, Eigen::VectorXf& fvec) depending on the chosen _Scalar
 Cpcl::registration::TransformationEstimationLM< PointSource, PointTarget, MatScalar >::Functor< _Scalar, NX, NY >Base functor all the models that need non linear optimization must define their own one and implement operator() (const Eigen::VectorXd& x, Eigen::VectorXd& fvec) or operator() (const Eigen::VectorXf& x, Eigen::VectorXf& fvec) depending on the chosen _Scalar
 Cpcl::registration::TransformationEstimationPointToPlaneWeighted< PointSource, PointTarget, MatScalar >::Functor< _Scalar, NX, NY >Base functor all the models that need non linear optimization must define their own one and implement operator() (const Eigen::VectorXd& x, Eigen::VectorXd& fvec) or operator() (const Eigen::VectorXf& x, Eigen::VectorXf& fvec) depending on the chosen _Scalar
 Cpcl::Functor< double >
 Cpcl::Functor< float >
 Cpcl::registration::TransformationEstimationLM< PointSource, PointTarget, MatScalar >::Functor< MatScalar >
 CfunctorAddValues< T >
 CfunctorMaxValues< T >
 CfunctorMinValues< T >
 Cpcl::GASDSignature512A point structure representing the Globally Aligned Spatial Distribution (GASD) shape descriptor
 Cpcl::GASDSignature7992A point structure representing the Globally Aligned Spatial Distribution (GASD) shape and color descriptor
 Cpcl::GASDSignature984A point structure representing the Globally Aligned Spatial Distribution (GASD) shape and color descriptor
 Cpcl::segmentation::grabcut::GaussianGaussian structure
 Cpcl::segmentation::grabcut::GaussianFitterHelper class that fits a single Gaussian to color samples
 Cpcl::GaussianKernelClass GaussianKernel assembles all the method for computing, convolving, smoothing, gradients computing an image using a gaussian kernel
 Cpcl::detail::GetPoint< PointT >
 Cpcl::GFPFHSignature16A point structure representing the GFPFH descriptor with 16 bins
 Cpcl::GrabberGrabber interface for PCL 1.x device drivers
 Cpcl::GradientXYA point structure representing Euclidean xyz coordinates, and the intensity value
 Cpcl::cuda::detail::Graph< T >
 Cpcl::cuda::detail::GraphEdge< T >
 Cpcl::registration::GraphHandler< GraphT >GraphHandler class is a wrapper for a general SLAM graph The actual graph class must fulfill the following boost::graph concepts:
 Cpcl::registration::GraphOptimizer< GraphT >GraphOptimizer class; derive and specialize for each graph type
 Cpcl::GraphRegistration< GraphT >GraphRegistration class is the base class for graph-based registration methods
 Cpcl::people::GroundBasedPeopleDetectionApp< PointT >GroundBasedPeopleDetectionApp performs people detection on RGB-D data having as input the ground plane coefficients
 Cpcl::GRSDSignature21A point structure representing the Global Radius-based Surface Descriptor (GRSD)
 CHaarClassifierCascadeDescriptorClassifier cascade descriptor
 Cpcl::geometry::HalfEdgeAn edge is a connection between two vertices
 Cpcl::has_custom_allocator< T >Tests at compile time if type T has a custom allocator
 Cpcl::people::HeadBasedSubclustering< PointT >HeadBasedSubclustering represents a class for searching for people inside a HeightMap2D based on a 3D head detection algorithm
 Cpcl::gpu::kinfuLS::TsdfVolume::HeaderStructure storing voxel grid resolution, volume size (in mm) and element_size of data stored on host
 Cpcl::TSDFVolume< VoxelT, WeightT >::HeaderStructure storing voxel grid resolution, volume size (in mm) and element_size of stored data
 Cpcl::people::HeightMap2D< PointT >HeightMap2D represents a class for creating a 2D height map from a point cloud and searching for its local maxima
 Cpcl::DefaultFeatureRepresentation< PointDefault >::NdCopyPointFunctor::Helper< Key, FieldT, NrDims >
 Cpcl::DefaultFeatureRepresentation< PointDefault >::NdCopyPointFunctor::Helper< Key, FieldT[NrDims], NrDims >
 Cpcl::device::Histogram< N >
 Cpcl::Histogram< N >A point structure representing an N-D histogram
 Cpcl::people::HOGHOG represents a class for computing the HOG descriptor described in Dalal, N
 Cpcl::cuda::Host< T >Host helper class
 Cpcl::recognition::HoughSpace3DHoughSpace3D is a 3D voting space
 Cpcl::HypothesisVerification< ModelT, SceneT >Abstract class for hypotheses verification methods
 Cpcl::IFSReaderIndexed Face set (IFS) file format reader
 Cpcl::IFSWriterPoint Cloud Data (IFS) file format writer
 Copenni_wrapper::ImageImage class containing just a reference to image meta data
 Cpcl::io::ImageImage interface class providing an interface to fill a RGB or Grayscale image buffer
 Cpcl::visualization::ImageViewerImageViewer is a class for 2D image visualization
 Cpcl::ism::ImplicitShapeModelEstimation< FeatureSize, PointT, NormalT >This class implements Implicit Shape Model algorithm described in "Hough Transforms and 3D SURF for robust three dimensional classification" by Jan Knopp, Mukta Prasad, Geert Willems, Radu Timofte, and Luc Van Gool
 Cpcl::registration::IncrementalRegistration< PointT, Scalar >Incremental IterativeClosestPoint class
 CINCVMemAllocatorINCVMemAllocator (Interface)
 Cflann::Index< T >
 CLoki::Int2Type< v >
 Cpcl::detail::int_type< Bits, Signed >Int_type::type refers to an integral type that satisfies template parameters
 Cpcl::detail::int_type< 16, false >
 Cpcl::detail::int_type< 16, true >
 Cpcl::detail::int_type< 32, false >
 Cpcl::detail::int_type< 32, true >
 Cpcl::detail::int_type< 64, false >
 Cpcl::detail::int_type< 64, true >
 Cpcl::detail::int_type< 8, false >
 Cpcl::detail::int_type< 8, true >
 Cpcl::IntegralImage2D< DataType, Dimension >Determines an integral image representation for a given organized data array
 Cpcl::IntegralImage2D< DataType, 1 >Partial template specialization for integral images with just one channel
 Cpcl::IntegralImage2D< float, 1 >
 Cpcl::IntegralImage2D< float, 3 >
 Cpcl::IntegralImageTypeTraits< DataType >
 Cpcl::IntegralImageTypeTraits< char >
 Cpcl::IntegralImageTypeTraits< float >
 Cpcl::IntegralImageTypeTraits< int >
 Cpcl::IntegralImageTypeTraits< short >
 Cpcl::IntegralImageTypeTraits< unsigned char >
 Cpcl::IntegralImageTypeTraits< unsigned int >
