Point Cloud Library (PCL)
KFPCSInitialAlignment computes corresponding four point congruent sets based on keypoints as described in: "Markerless point cloud registration with keypoint-based 4-points congruent sets", Pascal Theiler, Jan Dirk Wegner, Konrad Schindler. More...
#include <pcl/registration/ia_kfpcs.h>
Public Member Functions | |
KFPCSInitialAlignment () | |
Constructor. More... | |
~KFPCSInitialAlignment () override=default | |
Destructor. More... | |
void | setUpperTranslationThreshold (float upper_trl_boundary) |
Set the upper translation threshold used for score evaluation. More... | |
float | getUpperTranslationThreshold () const |
void | setLowerTranslationThreshold (float lower_trl_boundary) |
Set the lower translation threshold used for score evaluation. More... | |
float | getLowerTranslationThreshold () const |
void | setLambda (float lambda) |
Set the weighting factor of the translation cost term. More... | |
float | getLambda () const |
void | getNBestCandidates (int n, float min_angle3d, float min_translation3d, MatchingCandidates &candidates) |
Get the N best unique candidate matches according to their fitness score. More... | |
void | getTBestCandidates (float t, float min_angle3d, float min_translation3d, MatchingCandidates &candidates) |
Get all unique candidate matches with fitness scores above a threshold t. More... | |
![]() | |
FPCSInitialAlignment () | |
Constructor. More... | |
~FPCSInitialAlignment () override=default | |
Destructor. More... | |
void | setTargetIndices (const IndicesPtr &target_indices) |
Provide a pointer to the vector of target indices. More... | |
IndicesPtr | getTargetIndices () const |
void | setSourceNormals (const NormalsConstPtr &source_normals) |
Provide a pointer to the normals of the source point cloud. More... | |
NormalsConstPtr | getSourceNormals () const |
void | setTargetNormals (const NormalsConstPtr &target_normals) |
Provide a pointer to the normals of the target point cloud. More... | |
NormalsConstPtr | getTargetNormals () const |
void | setNumberOfThreads (int nr_threads) |
Set the number of used threads if OpenMP is activated. More... | |
int | getNumberOfThreads () const |
void | setDelta (float delta, bool normalize=false) |
Set the constant factor delta which weights the internally calculated parameters. More... | |
float | getDelta () const |
void | setApproxOverlap (float approx_overlap) |
Set the approximate overlap between source and target. More... | |
float | getApproxOverlap () const |
void | setScoreThreshold (float score_threshold) |
Set the scoring threshold used for early finishing the method. More... | |
float | getScoreThreshold () const |
void | setNumberOfSamples (int nr_samples) |
Set the number of source samples to use during alignment. More... | |
int | getNumberOfSamples () const |
void | setMaxNormalDifference (float max_norm_diff) |
Set the maximum normal difference between valid point correspondences in degree. More... | |
float | getMaxNormalDifference () const |
void | setMaxComputationTime (int max_runtime) |
Set the maximum computation time in seconds. More... | |
int | getMaxComputationTime () const |
float | getFitnessScore () const |
![]() | |
Registration () | |
Empty constructor. More... | |
~Registration () override=default | |
destructor. More... | |
void | setTransformationEstimation (const TransformationEstimationPtr &te) |
Provide a pointer to the transformation estimation object. More... | |
void | setCorrespondenceEstimation (const CorrespondenceEstimationPtr &ce) |
Provide a pointer to the correspondence estimation object. More... | |
virtual void | setInputSource (const PointCloudSourceConstPtr &cloud) |
Provide a pointer to the input source (e.g., the point cloud that we want to align to the target) More... | |
PointCloudSourceConstPtr const | getInputSource () |
Get a pointer to the input point cloud dataset target. More... | |
virtual void | setInputTarget (const PointCloudTargetConstPtr &cloud) |
Provide a pointer to the input target (e.g., the point cloud that we want to align the input source to) More... | |
PointCloudTargetConstPtr const | getInputTarget () |
Get a pointer to the input point cloud dataset target. More... | |
void | setSearchMethodTarget (const KdTreePtr &tree, bool force_no_recompute=false) |
Provide a pointer to the search object used to find correspondences in the target cloud. More... | |
KdTreePtr | getSearchMethodTarget () const |
Get a pointer to the search method used to find correspondences in the target cloud. More... | |
void | setSearchMethodSource (const KdTreeReciprocalPtr &tree, bool force_no_recompute=false) |
