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ON_Viewport Class Reference

#include <pcl/surface/3rdparty/opennurbs/opennurbs_viewport.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ON_Viewport:
+ Collaboration diagram for ON_Viewport:

Public Member Functions

 ON_Viewport ()
 ~ON_Viewport ()
ON_Viewportoperator= (const ON_Viewport &)
bool IsValidCamera () const
bool IsValidFrustum () const
ON_BOOL32 IsValid (ON_TextLog *text_log=NULL) const
void Dump (ON_TextLog &) const
ON_BOOL32 Write (ON_BinaryArchive &) const
ON_BOOL32 Read (ON_BinaryArchive &)
int Dimension () const
ON_BOOL32 GetBBox (double *, double *, ON_BOOL32=false) const
ON_BOOL32 Transform (const ON_Xform &)
void Initialize ()
ON::view_projection Projection () const
bool SetProjection (ON::view_projection projection)
bool ChangeToParallelProjection (bool bSymmetricFrustum)
bool ChangeToPerspectiveProjection (double target_distance, bool bSymmetricFrustum, double lens_length)
bool ChangeToTwoPointPerspectiveProjection (double target_distance, ON_3dVector up, double lens_length)
bool IsPerspectiveProjection () const
bool IsTwoPointPerspectiveProjection () const
bool IsParallelProjection () const
bool SetCameraLocation (const ON_3dPoint &)
bool SetCameraDirection (const ON_3dVector &)
bool SetCameraUp (const ON_3dVector &)
ON_3dPoint CameraLocation () const
ON_3dVector CameraDirection () const
ON_3dVector CameraUp () const
bool CameraLocationIsLocked () const
bool CameraDirectionIsLocked () const
bool CameraUpIsLocked () const
bool FrustumIsLeftRightSymmetric () const
bool FrustumIsTopBottomSymmetric () const
void SetCameraLocationLock (bool bLockCameraLocation)
void SetCameraDirectionLock (bool bLockCameraDirection)
void SetCameraUpLock (bool bLockCameraUp)
void SetFrustumLeftRightSymmetry (bool bForceLeftRightSymmetry)
void SetFrustumTopBottomSymmetry (bool bForceTopBottomSymmetry)
void UnlockCamera ()
void UnlockFrustumSymmetry ()
bool GetCameraFrame (double *, double *, double *, double *) const
ON_3dVector CameraX () const
ON_3dVector CameraY () const
ON_3dVector CameraZ () const
bool IsCameraFrameWorldPlan (int *, int *, int *)
bool GetCameraExtents (int, int, const double *, ON_BoundingBox &cambbox, int bGrowBox=false) const
bool GetCameraExtents (const ON_BoundingBox &, ON_BoundingBox &cambbox, int bGrowBox=false) const
bool GetCameraExtents (ON_3dPoint &, double, ON_BoundingBox &cambox, int bGrowBox=false) const
bool SetFrustum (double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near_dist, double far_dist)
bool GetFrustum (double *left, double *right, double *bottom, double *top, double *near_dist=NULL, double *far_dist=NULL) const
bool SetFrustumAspect (double)
bool GetFrustumAspect (double &) const
bool GetFrustumCenter (double *) const
double FrustumLeft () const
double FrustumRight () const
double FrustumBottom () const
double FrustumTop () const
double FrustumNear () const
double FrustumFar () const
double FrustumWidth () const
double FrustumHeight () const
double FrustumMinimumDiameter () const
double FrustumMaximumDiameter () const
bool SetFrustumNearFar (const double *bboxmin, const double *bboxmax)
bool SetFrustumNearFar (const double *center, double radius)
bool SetFrustumNearFar (double near_dist, double far_dist)
bool ChangeToSymmetricFrustum (bool bLeftRightSymmetric, bool bTopBottomSymmetric, double target_distance)
bool GetPointDepth (ON_3dPoint point, double *near_dist, double *far_dist, bool bGrowNearFar=false) const
bool GetPointDepth (ON_3dPoint point, double *view_plane_depth) const