 Cpcl::IntegralImageTypeTraits< unsigned short >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< PointT >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::InterestPoint >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::PointNormal >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::PointSurfel >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::PointWithRange >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::PointWithScale >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::PointWithViewpoint >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::PointXYZ >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::PointXYZHSV >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::PointXYZL >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::PointXYZLAB >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::PointXYZLNormal >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::PointXYZRGB >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::PointXYZRGBA >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::PointXYZRGBL >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< PointInT >
 Cpcl::common::IntensityFieldAccessor< PointOutT >
 Cpcl::IntensityGradientA point structure representing the intensity gradient of an XYZI point cloud
 Cpcl::InterestPointA point structure representing an interest point with Euclidean xyz coordinates, and an interest value
 Cpcl::intersect< Sequence1, Sequence2 >
 Cpcl::device::IntrCamera intrinsics structure
 Cpcl::device::kinfuLS::IntrCamera intrinsics structure
 Cpcl::TSDFVolume< VoxelT, WeightT >::IntrCamera intrinsics structure
 Copenni_wrapper::IRImageClass containing just a reference to IR meta data
 Cpcl::io::IRImageClass containing just a reference to IR meta data
 Cboost::detail::is_random_access< eigen_listS >
 Cboost::detail::is_random_access< eigen_vecS >
 Cpcl::detail::IsAccumulatorCompatible< Point1T, Point2T >
 Cpcl_cuda::isFiniteAOSCheck if a specific point is valid or not
 Cpcl_cuda::isFiniteSOACheck if a specific point is valid or not
 Cpcl_cuda::isFiniteZIPSOACheck if a specific point is valid or not
 Cpcl::cuda::isInlierCheck if a certain tuple is a point inlier
 Cpcl::features::ISMModelThe assignment of this structure is to store the statistical/learned weights and other information of the trained Implicit Shape Model algorithm
 Cpcl::ISMPeakThis struct is used for storing peak
 Cpcl::features::ISMVoteList< PointT >This class is used for storing, analyzing and manipulating votes obtained from ISM algorithm
 Cpcl::cuda::isNotZero< T >
 Cpcl::IteratorIdx< PointT >
 Cpcl::KdTree< PointT >KdTree represents the base spatial locator class for kd-tree implementations
 Cpcl::kernel< PointT >
 Cpcl::kernel< PointInT >
 CNCVRuntimeTemplateBool::KernelCaller< TList, NumArguments, Func >
 CNCVRuntimeTemplateBool::KernelCaller< TList, 0, Func >
 Cpcl::visualization::KeyboardEvent/brief Class representing key hit/release events
 Cpcl::gpu::kinfuLS::KinfuTrackerKinfuTracker class encapsulates implementation of Microsoft Kinect Fusion algorithm
 Cpcl::gpu::KinfuTrackerKinfuTracker class encapsulates implementation of Microsoft Kinect Fusion algorithm
 Cpcl::KmeansK-means clustering
 Cflann::L2< T >
 Cflann::L2_Simple< T >
 Cpcl::keypoints::brisk::LayerA layer in the BRISK detector pyramid
 Cpcl::LCCPSegmentation< PointT >A simple segmentation algorithm partitioning a supervoxel graph into groups of locally convex connected supervoxels separated by concave borders
 Cpcl::GridProjection< PointNT >::LeafData leaf
 Cpcl::MovingLeastSquares< PointInT, PointOutT >::MLSVoxelGrid::Leaf
 Cpcl::UniformSampling< PointT >::LeafSimple structure to hold an nD centroid and the number of points in a leaf
 Cpcl::VoxelGridCovariance< PointT >::LeafSimple structure to hold a centroid, covarince and the number of points in a leaf
 Cpcl::device::kinfuLS::LightSourceLight source collection
 Cpcl::device::LightSourceLight source collection
 Cpcl::LinearizedMapsStores a set of linearized maps
 Cpcl::LINEMODTemplate matching using the LINEMOD approach
 Cpcl::LINEMOD_OrientationMapMap that stores orientations
 Cpcl::LINEMODDetectionRepresents a detection of a template using the LINEMOD approach
 Cpcl::LineRGBD< PointXYZT, PointRGBT >High-level class for template matching using the LINEMOD approach based on RGB and Depth data
 Cpcl::io::ply::ply_parser::list_property_begin_callback_type< SizeType, ScalarType >
 Cpcl::io::ply::ply_parser::list_property_begin_callback_type< size_type, scalar_type >
 Cpcl::io::ply::ply_parser::list_property_definition_callback_type< SizeType, ScalarType >
 Cpcl::io::ply::ply_parser::list_property_definition_callback_type< size_type, scalar_type >
 Cpcl::io::ply::ply_parser::list_property_element_callback_type< SizeType, ScalarType >
 Cpcl::io::ply::ply_parser::list_property_element_callback_type< size_type, scalar_type >
 Cpcl::io::ply::ply_parser::list_property_end_callback_type< SizeType, ScalarType >
 Cpcl::io::ply::ply_parser::list_property_end_callback_type< size_type, scalar_type >
 Cpcl::RangeImageBorderExtractor::LocalSurfaceStores some information extracted from the neighborhood of a point
 Cpcl::ism::ImplicitShapeModelEstimation< FeatureSize, PointT, NormalT >::LocationInfoThis structure stores the information about the keypoint
 CLRUCache< KeyT, CacheItemT >
 CLRUCacheItem< T >
 CLRUCacheItem< vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > >
 Cpcl::registration::LUM< PointT >Globally Consistent Scan Matching based on an algorithm by Lu and Milios
 Cpcl::io::LZFImageReaderPCL-LZF image format reader
 Cpcl::io::LZFImageWriterPCL-LZF image format writer
 Cpcl::poisson::MapReduceVector< T2 >
 Cpcl::gpu::kinfuLS::MarchingCubesMarchingCubes implements MarchingCubes functionality for TSDF volume on GPU
 Cpcl::gpu::MarchingCubesMarchingCubes implements MarchingCubes functionality for TSDF volume on GPU
 Cpcl::device::kinfuLS::Mat333x3 Matrix for device code
 Cpcl::device::Mat333x3 Matrix for device code