Provide a pointer to the search object used to find correspondences in the source cloud (usually used by reciprocal correspondence finding). More... | |
KdTreeReciprocalPtr | getSearchMethodSource () const |
Get a pointer to the search method used to find correspondences in the source cloud. More... | |
Matrix4 | getFinalTransformation () |
Get the final transformation matrix estimated by the registration method. More... | |
Matrix4 | getLastIncrementalTransformation () |
Get the last incremental transformation matrix estimated by the registration method. More... | |
void | setMaximumIterations (int nr_iterations) |
Set the maximum number of iterations the internal optimization should run for. More... | |
int | getMaximumIterations () |
Get the maximum number of iterations the internal optimization should run for, as set by the user. More... | |
void | setRANSACIterations (int ransac_iterations) |
Set the number of iterations RANSAC should run for. More... | |
double | getRANSACIterations () |
Get the number of iterations RANSAC should run for, as set by the user. More... | |
void | setRANSACOutlierRejectionThreshold (double inlier_threshold) |
Set the inlier distance threshold for the internal RANSAC outlier rejection loop. More... | |
double | getRANSACOutlierRejectionThreshold () |
Get the inlier distance threshold for the internal outlier rejection loop as set by the user. More... | |
void | setMaxCorrespondenceDistance (double distance_threshold) |
Set the maximum distance threshold between two correspondent points in source <-> target. More... | |
double | getMaxCorrespondenceDistance () |
Get the maximum distance threshold between two correspondent points in source <-> target. More... | |
void | setTransformationEpsilon (double epsilon) |
Set the transformation epsilon (maximum allowable translation squared difference between two consecutive transformations) in order for an optimization to be considered as having converged to the final solution. More... | |
double | getTransformationEpsilon () |
Get the transformation epsilon (maximum allowable translation squared difference between two consecutive transformations) as set by the user. More... | |
void | setTransformationRotationEpsilon (double epsilon) |
Set the transformation rotation epsilon (maximum allowable rotation difference between two consecutive transformations) in order for an optimization to be considered as having converged to the final solution. More... | |
double | getTransformationRotationEpsilon () |
Get the transformation rotation epsilon (maximum allowable difference between two consecutive transformations) as set by the user (epsilon is the cos(angle) in a axis-angle representation). More... | |
void | setEuclideanFitnessEpsilon (double epsilon) |
Set the maximum allowed Euclidean error between two consecutive steps in the ICP loop, before the algorithm is considered to have converged. More... | |
double | getEuclideanFitnessEpsilon () |
Get the maximum allowed distance error before the algorithm will be considered to have converged, as set by the user. More... | |
void | setPointRepresentation (const PointRepresentationConstPtr &point_representation) |
Provide a boost shared pointer to the PointRepresentation to be used when comparing points. More... | |
bool | registerVisualizationCallback (std::function< UpdateVisualizerCallbackSignature > &visualizerCallback) |
Register the user callback function which will be called from registration thread in order to update point cloud obtained after each iteration. More... | |
double | getFitnessScore (double max_range=std::numeric_limits< double >::max()) |
Obtain the Euclidean fitness score (e.g., mean of squared distances from the source to the target) More... | |
double | getFitnessScore (const std::vector< float > &distances_a, const std::vector< float > &distances_b) |
Obtain the Euclidean fitness score (e.g., mean of squared distances from the source to the target) from two sets of correspondence distances (distances between source and target points) More... | |
bool | hasConverged () const |
Return the state of convergence after the last align run. More... | |
void | align (PointCloudSource &output) |
Call the registration algorithm which estimates the transformation and returns the transformed source (input) as output. More... | |
void | align (PointCloudSource &output, const Matrix4 &guess) |
Call the registration algorithm which estimates the transformation and returns the transformed source (input) as output. More... | |
const std::string & | getClassName () const |
Abstract class get name method. More... | |
bool | initCompute () |