bool GetBoundingBoxDepth (ON_BoundingBox bbox, double *near_dist, double *far_dist, bool bGrowNearFar=false) const
bool GetSphereDepth (ON_Sphere sphere, double *near_dist, double *far_dist, bool bGrowNearFar=false) const
bool SetFrustumNearFar (double near_dist, double far_dist, double min_near_dist, double min_near_over_far, double target_dist)
bool SetFrustumNearFar (double near_dist, double far_dist, double min_near_dist, double min_near_over_far, double target_dist, double relative_depth_bias)
bool GetNearPlane (ON_Plane &near_plane) const
bool GetNearPlaneEquation (ON_PlaneEquation &near_plane_equation) const
bool GetFarPlane (ON_Plane &far_plane) const
bool GetFarPlaneEquation (ON_PlaneEquation &far_plane_equation) const
bool GetViewPlane (double view_plane_depth, ON_Plane &view_plane) const
bool GetViewPlaneEquation (double view_plane_depth, ON_PlaneEquation &view_plane_equation) const
bool GetFrustumLeftPlane (ON_Plane &left_plane) const
bool GetFrustumLeftPlaneEquation (ON_PlaneEquation &left_plane_equation) const
bool GetFrustumRightPlane (ON_Plane &right_plane) const
bool GetFrustumRightPlaneEquation (ON_PlaneEquation &right_plane_equation) const
bool GetFrustumBottomPlane (ON_Plane &bottom_plane) const
bool GetFrustumBottomPlaneEquation (ON_PlaneEquation &bottom_plane_equation) const
bool GetFrustumTopPlane (ON_Plane &top_plane) const
bool GetFrustumTopPlaneEquation (ON_PlaneEquation &top_plane_equation) const
bool GetNearRect (ON_3dPoint &left_bottom, ON_3dPoint &right_bottom, ON_3dPoint &left_top, ON_3dPoint &right_top) const
bool GetFarRect (ON_3dPoint &left_bottom, ON_3dPoint &right_bottom, ON_3dPoint &left_top, ON_3dPoint &right_top) const
bool GetViewPlaneRect (double view_plane_depth, ON_3dPoint &left_bottom, ON_3dPoint &right_bottom, ON_3dPoint &left_top, ON_3dPoint &right_top) const
bool SetScreenPort (int port_left, int port_right, int port_bottom, int port_top, int port_near=0, int port_far=0)
bool GetScreenPort (int *left, int *right, int *port_bottom, int *port_top, int *port_near=NULL, int *port_far=NULL) const
int ScreenPortWidth () const
int ScreenPortHeight () const
bool GetScreenPortAspect (double &) const
bool GetCameraAngle (double *half_diagonal_angle, double *half_vertical_angle, double *half_horizontal_angle) const
bool GetCameraAngle (double *half_smallest_angle) const
bool SetCameraAngle (double half_smallest_angle)
bool GetCamera35mmLensLength (double *lens_length) const
bool SetCamera35mmLensLength (double lens_length)
bool GetCamera35mmLenseLength (double *lens_length) const
bool SetCamera35mmLenseLength (double lens_length)
bool GetXform (ON::coordinate_system srcCS, ON::coordinate_system destCS, ON_Xform &matrix) const
bool GetFrustumLine (double screenx, double screeny, ON_Line &world_line) const
bool GetWorldToScreenScale (const ON_3dPoint &point_in_frustum, double *pixels_per_unit) const
bool GetCoordinateSprite (int, int, int, int[3], double[3][2]) const
bool Extents (double half_view_angle, const ON_BoundingBox &world_bbox)
bool Extents (double half_view_angle, const ON_3dPoint &center, double radius)
bool ZoomToScreenRect (int screen_x0, int screen_y0, int screen_x1, int screen_y1)
bool DollyCamera (const ON_3dVector &dolly_vector)
bool GetDollyCameraVector (int screen_x0, int screen_y0, int screen_x1, int screen_y1, double proj_plane_dist, ON_3dVector &dolly_vector) const
bool DollyFrustum (double dolly_distance)
bool SetViewScale (double x, double y)
void GetViewScale (double *x, double *y) const
ON_Xform ClipModXform () const