 Cpcl::registration::MatchingCandidateContainer for matching candidate consisting of
 Cflann::Matrix< T >
 Cpcl::poisson::MatrixEntry< T >
 Cpcl::geometry::MeshBase< DerivedT, MeshTraitsT, MeshTagT >Base class for the half-edge mesh
 Cpcl::geometry::MeshBase< PolygonMesh< MeshTraitsT >, MeshTraitsT, PolygonMeshTag >
 Cpcl::geometry::MeshBase< QuadMesh< MeshTraitsT >, MeshTraitsT, QuadMeshTag >
 Cpcl::geometry::MeshBase< TriangleMesh< MeshTraitsT >, MeshTraitsT, TriangleMeshTag >
 Cpcl::geometry::MeshIO< MeshT >Read / write the half-edge mesh from / to a file
 Cpcl::MeshProcessingMeshProcessing represents the base class for mesh processing algorithms
 Cpcl::registration::MetaRegistration< PointT, Scalar >Meta Registration class
 Cpcl::poisson::MinimalAreaTriangulation< Real >
 Cpcl::device::Eigen33::MiniMat< Rows >
 Cpcl::device::kinfuLS::Eigen33::MiniMat< Rows >
 Cpcl::MLSResult::MLSProjectionResultsData structure used to store the MLS projection results
 Cpcl::MLSResultData structure used to store the results of the MLS fitting
 Cpcl::MovingLeastSquares< PointInT, PointOutT >::MLSVoxelGridA minimalistic implementation of a voxel grid, necessary for the point cloud upsampling
 Cpcl::RealSenseGrabber::ModeA descriptor for capturing mode
 Cpcl::recognition::ModelLibrary::ModelStores some information about the model
 Cpcl::MomentInvariantsA point structure representing the three moment invariants
 Cpcl::MultiChannel2DComparisonFeature< PointT >Feature for comparing two sample points in 2D multi-channel data
 Cpcl::MultiChannel2DData< DATA_TYPE, NUM_OF_CHANNELS >Holds two-dimensional multi-channel data
 Cpcl::MultiChannel2DDataSet< DATA_TYPE, NUM_OF_CHANNELS >Holds a set of two-dimensional multi-channel data
 Cpcl::MultipleData2DExampleIndexExample index for a set of 2D data blocks
 Cpcl::device::MultiTreeLiveProcProcessor using multiple trees
 Cpcl::NarfNARF (Normal Aligned Radial Features) is a point feature descriptor type for 3D data
 Cpcl::Narf36A point structure representing the Narf descriptor
 CNCVMatrix< T >NCVMatrix (2D)
 CNCVVector< T >NCVVector (1D)
 Cpcl::NdCentroidFunctor< PointT, Scalar >Helper functor structure for n-D centroid estimation
 Cpcl::NdConcatenateFunctor< PointInT, PointOutT >Helper functor structure for concatenate
 Cpcl::NdCopyEigenPointFunctor< PointOutT >Helper functor structure for copying data between an Eigen type and a PointT
 Cpcl::NdCopyPointEigenFunctor< PointInT >Helper functor structure for copying data between an Eigen type and a PointT
 Cpcl::OrganizedNeighborSearch< PointT >::nearestNeighborCandidatenearestNeighborCandidate entry for the nearest neighbor candidate queue
 Cpcl::OrganizedEdgeBase< PointT, PointLT >::Neighbor
 Cpcl::poisson::OctNode< NodeData, Real >::NeighborKey3
 Cpcl::poisson::OctNode< NodeData, Real >::NeighborKey5
 Cpcl::poisson::OctNode< NodeData, Real >::Neighbors3
 Cpcl::poisson::OctNode< NodeData, Real >::Neighbors5
 Cpcl::cuda::NewCheckPlanarInlier< Storage >Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier
 Cpcl::GrabCut< PointT >::NLinks
 Cflann::NNIndex< T >
 Cpcl::geometry::NoDataNo data is associated with the vertices / half-edges / edges / faces
 Cpcl::recognition::BVH< UserData >::Node
 Cpcl::recognition::ORRGraph< NodeData >::Node
 Cpcl::recognition::SimpleOctree< NodeData, NodeDataCreator, Scalar >::Node
 Cpcl::device::NonCachedLoad< T >
 Cpcl::common::normal_distribution< T >Normal distribution
 Cpcl::NormalBasedSignature12A point structure representing the Normal Based Signature for a feature matrix of 4-by-3
 Cpcl::cuda::NormalDeviationKernel< Storage >
 Cpcl::ndt2d::NormalDist< PointT >A normal distribution estimation class
 Cpcl::cuda::NormalEstimationKernel< Storage >
 Cpcl::common::NormalGenerator< T >NormalGenerator class generates a random number from a normal distribution specified by (mean, sigma)
 CNppStInterpolationStateFrame interpolation state
 Cpcl::registration::NullEstimateNullEstimate struct
 Cpcl::registration::NullMeasurementNullMeasurement struct
 CEigen::NumTraits< pcl::ndt2d::NormalDist< PointT > >
 Cpcl::poisson::NVector< T, Dim >
 Cpcl::recognition::ObjRecRANSACThis is a RANSAC-based 3D object recognition method
 Cpcl::poisson::OctNode< NodeData, Real >
 Cpcl::poisson::OctNode< class TreeNodeData, Real >
 Cpcl::gpu::OctreeOctree implementation on GPU
 Cpcl::poisson::Octree< Degree >
 Cpcl::octree::Octree2BufBase< LeafContainerT, BranchContainerT >Octree double buffer class
 Cpcl::octree::OctreeBase< LeafContainerT, BranchContainerT >Octree class
 Cpcl::octree::OctreeBase< OctreeContainerPointIndices, OctreeContainerEmpty >
 Cpcl::octree::OctreeContainerBaseOctree container class that can serve as a base to construct own leaf node container classes
 Cpcl::octree::OctreeIteratorBase< OctreeT >Abstract octree iterator class
 Cpcl::device::OctreeIteratorDevice< CTA_SIZE, STACK_DEPTH >
 Cpcl::octree::OctreeKeyOctree key class
 Cpcl::octree::OctreeNodeAbstract octree node class
 Cpcl::octree::OctreeNodePool< NodeT >Octree node pool
 CON_ClassArray< T >
 CON_ClassArray< ON_3dmConstructionPlane >
 CON_ClassArray< ON_3dmView >
 CON_ClassArray< ON_CurveProxyHistory >
 CON_ClassArray< ON_HatchLine >
 CON_ClassArray< ON_Localizer >
 CON_ClassArray< ON_MappingRef >
 CON_ClassArray< ON_MaterialRef >
 CON_ClassArray< ON_PlugInRef >
 CON_ClassArray< ON_TextureCoordinates >
 CON_ClassArray< ON_UserString >
 CON_ClassArray< ONX_Model_Object >
 CON_ClassArray< ONX_Model_RenderLight >
 CON_ClassArray< ONX_Model_UserData >
 CON_SimpleArray< T >
 CON_SimpleArray< bool >
 CON_SimpleArray< class ON_BumpFunction >
 CON_SimpleArray< class ON_Value * >
 CON_SimpleArray< double * >
 CON_SimpleArray< double >