Internal computation initialization. More... | |
bool | initComputeReciprocal () |
Internal computation when reciprocal lookup is needed. More... | |
void | addCorrespondenceRejector (const CorrespondenceRejectorPtr &rejector) |
Add a new correspondence rejector to the list. More... | |
std::vector< CorrespondenceRejectorPtr > | getCorrespondenceRejectors () |
Get the list of correspondence rejectors. More... | |
bool | removeCorrespondenceRejector (unsigned int i) |
Remove the i-th correspondence rejector in the list. More... | |
void | clearCorrespondenceRejectors () |
Clear the list of correspondence rejectors. More... | |
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PCLBase () | |
Empty constructor. More... | |
PCLBase (const PCLBase &base) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~PCLBase ()=default |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual void | setInputCloud (const PointCloudConstPtr &cloud) |
Provide a pointer to the input dataset. More... | |
PointCloudConstPtr const | getInputCloud () const |
Get a pointer to the input point cloud dataset. More... | |
virtual void | setIndices (const IndicesPtr &indices) |
Provide a pointer to the vector of indices that represents the input data. More... | |
virtual void | setIndices (const IndicesConstPtr &indices) |
Provide a pointer to the vector of indices that represents the input data. More... | |
virtual void | setIndices (const PointIndicesConstPtr &indices) |
Provide a pointer to the vector of indices that represents the input data. More... | |
virtual void | setIndices (std::size_t row_start, std::size_t col_start, std::size_t nb_rows, std::size_t nb_cols) |
Set the indices for the points laying within an interest region of the point cloud. More... | |
IndicesPtr | getIndices () |
Get a pointer to the vector of indices used. More... | |
IndicesConstPtr const | getIndices () const |
Get a pointer to the vector of indices used. More... | |
const PointSource & | operator[] (std::size_t pos) const |
Override PointCloud operator[] to shorten code. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
bool | initCompute () override |
Internal computation initialization. More... | |
void | handleMatches (const pcl::Indices &base_indices, std::vector< pcl::Indices > &matches, MatchingCandidates &candidates) override |
Method to handle current candidate matches. More... | |
int | validateTransformation (Eigen::Matrix4f &transformation, float &fitness_score) override |
Validate the transformation by calculating the score value after transforming the input source cloud. More... | |
void | finalCompute (const std::vector< MatchingCandidates > &candidates) override |
Final computation of best match out of vector of matches. More... | |
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void | computeTransformation (PointCloudSource &output, const Eigen::Matrix4f &guess) override |
Rigid transformation computation method. More... | |
int | selectBase (pcl::Indices &base_indices, float(&ratio)[2]) |
Select an approximately coplanar set of four points from the source cloud. More... | |
int | selectBaseTriangle (pcl::Indices &base_indices) |
Select randomly a triplet of points with large point-to-point distances. More... | |
void | setupBase (pcl::Indices &base_indices, float(&ratio)[2]) |
Setup the base (four coplanar points) by ordering the points and computing intersection ratios and segment to segment distances of base diagonal. More... | |
float | segmentToSegmentDist (const pcl::Indices &base_indices, float(&ratio)[2]) |
Calculate intersection ratios and segment to segment distances of base diagonals. More... | |
virtual int | bruteForceCorrespondences (int idx1, int idx2, pcl::Correspondences &pairs) |
Search for corresponding point pairs given the distance between two base points. More... | |
virtual int | determineBaseMatches (const pcl::Indices &base_indices, std::vector< pcl::Indices > &matches, const pcl::Correspondences &pairs_a, const pcl::Correspondences &pairs_b, const float(&ratio)[2]) |
Determine base matches by combining the point pair candidate and search for coinciding intersection points using the diagonal segment ratios of base B. More... | |
int | checkBaseMatch (const pcl::Indices &match_indices, const float(&ds)[4]) |
Check if outer rectangle distance of matched points fit with the base rectangle. More... | |
virtual void | linkMatchWithBase (const pcl::Indices &base_indices, pcl::Indices &match_indices, pcl::Correspondences &correspondences) |
Sets the correspondences between the base B and the match M by using the distance of each point to the centroid of the rectangle. More... | |