ON_Xform ClipModInverseXform () const
bool ClipModXformIsIdentity () const
ON_3dPoint FrustumCenterPoint (double target_distance) const
ON_3dPoint TargetPoint () const
bool SetTargetPoint (ON_3dPoint target_point)
double TargetDistance (bool bUseFrustumCenterFallback) const
double ClipCoordDepthBias (double relative_depth_bias, double clip_z, double clip_w) const
bool GetClipCoordDepthBiasXform (double relative_depth_bias, ON_Xform &clip_bias) const
void SetPerspectiveClippingPlaneConstraints (unsigned int depth_buffer_bit_depth)
void SetPerspectiveMinNearOverFar (double min_near_over_far)
double PerspectiveMinNearOverFar () const
void SetPerspectiveMinNearDist (double min_near_dist)
double PerspectiveMinNearDist () const
bool SetViewportId (const ON_UUID &viewport_id)
ON_UUID ViewportId (void) const
void ChangeViewportId (const ON_UUID &viewport_id)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Geometry
 ON_Geometry ()
 ON_Geometry (const ON_Geometry &)
ON_Geometryoperator= (const ON_Geometry &)
virtual ~ON_Geometry ()
ON_BoundingBox BoundingBox () const
ON_BOOL32 GetBoundingBox (ON_BoundingBox &bbox, int bGrowBox=false) const
ON_BOOL32 GetBoundingBox (ON_3dPoint &bbox_min, ON_3dPoint &bbox_max, int bGrowBox=false) const
ON_BOOL32 Rotate (double sin_angle, double cos_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center)
ON_BOOL32 Rotate (double rotation_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center)
ON_BOOL32 Translate (const ON_3dVector &translation_vector)
ON_BOOL32 Scale (double scale_factor)
virtual bool GetTightBoundingBox (ON_BoundingBox &tight_bbox, int bGrowBox=false, const ON_Xform *xform=0) const
virtual void ClearBoundingBox ()
virtual bool IsDeformable () const
virtual bool MakeDeformable ()
virtual ON_BOOL32 SwapCoordinates (int i, int j)
virtual ON_BOOL32 HasBrepForm () const
virtual ON_BrepBrepForm (ON_Brep *brep=NULL) const
virtual ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ComponentIndex () const
virtual bool EvaluatePoint (const class ON_ObjRef &objref, ON_3dPoint &P) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Object
bool CopyFrom (const ON_Object *src)
 ON_Object ()
 ON_Object (const ON_Object &)
ON_Objectoperator= (const ON_Object &)
virtual ~ON_Object ()
void EmergencyDestroy ()
virtual void MemoryRelocate ()
ON_BOOL32 IsKindOf (const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const
virtual unsigned int SizeOf () const
virtual ON__UINT32 DataCRC (ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const
virtual ON::object_type ObjectType () const
virtual ON_UUID ModelObjectId () const
bool SetUserString (const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value)
int SetUserStrings (int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace)
bool GetUserString (const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const
int GetUserStrings (ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const
int GetUserStringKeys (ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const
int UserStringCount () const
ON_BOOL32 AttachUserData (ON_UserData *pUserData)
ON_BOOL32 DetachUserData (ON_UserData *pUserData)
ON_UserDataGetUserData (const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const
void PurgeUserData ()
ON_UserDataFirstUserData () const
void TransformUserData (const ON_Xform &xform)
void CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object)
void MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object)
virtual void DestroyRuntimeCache (bool bDelete=true)