 CON_SimpleArray< int >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_2dVector >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_2fPoint >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_2fVector >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_3DM_BIG_CHUNK >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_3dVector >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_3fPoint >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_3fVector >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_4dPoint >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_4fPoint >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_Bitmap * >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_BrepTrimPoint >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_ClippingPlaneInfo >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_Color >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_Curve * >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_DisplayMaterialRef >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_HatchLoop * >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_HistoryRecord * >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_Interval >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_LinetypeSegment >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_MappingChannel >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_MeshFace >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_MeshTopologyEdge >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_MeshTopologyFace >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_MeshTopologyVertex >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_ObjRef_IRefID >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_OffsetSurfaceValue >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_Surface * >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_SurfaceCurvature >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_UUID >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_UuidIndex >
 CON_SimpleArray< ON_UuidPair >
 CON_SimpleArray< struct ON_MeshPart >
 Copenni_wrapper::OpenNIDeviceClass representing an astract device for OpenNI devices: Primesense PSDK, Microsoft Kinect, Asus Xtion Pro/Live
 Copenni_wrapper::OpenNIDriverDriver class implemented as Singleton
 Cpcl::cuda::OpenNIRGBSimple structure holding RGB data
 Cpcl::io::OrganizedConversion< PointT, enableColor >
 Cpcl::io::OrganizedConversion< PointT, false >
 Cpcl::io::OrganizedConversion< PointT, true >
 Cpcl::OrganizedIndexIteratorBase class for iterators on 2-dimensional maps like images/organized clouds etc
 Cpcl::OrganizedNeighborSearch< PointT >OrganizedNeighborSearch class
 Cpcl::io::OrganizedPointCloudCompression< PointT >
 Cpcl::cuda::OrganizedRadiusSearch< CloudPtr >Kernel to compute a radius neighborhood given a organized point cloud (aka range image cloud)
 Cpcl::cuda::OrganizedRadiusSearch< CloudConstPtr >
 Cpcl::recognition::ORRGraph< NodeData >
 Cpcl::recognition::ORROctreeThat's a very specialized and simple octree class
 Cpcl::outofcore::OutofcoreAbstractNodeContainer< PointT >
 Cpcl::outofcore::OutofcoreAbstractNodeContainer< pcl::PointXYZ >
 Cpcl::outofcore::OutofcoreIteratorBase< PointT, ContainerT >Abstract octree iterator class
 Cpcl::outofcore::OutofcoreIteratorBase< pcl::PointXYZ, OutofcoreOctreeDiskContainer< pcl::PointXYZ > >
 Cpcl::outofcore::OutofcoreOctreeBase< ContainerT, PointT >This code defines the octree used for point storage at Urban Robotics
 Cpcl::outofcore::OutofcoreOctreeBase< OutofcoreOctreeDiskContainer< pcl::PointXYZ >, pcl::PointXYZRGB >
 Cpcl::outofcore::OutofcoreOctreeNodeMetadataEncapsulated class to read JSON metadata into memory, and write the JSON metadata for each node
 Cpcl::recognition::ObjRecRANSAC::OutputThis is an output item of the ObjRecRANSAC::recognize() method
 Cboost::parallel_edge_traits< eigen_listS >
 Cboost::parallel_edge_traits< eigen_vecS >
 CBFGS< FunctorType >::Parameters
 Cpcl::common::NormalGenerator< T >::Parameters
 Cpcl::common::UniformGenerator< T >::Parameters
 Cpcl::NarfKeypoint::ParametersParameters used in this class
 Cpcl::PolynomialCalculationsT< real >::ParametersParameters used in this class
 Cpcl::PosesFromMatches::ParametersParameters used in this class
 Cpcl::RangeImageBorderExtractor::ParametersParameters used in this class
 Cpcl::PCLBase< PointT >PCL base class
 Cpcl::PCLBase< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >
 Cpcl::PCLBase< PointFeature >
 Cpcl::PCLBase< PointIn >
 Cpcl::PCLBase< PointInT >
 Cpcl::PCLBase< PointModelT >
 Cpcl::PCLBase< PointSource >
 Cpcl::PCLBase< PointXYZRGB >
 Cpcl::PCLBase< PointXYZT >
 Cpcl::cuda::PCLCUDABase< CloudT >PCL base class
 Cpcl::visualization::PCLHistogramVisualizerPCL histogram visualizer main class
 Cpcl::visualization::PCLPlotterPCL Plotter main class
 Cpcl::visualization::PCLSimpleBufferVisualizerPCL simple buffer visualizer main class
 Cpcl::visualization::PCLVisualizerPCL Visualizer main class
 Cpcl::PermutohedralImplementation of a high-dimensional gaussian filtering using the permutohedral lattice
 Cpcl::people::PersonClassifier< PointT >
 Cpcl::people::PersonClassifier< pcl::RGB >
 Cpcl::people::PersonCluster< PointT >PersonCluster represents a class for representing information about a cluster containing a person
 Cpcl::PFHRGBSignature250A point structure representing the Point Feature Histogram with colors (PFHRGB)
 Cpcl::PFHSignature125A point structure representing the Point Feature Histogram (PFH)
 Cpcl::PiecewiseLinearFunctionThis provides functionalities to efficiently return values for piecewise linear function
 Cpcl::gpu::kinfuLS::PixelRGBInput/output pixel format for KinfuTracker
 Cpcl::gpu::PixelRGBInput/output pixel format for KinfuTracker
 Cpcl::PlanarPolygon< PointT >PlanarPolygon represents a planar (2D) polygon, potentially in a 3D space
 Cpcl::PlanarPolygonFusion< PointT >PlanarPolygonFusion takes a list of 2D planar polygons and attempts to reduce them to a minimum set that best represents the scene, based on various given comparators
 Cpcl::io::ply::ply_parserClass ply_parser parses a PLY file and generates appropriate atomic parsers for the body
 Cpcl::poisson::Point3D< Real >
 Cpcl::poisson::Point3D< float >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< PointT >PointCloud represents the base class in PCL for storing collections of 3D points