virtual int | validateMatch (const pcl::Indices &base_indices, const pcl::Indices &match_indices, const pcl::Correspondences &correspondences, Eigen::Matrix4f &transformation) |
Validate the matching by computing the transformation between the source and target based on the four matched points and by comparing the mean square error (MSE) to a threshold. More... | |
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bool | searchForNeighbors (const PointCloudSource &cloud, int index, pcl::Indices &indices, std::vector< float > &distances) |
Search for the closest nearest neighbor of a given point. More... | |
virtual void | computeTransformation (PointCloudSource &output, const Matrix4 &guess)=0 |
Abstract transformation computation method with initial guess. More... | |
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bool | initCompute () |
This method should get called before starting the actual computation. More... | |
bool | deinitCompute () |
This method should get called after finishing the actual computation. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
float | lower_trl_boundary_ {-1.f} |
Lower boundary for translation costs calculation. More... | |
float | upper_trl_boundary_ {-1.f} |
Upper boundary for translation costs calculation. More... | |
float | lambda_ {0.5f} |
Weighting factor for translation costs (standard = 0.5). More... | |
MatchingCandidates | candidates_ |
Container for resulting vector of registration candidates. More... | |
bool | use_trl_score_ {false} |
Flag if translation score should be used in validation (internal calculation). More... | |
pcl::IndicesPtr | indices_validation_ |
Subset of input indices on which we evaluate candidates. More... | |
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NormalsConstPtr | source_normals_ |
Normals of source point cloud. More... | |
NormalsConstPtr | target_normals_ |
Normals of target point cloud. More... | |
int | nr_threads_ |
Number of threads for parallelization (standard = 1). More... | |
float | approx_overlap_ |
Estimated overlap between source and target (standard = 0.5). More... | |
float | delta_ |
Delta value of 4pcs algorithm (standard = 1.0). More... | |
float | score_threshold_ |
Score threshold to stop calculation with success. More... | |
int | nr_samples_ |
The number of points to uniformly sample the source point cloud. More... | |
float | max_norm_diff_ |
Maximum normal difference of corresponding point pairs in degrees (standard = 90). More... | |
int | max_runtime_ |
Maximum allowed computation time in seconds (standard = 0 => ~unlimited). More... | |
float | fitness_score_ |
Resulting fitness score of the best match. More... | |
float | diameter_ |
Estimated diameter of the target point cloud. More... | |
float | max_base_diameter_sqr_ |
Estimated squared metric overlap between source and target. More... | |
bool | use_normals_ |
Use normals flag. More... | |
bool | normalize_delta_ |
Normalize delta flag. More... | |
pcl::IndicesPtr | source_indices_ |
A pointer to the vector of source point indices to use after sampling. More... | |
pcl::IndicesPtr | target_indices_ |
A pointer to the vector of target point indices to use after sampling. More... | |
float | max_pair_diff_ |
Maximal difference between corresponding point pairs in source and target. More... | |
float | max_edge_diff_ |
Maximal difference between the length of the base edges and valid match edges. More... | |
float | coincidation_limit_ |
Maximal distance between coinciding intersection points to find valid matches. More... | |
float | max_mse_ |
Maximal mean squared errors of a transformation calculated from a candidate match. More... | |
float | max_inlier_dist_sqr_ |
Maximal squared point distance between source and target points to count as inlier. More... | |
const float | small_error_ |
Definition of a small error. More... | |
![]() | |
std::string | reg_name_ |
The registration method name. More... | |
KdTreePtr | tree_ |
A pointer to the spatial search object. More... | |
KdTreeReciprocalPtr | tree_reciprocal_ |
A pointer to the spatial search object of the source. More... | |
int | nr_iterations_ |
The number of iterations the internal optimization ran for (used internally). More... | |
int | max_iterations_ |
The maximum number of iterations the internal optimization should run for. More... | |
int | ransac_iterations_ |
The number of iterations RANSAC should run for. More... | |
PointCloudTargetConstPtr | target_ |
The input point cloud dataset target. More... | |
Matrix4 | final_transformation_ |
The final transformation matrix estimated by the registration method after N iterations. More... | |