Static Public Member Functions

static void GetPerspectiveClippingPlaneConstraints (ON_3dPoint camera_location, unsigned int depth_buffer_bit_depth, double *min_near_dist, double *min_near_over_far)

Static Public Attributes

static const ON_3dVector Default3dCameraDirection
static const double DefaultNearDist
static const double DefaultFarDist
static const double DefaultMinNearDist
static const double DefaultMinNearOverFar

Protected Attributes

bool m_bValidCamera
bool m_bValidFrustum
bool m_bValidPort
unsigned char m_reserved1
ON::view_projection m_projection
bool m_bLockCamUp
bool m_bLockCamDir
bool m_bLockCamLoc
unsigned char m_frustum_symmetry_flags
ON_3dPoint m_CamLoc
ON_3dVector m_CamDir
ON_3dVector m_CamUp
ON_3dVector m_CamX
ON_3dVector m_CamY
ON_3dVector m_CamZ
double m_frus_left
double m_frus_right
double m_frus_bottom
double m_frus_top
double m_frus_near
double m_frus_far
int m_port_left
int m_port_right
int m_port_bottom
int m_port_top
int m_port_near
int m_port_far
ON_3dPoint m_target_point

Detailed Description

Definition at line 31 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ON_Viewport()

ON_Viewport::ON_Viewport ( )

◆ ~ON_Viewport()

ON_Viewport::~ON_Viewport ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ CameraDirection()

ON_3dVector ON_Viewport::CameraDirection ( ) const

◆ CameraDirectionIsLocked()

bool ON_Viewport::CameraDirectionIsLocked ( ) const

◆ CameraLocation()

ON_3dPoint ON_Viewport::CameraLocation ( ) const

◆ CameraLocationIsLocked()

bool ON_Viewport::CameraLocationIsLocked ( ) const

◆ CameraUp()

ON_3dVector ON_Viewport::CameraUp ( ) const

◆ CameraUpIsLocked()

bool ON_Viewport::CameraUpIsLocked ( ) const

◆ CameraX()

ON_3dVector ON_Viewport::CameraX ( ) const

◆ CameraY()

ON_3dVector ON_Viewport::CameraY ( ) const

◆ CameraZ()

ON_3dVector ON_Viewport::CameraZ ( ) const

◆ ChangeToParallelProjection()

bool ON_Viewport::ChangeToParallelProjection ( bool  bSymmetricFrustum)

◆ ChangeToPerspectiveProjection()

bool ON_Viewport::ChangeToPerspectiveProjection ( double  target_distance,
bool  bSymmetricFrustum,
double  lens_length 

◆ ChangeToSymmetricFrustum()

bool ON_Viewport::ChangeToSymmetricFrustum ( bool  bLeftRightSymmetric,
bool  bTopBottomSymmetric,
double  target_distance 

◆ ChangeToTwoPointPerspectiveProjection()

bool ON_Viewport::ChangeToTwoPointPerspectiveProjection ( double  target_distance,
ON_3dVector  up,
double  lens_length 

◆ ChangeViewportId()

void ON_Viewport::ChangeViewportId ( const ON_UUID viewport_id)

◆ ClipCoordDepthBias()

double ON_Viewport::ClipCoordDepthBias ( double  relative_depth_bias,
double  clip_z,
double  clip_w 
) const

◆ ClipModInverseXform()

ON_Xform ON_Viewport::ClipModInverseXform ( ) const

◆ ClipModXform()

ON_Xform ON_Viewport::ClipModXform ( ) const

◆ ClipModXformIsIdentity()

bool ON_Viewport::ClipModXformIsIdentity ( ) const

◆ Dimension()

int ON_Viewport::Dimension ( ) const

Implements ON_Geometry.

◆ DollyCamera()

bool ON_Viewport::DollyCamera ( const ON_3dVector dolly_vector)

◆ DollyFrustum()

bool ON_Viewport::DollyFrustum ( double  dolly_distance)

◆ Dump()

void ON_Viewport::Dump ( ON_TextLog ) const

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ Extents() [1/2]

bool ON_Viewport::Extents ( double  half_view_angle,
const ON_3dPoint center,
double  radius 

◆ Extents() [2/2]

bool ON_Viewport::Extents ( double  half_view_angle,
const ON_BoundingBox world_bbox 

◆ FrustumBottom()

double ON_Viewport::FrustumBottom ( ) const

◆ FrustumCenterPoint()