 Cpcl::PointCloud< EdgeData >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< FaceData >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< FeatureT >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< float >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< GlobalDescriptorT >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< HalfEdgeData >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< LocalDescriptorT >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< ModelT >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< NormalT >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::device::prob_histogram >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::GradientXY >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::IntensityGradient >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::InterestPoint >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::Normal >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointNormal >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointUV >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZI >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZINormal >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZLAB >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGBA >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGBL >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::RGB >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< pcl::VFHSignature308 >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< PointInT >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< PointNT >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< PointOutT >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< PointSource >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< PointTarget >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< PointWithRange >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< PointXYZRGBA >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< PointXYZT >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< RGB >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< SceneT >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< unsigned char >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< unsigned short >
 Cpcl::PointCloud< VertexData >
 Cpcl::cuda::PointCloudAOS< Storage >PointCloudAOS represents an AOS (Array of Structs) PointCloud implementation for CUDA processing
 Cpcl::tracking::PointCloudCoherence< PointInT >PointCloudCoherence is a base class to compute coherence between the two PointClouds
 Cpcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandler< PointT >Base Handler class for PointCloud colors
 Cpcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandler< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >Base Handler class for PointCloud colors
 Cpcl::visualization::PointCloudGeometryHandler< PointT >Base handler class for PointCloud geometry
 Cpcl::visualization::PointCloudGeometryHandler< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >Base handler class for PointCloud geometry
 Cpcl::io::PointCloudImageExtractor< PointT >Base Image Extractor class for organized point clouds
 Cpcl::cuda::PointCloudSOA< Storage >PointCloudSOA represents a SOA (Struct of Arrays) PointCloud implementation for CUDA processing
 Cpcl::octree::PointCoding< PointT >PointCoding class
 Cpcl::octree::PointCoding< pcl::PointXYZRGB >
 Cpcl::tracking::PointCoherence< PointInT >PointCoherence is a base class to compute coherence between the two points
 Cpcl::PointDataAtOffset< PointT >A datatype that enables type-correct comparisons
 Cpcl::PointDataAtOffset< pcl::PointXYZRGB >
 Cpcl::traits::detail::PointFieldTypesEnumeration for different numerical types
 Cpcl::cuda::PointIterator< Storage, T >
 Cpcl::cuda::PointIterator< Device, T >
 Cpcl::cuda::PointIterator< Host, T >
 Cpcl::visualization::PointPickingEvent/brief Class representing 3D point picking events
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< PointT >PointRepresentation provides a set of methods for converting a point structs/object into an n-dimensional vector
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< FeatureT >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< FPFHSignature33 >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< GASDSignature512 >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< GASDSignature7992 >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< GASDSignature984 >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< Narf * >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< Narf36 >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< NormalBasedSignature12 >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< PFHRGBSignature250 >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< PFHSignature125 >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< PointDefault >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< PointFeature >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< PointNormal >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< PointTarget >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< PointXYZ >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< PointXYZI >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< PointXYZLAB >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< PPFSignature >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< ShapeContext1980 >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< SHOT1344 >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< SHOT352 >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< UniqueShapeContext1960 >
 Cpcl::PointRepresentation< VFHSignature308 >
 Cpcl::PointUVA 2D point structure representing pixel image coordinates
 Cpcl::PointXYA 2D point structure representing Euclidean xy coordinates
 Cpcl::PointXY32f2D point with float x- and y-coordinates
 Cpcl::PointXY32i2D point with integer x- and y-coordinates
 Cpcl::PointXYZIEdgePoint cloud containing edge information