Matrix4 | transformation_ |
The transformation matrix estimated by the registration method. More... | |
Matrix4 | previous_transformation_ |
The previous transformation matrix estimated by the registration method (used internally). More... | |
double | transformation_epsilon_ |
The maximum difference between two consecutive transformations in order to consider convergence (user defined). More... | |
double | transformation_rotation_epsilon_ |
The maximum rotation difference between two consecutive transformations in order to consider convergence (user defined). More... | |
double | euclidean_fitness_epsilon_ |
The maximum allowed Euclidean error between two consecutive steps in the ICP loop, before the algorithm is considered to have converged. More... | |
double | corr_dist_threshold_ |
The maximum distance threshold between two correspondent points in source <-> target. More... | |
double | inlier_threshold_ |
The inlier distance threshold for the internal RANSAC outlier rejection loop. More... | |
bool | converged_ |
Holds internal convergence state, given user parameters. More... | |
unsigned int | min_number_correspondences_ |
The minimum number of correspondences that the algorithm needs before attempting to estimate the transformation. More... | |
CorrespondencesPtr | correspondences_ |
The set of correspondences determined at this ICP step. More... | |
TransformationEstimationPtr | transformation_estimation_ |
A TransformationEstimation object, used to calculate the 4x4 rigid transformation. More... | |
CorrespondenceEstimationPtr | correspondence_estimation_ |
A CorrespondenceEstimation object, used to estimate correspondences between the source and the target cloud. More... | |
std::vector< CorrespondenceRejectorPtr > | correspondence_rejectors_ |
The list of correspondence rejectors to use. More... | |
bool | target_cloud_updated_ |
Variable that stores whether we have a new target cloud, meaning we need to pre-process it again. More... | |
bool | source_cloud_updated_ |
Variable that stores whether we have a new source cloud, meaning we need to pre-process it again. More... | |
bool | force_no_recompute_ |
A flag which, if set, means the tree operating on the target cloud will never be recomputed. More... | |
bool | force_no_recompute_reciprocal_ |
A flag which, if set, means the tree operating on the source cloud will never be recomputed. More... | |
std::function< UpdateVisualizerCallbackSignature > | update_visualizer_ |
Callback function to update intermediate source point cloud position during it's registration to the target point cloud. More... | |
![]() | |
PointCloudConstPtr | input_ |
The input point cloud dataset. More... | |
IndicesPtr | indices_ |
A pointer to the vector of point indices to use. More... | |
bool | use_indices_ |
Set to true if point indices are used. More... | |
bool | fake_indices_ |
If no set of indices are given, we construct a set of fake indices that mimic the input PointCloud. More... | |
KFPCSInitialAlignment computes corresponding four point congruent sets based on keypoints as described in: "Markerless point cloud registration with keypoint-based 4-points congruent sets", Pascal Theiler, Jan Dirk Wegner, Konrad Schindler.
ISPRS Annals II-5/W2, 2013. Presented at ISPRS Workshop Laser Scanning, Antalya, Turkey, 2013.
The main differences to FPCSInitialAlignment are:
Definition at line 64 of file ia_kfpcs.h.
pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::KFPCSInitialAlignment |
Definition at line 47 of file ia_kfpcs.hpp.
References pcl::Registration< PointSource, PointTarget, float >::reg_name_.
overridedefault |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Final computation of best match out of vector of matches.
To avoid cross thread dependencies during parallel running, a best match for each try was calculated.
[in] | candidates | vector of candidate matches |
Reimplemented from pcl::registration::FPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, pcl::Normal, float >.
Definition at line 215 of file ia_kfpcs.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 134 of file ia_kfpcs.h.
References pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::lambda_.
inline |
Definition at line 118 of file ia_kfpcs.h.
References pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::lower_trl_boundary_.
void pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::getNBestCandidates | ( | int | n, |
float | min_angle3d, | ||
float | min_translation3d, | ||
MatchingCandidates & | candidates | ||
) |
Get the N best unique candidate matches according to their fitness score.