ON_3dPoint ON_Viewport::FrustumCenterPoint ( double  target_distance) const

◆ FrustumFar()

double ON_Viewport::FrustumFar ( ) const

◆ FrustumHeight()

double ON_Viewport::FrustumHeight ( ) const

◆ FrustumIsLeftRightSymmetric()

bool ON_Viewport::FrustumIsLeftRightSymmetric ( ) const

◆ FrustumIsTopBottomSymmetric()

bool ON_Viewport::FrustumIsTopBottomSymmetric ( ) const

◆ FrustumLeft()

double ON_Viewport::FrustumLeft ( ) const

◆ FrustumMaximumDiameter()

double ON_Viewport::FrustumMaximumDiameter ( ) const

◆ FrustumMinimumDiameter()

double ON_Viewport::FrustumMinimumDiameter ( ) const

◆ FrustumNear()

double ON_Viewport::FrustumNear ( ) const

◆ FrustumRight()

double ON_Viewport::FrustumRight ( ) const

◆ FrustumTop()

double ON_Viewport::FrustumTop ( ) const

◆ FrustumWidth()

double ON_Viewport::FrustumWidth ( ) const

◆ GetBBox()

ON_BOOL32 ON_Viewport::GetBBox ( double *  ,
double *  ,
ON_BOOL32  = false 
) const

Implements ON_Geometry.

◆ GetBoundingBoxDepth()

bool ON_Viewport::GetBoundingBoxDepth ( ON_BoundingBox  bbox,
double *  near_dist,
double *  far_dist,
bool  bGrowNearFar = false 
) const

◆ GetCamera35mmLenseLength()

bool ON_Viewport::GetCamera35mmLenseLength ( double *  lens_length) const

◆ GetCamera35mmLensLength()

bool ON_Viewport::GetCamera35mmLensLength ( double *  lens_length) const

◆ GetCameraAngle() [1/2]

bool ON_Viewport::GetCameraAngle ( double *  half_diagonal_angle,
double *  half_vertical_angle,
double *  half_horizontal_angle 
) const

◆ GetCameraAngle() [2/2]

bool ON_Viewport::GetCameraAngle ( double *  half_smallest_angle) const

◆ GetCameraExtents() [1/3]

bool ON_Viewport::GetCameraExtents ( const ON_BoundingBox ,
ON_BoundingBox cambbox,
int  bGrowBox = false 
) const

◆ GetCameraExtents() [2/3]

bool ON_Viewport::GetCameraExtents ( int  ,
int  ,
const double *  ,
ON_BoundingBox cambbox,
int  bGrowBox = false 
) const

◆ GetCameraExtents() [3/3]

bool ON_Viewport::GetCameraExtents ( ON_3dPoint ,
double  ,
ON_BoundingBox cambox,
int  bGrowBox = false 
) const

◆ GetCameraFrame()

bool ON_Viewport::GetCameraFrame ( double *  ,
double *  ,
double *  ,
double *   
) const

◆ GetClipCoordDepthBiasXform()

bool ON_Viewport::GetClipCoordDepthBiasXform ( double  relative_depth_bias,
ON_Xform clip_bias 
) const

◆ GetCoordinateSprite()

bool ON_Viewport::GetCoordinateSprite ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  [3],
double  [3][2] 
) const

◆ GetDollyCameraVector()

bool ON_Viewport::GetDollyCameraVector ( int  screen_x0,
int  screen_y0,
int  screen_x1,
int  screen_y1,
double  proj_plane_dist,
ON_3dVector dolly_vector 
) const

◆ GetFarPlane()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFarPlane ( ON_Plane far_plane) const

◆ GetFarPlaneEquation()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFarPlaneEquation ( ON_PlaneEquation far_plane_equation) const

◆ GetFarRect()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFarRect ( ON_3dPoint left_bottom,
ON_3dPoint right_bottom,
ON_3dPoint left_top,
ON_3dPoint right_top 
) const

◆ GetFrustum()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFrustum ( double *  left,
double *  right,
double *  bottom,
double *  top,
double *  near_dist = NULL,
double *  far_dist = NULL 
) const

◆ GetFrustumAspect()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFrustumAspect ( double &  ) const

◆ GetFrustumBottomPlane()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFrustumBottomPlane ( ON_Plane bottom_plane) const

◆ GetFrustumBottomPlaneEquation()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFrustumBottomPlaneEquation ( ON_PlaneEquation bottom_plane_equation) const

◆ GetFrustumCenter()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFrustumCenter ( double *  ) const

◆ GetFrustumLeftPlane()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFrustumLeftPlane ( ON_Plane left_plane) const

◆ GetFrustumLeftPlaneEquation()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFrustumLeftPlaneEquation ( ON_PlaneEquation left_plane_equation) const