 Cpcl::cuda::PointXYZRGBDefault point xyz-rgb structure
 Cpcl::geometry::PolygonMeshTagTag describing the type of the mesh
 Cpcl::poisson::Polynomial< Degree >
 Cpcl::PolynomialCalculationsT< real >This provides some functionality for polynomials, like finding roots or approximating bivariate polynomials
 Cpcl::MLSResult::PolynomialPartialDerivativeData structure used to store the MLS polynomial partial derivatives
 Cpcl::PosesFromMatches::PoseEstimateA result of the pose estimation process
 Cpcl::registration::PoseEstimate< PointT >PoseEstimate struct
 Cpcl::registration::PoseMeasurement< VertexT, InformationT >PoseMeasurement struct
 Cpcl::PosesFromMatchesCalculate 3D transformation based on point correspondences
 Cpcl::PPFRegistration< PointSource, PointTarget >::PoseWithVotesStructure for storing a pose (represented as an Eigen::Affine3f) and an integer for counting votes
 Cpcl::PPFRGBSignatureA point structure for storing the Point Pair Color Feature (PPFRGB) values
 Cpcl::PPFSignatureA point structure for storing the Point Pair Feature (PPF) values
 Cpcl::poisson::PPolynomial< Degree >
 Cpcl::poisson::PPolynomial< Degree+1 >
 Cpcl::poisson::PPolynomial< Degree-1 >
 Cpcl::PrincipalCurvaturesA point structure representing the principal curvatures and their magnitudes
 Cpcl::PrincipalRadiiRSDA point structure representing the minimum and maximum surface radii (in meters) computed using RSD
 Cpcl::octree::OctreePointCloudSearch< PointT, LeafContainerT, BranchContainerT >::prioBranchQueueEntryPriority queue entry for branch nodes
 Cpcl::octree::OctreePointCloudSearch< PointT, LeafContainerT, BranchContainerT >::prioPointQueueEntryPriority queue entry for point candidates
 Cpcl::device::ProbabilityProcImplementation Class to process probability histograms on GPU
 Cpcl::filters::Pyramid< PointT >Pyramid constructs a multi-scale representation of an organised point cloud
 Cpcl::geometry::QuadMeshTagTag describing the type of the mesh
 Cpcl::QuantizableModalityInterface for a quantizable modality
 Cpcl::QuantizedMultiModFeatureFeature that defines a position and quantized value in a specific modality
 Cpcl::QuantizedNormalLookUpTableLook-up-table for fast surface normal quantization
 Cpcl::OrganizedNeighborSearch< PointT >::radiusSearchLoopkupEntryradiusSearchLoopkupEntry entry for radius search lookup vector
 Cpcl::segmentation::detail::RandomWalker< Graph, EdgeWeightMap, VertexColorMap >Multilabel graph segmentation using random walks
 Cpcl::gpu::kinfuLS::RayCasterClass that performs raycasting for TSDF volume
 Cpcl::gpu::RayCasterClass that performs raycasting for TSDF volume
 Cpcl::Region3D< PointT >Region3D represents summary statistics of a 3D collection of points
 Cpcl::RegionXYDefines a region in XY-space
 Cpcl::RegistrationVisualizer< PointSource, PointTarget, Scalar >RegistrationVisualizer represents the base class for rendering the intermediate positions occupied by the source point cloud during it's registration to the target point cloud
 Cpcl::RegressionVarianceNode< FeatureType, LabelType >Node for a regression trees which optimizes variance
 Cpcl::face_detection::RFTreeNode< FeatureType >
 Cpcl::cuda::RGBDefault RGB structure, defined as a union over 4 chars
 Cpcl::recognition::RotationSpaceThis is a class for a discrete representation of the rotation space based on the axis-angle representation
 Cpcl::cuda::SampleConsensus< Storage >
 Cpcl::SampleConsensus< T >SampleConsensus represents the base class
 Cpcl::SampleConsensus< PointT >
 Cpcl::SampleConsensus< WeightSACPointType >
 Cpcl::cuda::SampleConsensusModel< Storage >SampleConsensusModel represents the base model class
 Cpcl::SampleConsensusModel< PointT >SampleConsensusModel represents the base model class
 Cpcl::SampleConsensusModel< pcl::PointXYZRGB >
 Cpcl::SampleConsensusModel< PointXYZ >
 Cpcl::SampleConsensusModel< T >
 Cpcl::SampleConsensusModelFromNormals< PointT, PointNT >SampleConsensusModelFromNormals represents the base model class for models that require the use of surface normals for estimation
 Cpcl::SampleConsensusModelFromNormals< pcl::PointXYZRGB, PointNT >
 Cpcl::io::ply::ply_parser::scalar_property_callback_type< ScalarType >
 Cpcl::io::ply::ply_parser::scalar_property_callback_type< scalar_type >
 Cpcl::io::ply::ply_parser::scalar_property_definition_callback_type< ScalarType >
 Cpcl::io::ply::ply_parser::scalar_property_definition_callback_type< scalar_type >
 Cpcl::keypoints::brisk::ScaleSpaceBRISK Scale Space helper
 Cpcl::cuda::ScopeTimeCPUClass to measure the time spent in a scope
 Cpcl::cuda::ScopeTimeGPUClass to measure the time spent in a scope
 Cpcl::keypoints::agast::AbstractAgastDetector::ScoreIndexStructure holding an index and the associated keypoint score
 Cpcl::kinfuLS::ScreenshotManagerScreenshot Manager saves a screenshot with the corresponding camera pose from Kinfu
 Cpcl::search::Search< PointT >Generic search class
 Cpcl::search::Search< pcl::PointXYZ >
 Cpcl::search::Search< PointInT >
 Cpcl::search::Search< PointXYZRGB >
 Cpcl::SetIfFieldExists< PointOutT, InT >A helper functor that can set a specific value in a field if the field exists
 Cpcl::RangeImageBorderExtractor::ShadowBorderIndicesStores the indices of the shadow border corresponding to obstacle borders
 Cpcl::ShapeContext1980A point structure representing a Shape Context
 Copenni_wrapper::ShiftToDepthConverterThis class provides conversion of the openni 11-bit shift data to depth;
 Cpcl::SHOT1344A point structure representing the generic Signature of Histograms of OrienTations (SHOT) - shape+color
 Cpcl::SHOT352A point structure representing the generic Signature of Histograms of OrienTations (SHOT) - shape only
 Cpcl::SIFTKeypointFieldSelector< PointT >
 Cpcl::SIFTKeypointFieldSelector< PointInT >
 Cpcl::SIFTKeypointFieldSelector< PointNormal >
 Cpcl::SIFTKeypointFieldSelector< PointXYZRGB >
 Cpcl::SIFTKeypointFieldSelector< PointXYZRGBA >
 Cpcl::recognition::SimpleOctree< NodeData, NodeDataCreator, Scalar >
 Cpcl::recognition::SimpleOctree< RotationSpace, RotationSpaceCreator, float >