The method only returns unique transformations comparing the translation and the 3D rotation to already returned transformations.
[in] | n | number of best candidates to return |
[in] | min_angle3d | minimum 3D angle difference in radian |
[in] | min_translation3d | minimum 3D translation difference |
[out] | candidates | vector of unique candidates |
Definition at line 257 of file ia_kfpcs.hpp.
void pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::getTBestCandidates | ( | float | t, |
float | min_angle3d, | ||
float | min_translation3d, | ||
MatchingCandidates & | candidates | ||
) |
Get all unique candidate matches with fitness scores above a threshold t.
The method only returns unique transformations comparing the translation and the 3D rotation to already returned transformations.
[in] | t | fitness score threshold |
[in] | min_angle3d | minimum 3D angle difference in radian |
[in] | min_translation3d | minimum 3D translation difference |
[out] | candidates | vector of unique candidates |
Definition at line 294 of file ia_kfpcs.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 102 of file ia_kfpcs.h.
References pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::upper_trl_boundary_.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Method to handle current candidate matches.
Here we validate and evaluate the matches w.r.t the base and store the sorted matches (together with score values and estimated transformations).
[in] | base_indices | indices of base B |
[in,out] | matches | vector of candidate matches w.r.t the base B. The candidate matches are reordered during this step. |
[out] | candidates | vector which contains the candidates matches M |
Reimplemented from pcl::registration::FPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, pcl::Normal, float >.
Definition at line 118 of file ia_kfpcs.hpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Internal computation initialization.
Reimplemented from pcl::registration::FPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, pcl::Normal, float >.
Definition at line 56 of file ia_kfpcs.hpp.
References pcl::FilterIndices< PointT >::filter(), pcl::registration::FPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::initCompute(), pcl::PCLBase< PointT >::setIndices(), pcl::PCLBase< PointT >::setInputCloud(), and pcl::RandomSample< PointT >::setSample().
inline |
Set the weighting factor of the translation cost term.
[in] | lambda | the weighting factor of the translation cost term |
Definition at line 127 of file ia_kfpcs.h.
References pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::lambda_.
inline |
Set the lower translation threshold used for score evaluation.
[in] | lower_trl_boundary | lower translation threshold |
Definition at line 111 of file ia_kfpcs.h.
References pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::lower_trl_boundary_.
inline |
Set the upper translation threshold used for score evaluation.
[in] | upper_trl_boundary | upper translation threshold |
Definition at line 95 of file ia_kfpcs.h.
References pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::upper_trl_boundary_.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Validate the transformation by calculating the score value after transforming the input source cloud.
The resulting score is later used as the decision criteria of the best fitting match.
[out] | transformation | updated orientation matrix using all inliers |
[out] | fitness_score | current best score |
Reimplemented from pcl::registration::FPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, pcl::Normal, float >.
Definition at line 164 of file ia_kfpcs.hpp.
References M_PI, M_PI_2, pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::size(), and pcl::transformPointCloud().
protected |
Container for resulting vector of registration candidates.
Definition at line 258 of file ia_kfpcs.h.
protected |
Subset of input indices on which we evaluate candidates.
To speed up the evaluation, we only use a fix number of indices defined during initialization.
Definition at line 268 of file ia_kfpcs.h.
protected |
Weighting factor for translation costs (standard = 0.5).
Definition at line 255 of file ia_kfpcs.h.
Referenced by pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::getLambda(), and pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::setLambda().
protected |
Lower boundary for translation costs calculation.
Definition at line 246 of file ia_kfpcs.h.
Referenced by pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::getLowerTranslationThreshold(), and pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::setLowerTranslationThreshold().
protected |
Upper boundary for translation costs calculation.
Definition at line 252 of file ia_kfpcs.h.
Referenced by pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::getUpperTranslationThreshold(), and pcl::registration::KFPCSInitialAlignment< PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar >::setUpperTranslationThreshold().
protected |
Flag if translation score should be used in validation (internal calculation).
Definition at line 262 of file ia_kfpcs.h.