 Cpcl::recognition::SimpleOctree< RotationSpaceCell, RotationSpaceCellCreator, float >
 Cpcl::registration::sortCorrespondencesByDistancesortCorrespondencesByDistance : a functor for sorting correspondences by distance
 Cpcl::registration::sortCorrespondencesByMatchIndexsortCorrespondencesByMatchIndex : a functor for sorting correspondences by match index
 Cpcl::registration::sortCorrespondencesByMatchIndexAndDistancesortCorrespondencesByMatchIndexAndDistance : a functor for sorting correspondences by match index and distance
 Cpcl::registration::sortCorrespondencesByQueryIndexsortCorrespondencesByQueryIndex : a functor for sorting correspondences by query index
 Cpcl::registration::sortCorrespondencesByQueryIndexAndDistancesortCorrespondencesByQueryIndexAndDistance : a functor for sorting correspondences by query index and distance
 Cpcl::poisson::SparseMatrix< T >
 Cpcl::SparseQuantizedMultiModTemplateA multi-modality template constructed from a set of quantized multi-modality features
 Cpcl::gpu::kinfuLS::StandaloneMarchingCubes< PointT >The Standalone Marching Cubes Class provides encapsulated functionality for the Marching Cubes implementation originally by Anatoly Baksheev
 Cpcl::poisson::StartingPolynomial< Degree >
 Cpcl::StaticRangeCoderStaticRangeCoder compression class
 Cpcl::StatsEstimator< LabelDataType, NodeType, DataSet, ExampleIndex >Class interface for gathering statistics for decision tree learning
 Cpcl::StatsEstimator< LabelType, NodeType, DataSet, ExampleIndex >
 Cpcl::StereoMatchingStereo Matching abstract class
 Cpcl::StopWatchSimple stopwatch
 Cpcl::cuda::StorageAllocator< Storage, T >
 Cpcl::cuda::StorageAllocator< Device, T >
 Cpcl::cuda::StorageAllocator< Host, T >
 Cpcl::cuda::StoragePointer< Storage, T >
 Cpcl::cuda::StoragePointer< Device, T >
 Cpcl::cuda::StoragePointer< Host, T >
 Cpcl::Supervoxel< PointT >Supervoxel container class - stores a cluster extracted using supervoxel clustering
 Cpcl::SVMBase class for SVM SVM (Support Vector Machines)
 Cpcl::SVMDataThe structure stores the features and the label of a single sample which has to be used for the training or the classification of the SVM (Support Vector Machines)
 Cpcl::SVMDataPointThe structure initialize a single feature value for the classification using SVM (Support Vector Machines)
 Cpcl::SynchronizedQueue< T >
 Cpcl::SynchronizedQueue< boost::shared_array< unsigned char > >
 Cpcl::SynchronizedQueue< std::uint8_t * >
 Cpcl::Synchronizer< T1, T2 >/brief This template class synchronizes two data streams of different types
 Cpcl::Synchronizer< openni_wrapper::Image::Ptr, openni_wrapper::DepthImage::Ptr >
 Cpcl::Synchronizer< openni_wrapper::IRImage::Ptr, openni_wrapper::DepthImage::Ptr >
 CTAccPixDist< Tfrom >
 CTAccPixDist< float1 >
 CTAccPixDist< float3 >
 CTAccPixDist< float4 >
 CTAccPixDist< uchar1 >
 CTAccPixDist< uchar3 >
 CTAccPixDist< uchar4 >
 CTAccPixDist< ushort1 >
 CTAccPixDist< ushort3 >
 CTAccPixDist< ushort4 >
 CTAccPixWeighted< T >
 CTAccPixWeighted< float1 >
 CTAccPixWeighted< float3 >
 CTAccPixWeighted< float4 >
 CTAccPixWeighted< uchar1 >
 CTAccPixWeighted< uchar3 >
 CTAccPixWeighted< uchar4 >
 CTAccPixWeighted< ushort1 >
 CTAccPixWeighted< ushort3 >
 CTAccPixWeighted< ushort4 >
 Cpcl::io::TARHeaderA TAR file's header, as described on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tar_%28file_format%29
 CTConvBase2Vec< TBase, NC >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv16u, 1 >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv16u, 3 >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv16u, 4 >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv32f, 1 >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv32f, 3 >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv32f, 4 >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv32u, 1 >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv32u, 3 >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv32u, 4 >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv64f, 1 >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv64f, 3 >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv64f, 4 >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv8u, 1 >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv8u, 3 >
 CTConvBase2Vec< Ncv8u, 4 >
 CTConvVec2Base< Tvec >
 CTConvVec2Base< double1 >
 CTConvVec2Base< double3 >
 CTConvVec2Base< double4 >
 CTConvVec2Base< float1 >
 CTConvVec2Base< float3 >
 CTConvVec2Base< float4 >
 CTConvVec2Base< uchar1 >
 CTConvVec2Base< uchar3 >
 CTConvVec2Base< uchar4 >
 CTConvVec2Base< uint1 >
 CTConvVec2Base< uint3 >
 CTConvVec2Base< uint4 >
 CTConvVec2Base< ushort1 >
 CTConvVec2Base< ushort3 >
 CTConvVec2Base< ushort4 >
 Cpcl::ism::ImplicitShapeModelEstimation< FeatureSize, PointT, NormalT >::TermCriteriaThis structure is used for determining the end of the k-means clustering process
 Cpcl::TextureMapping< PointInT >The texture mapping algorithm
 Cpcl::TimeTriggerTimer class that invokes registered callback methods periodically
 Cpcl::registration::TransformationEstimation< PointSource, PointTarget, Scalar >TransformationEstimation represents the base class for methods for transformation estimation based on:
 Cpcl::registration::TransformationEstimation< PointSource, PointTarget, float >
 Cpcl::registration::TransformationEstimation< PointSource, PointTarget, MatScalar >
 Cpcl::TransformationFromCorrespondencesCalculates a transformation based on corresponding 3D points
 Cpcl::registration::TransformationValidation< PointSource, PointTarget, Scalar >TransformationValidation represents the base class for methods that validate the correctness of a transformation found through TransformationEstimation
 Cpcl::registration::TransformationValidationEuclidean< PointSource, PointTarget, Scalar >TransformationValidationEuclidean computes an L2SQR norm between a source and target dataset
 Cpcl::detail::Transformer< Scalar >A helper struct to apply an SO3 or SE3 transform to a 3D point
 Cpcl::gpu::people::Tree2This structure contains all parameters to describe the segmented tree
 Cpcl::geometry::TriangleMeshTagTag describing the type of the mesh
 Cpcl::poisson::Triangulation< Real >
 Cpcl::gpu::kinfuLS::tsdf_bufferStructure to handle buffer addresses
 Cpcl::gpu::kinfuLS::TsdfVolumeTsdfVolume class
 Cpcl::gpu::TsdfVolumeTsdfVolume class
 Cpcl::TSDFVolume< VoxelT, WeightT >
 Cpcl::io::ply::type_traits< ScalarType >
 CLoki::TL::TypeAt< TList, index >
 CLoki::TL::TypeAt< Typelist< Head, Tail >, 0 >
 CLoki::TL::TypeAt< Typelist< Head, Tail >, i >
 CLoki::Typelist< T, U >
 Cpcl::UnaryClassifier< PointT >
 Cpcl::common::uniform_distribution< T, T2 >Uniform distribution dummy struct
 Cpcl::common::uniform_distribution< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< T >::value > >Uniform distribution float specialized
 Cpcl::common::uniform_distribution< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< T >::value > >Uniform distribution int specialized
 Cpcl::common::UniformGenerator< T >UniformGenerator class generates a random number from range [min, max] at each run picked according to a uniform distribution i.e each number within [min, max] has almost the same probability of being drawn
 Cpcl::UniqueShapeContext1960A point structure representing a Unique Shape Context
 Cpcl::texture_mapping::UvIndexStructure that links a uv coordinate to its 3D point and face
 Cpcl::ndt2d::ValueAndDerivatives< N, T >Class to store vector value and first and second derivatives (grad vector and hessian matrix), so they can be returned easily from functions
 Cpcl::poisson::Vector< T >
 Cpcl::VectorAverage< real, dimension >Calculates the weighted average and the covariance matrix
 Cpcl::geometry::VertexA vertex is a node in the mesh
 Cpcl::registration::ELCH< PointT >::Vertex
 Cpcl::registration::LUM< PointT >::VertexProperties
 Cpcl::VerticesDescribes a set of vertices in a polygon mesh, by basically storing an array of indices
 Cpcl::VFHSignature308A point structure representing the Viewpoint Feature Histogram (VFH)
 Cpcl::ism::ImplicitShapeModelEstimation< FeatureSize, PointT, NormalT >::VisualWordStatStructure for storing the visual word
 Cpcl::SupervoxelClustering< PointT >::VoxelDataVoxelData is a structure used for storing data within a pcl::octree::OctreePointCloudAdjacencyContainer
 Cpcl::recognition::VoxelStructure< T, REAL >This class is a box in R3 built of voxels ordered in a regular rectangular grid
 Cpcl::recognition::VoxelStructure< HashTableCell, float >
 CvtkSmartPointer< T >
 CvtkSmartPointer< ExitCallback >
 CvtkSmartPointer< ExitMainLoopTimerCallback >
 CvtkSmartPointer< FPSCallback >
 CvtkSmartPointer< pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::ExitCallback >
 CvtkSmartPointer< pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::ExitMainLoopTimerCallback >
 CvtkSmartPointer< pcl::visualization::ImageViewerInteractorStyle >
 CvtkSmartPointer< pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizerInteractorStyle >
 CvtkSmartPointer< pcl::visualization::PointPickingCallback >
 CvtkSmartPointer< pcl::visualization::Window::ExitCallback >
 CvtkSmartPointer< pcl::visualization::Window::ExitMainLoopTimerCallback >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkActor >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkActorCollection >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkAxes >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkCallbackCommand >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkCamera >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkCameraActor >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkChartXY >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkColorSeries >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkContextActor >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkContextView >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkIdTypeArray >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkImageFlip >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkImageSlice >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkImageViewer >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkLegendScaleActor >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkLODActor >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkMatrix4x4 >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkOrientationMarkerWidget >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkPNGWriter >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkPointPicker >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkRectilinearGrid >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderer >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkRendererCollection >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindowInteractor >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkScalarBarActor >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkTextActor >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkWindowToImageFilter >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkXYPlotActor >
 CvtkXRenderWindowInteractorX event driven interface for a RenderWindow
 Cpcl::registration::WarpPointRigid< PointSourceT, PointTargetT, Scalar >Base warp point class
 Cpcl::registration::WarpPointRigid< PointSource, PointTarget, float >
 Cpcl::registration::WarpPointRigid< PointSource, PointTarget, MatScalar >
 Cpcl::registration::WarpPointRigid< PointSourceT, PointTargetT, float >
 Cpcl::kinfuLS::WorldModel< PointT >WorldModel maintains a 3D point cloud that can be queried and updated via helper functions
 Cpcl::kinfuLS::WorldModel< pcl::PointXYZI >
 Cpcl::xNdCopyEigenPointFunctor< PointT >Helper functor structure for copying data between an Eigen::VectorXf and a PointT
 Cpcl::xNdCopyPointEigenFunctor< PointT >Helper functor structure for copying data between an Eigen::VectorXf and a PointT
 Cpcl::cuda::YUV2RGB< Storage >
 Cpcl::cuda::YUV2RGBKernel< Storage >
 Cpcl::occlusion_reasoning::ZBuffering< ModelT, SceneT >Class to reason about occlusions