◆ GetFrustumLine()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFrustumLine ( double  screenx,
double  screeny,
ON_Line world_line 
) const

◆ GetFrustumRightPlane()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFrustumRightPlane ( ON_Plane right_plane) const

◆ GetFrustumRightPlaneEquation()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFrustumRightPlaneEquation ( ON_PlaneEquation right_plane_equation) const

◆ GetFrustumTopPlane()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFrustumTopPlane ( ON_Plane top_plane) const

◆ GetFrustumTopPlaneEquation()

bool ON_Viewport::GetFrustumTopPlaneEquation ( ON_PlaneEquation top_plane_equation) const

◆ GetNearPlane()

bool ON_Viewport::GetNearPlane ( ON_Plane near_plane) const

◆ GetNearPlaneEquation()

bool ON_Viewport::GetNearPlaneEquation ( ON_PlaneEquation near_plane_equation) const

◆ GetNearRect()

bool ON_Viewport::GetNearRect ( ON_3dPoint left_bottom,
ON_3dPoint right_bottom,
ON_3dPoint left_top,
ON_3dPoint right_top 
) const

◆ GetPerspectiveClippingPlaneConstraints()

static void ON_Viewport::GetPerspectiveClippingPlaneConstraints ( ON_3dPoint  camera_location,
unsigned int  depth_buffer_bit_depth,
double *  min_near_dist,
double *  min_near_over_far 

◆ GetPointDepth() [1/2]

bool ON_Viewport::GetPointDepth ( ON_3dPoint  point,
double *  near_dist,
double *  far_dist,
bool  bGrowNearFar = false 
) const

◆ GetPointDepth() [2/2]

bool ON_Viewport::GetPointDepth ( ON_3dPoint  point,
double *  view_plane_depth 
) const

◆ GetScreenPort()

bool ON_Viewport::GetScreenPort ( int *  left,
int *  right,
int *  port_bottom,
int *  port_top,
int *  port_near = NULL,
int *  port_far = NULL 
) const

◆ GetScreenPortAspect()

bool ON_Viewport::GetScreenPortAspect ( double &  ) const

◆ GetSphereDepth()

bool ON_Viewport::GetSphereDepth ( ON_Sphere  sphere,
double *  near_dist,
double *  far_dist,
bool  bGrowNearFar = false 
) const

◆ GetViewPlane()

bool ON_Viewport::GetViewPlane ( double  view_plane_depth,
ON_Plane view_plane 
) const

◆ GetViewPlaneEquation()

bool ON_Viewport::GetViewPlaneEquation ( double  view_plane_depth,
ON_PlaneEquation view_plane_equation 
) const

◆ GetViewPlaneRect()

bool ON_Viewport::GetViewPlaneRect ( double  view_plane_depth,
ON_3dPoint left_bottom,
ON_3dPoint right_bottom,
ON_3dPoint left_top,
ON_3dPoint right_top 
) const

◆ GetViewScale()

void ON_Viewport::GetViewScale ( double *  x,
double *  y 
) const

◆ GetWorldToScreenScale()

bool ON_Viewport::GetWorldToScreenScale ( const ON_3dPoint point_in_frustum,
double *  pixels_per_unit 
) const

◆ GetXform()

bool ON_Viewport::GetXform ( ON::coordinate_system  srcCS,
ON::coordinate_system  destCS,
ON_Xform matrix 
) const

◆ Initialize()

void ON_Viewport::Initialize ( )

◆ IsCameraFrameWorldPlan()

bool ON_Viewport::IsCameraFrameWorldPlan ( int *  ,
int *  ,
int *   

◆ IsParallelProjection()

bool ON_Viewport::IsParallelProjection ( ) const

◆ IsPerspectiveProjection()

bool ON_Viewport::IsPerspectiveProjection ( ) const

◆ IsTwoPointPerspectiveProjection()

bool ON_Viewport::IsTwoPointPerspectiveProjection ( ) const

◆ IsValid()

ON_BOOL32 ON_Viewport::IsValid ( ON_TextLog text_log = NULL) const

Implements ON_Object.

◆ IsValidCamera()

bool ON_Viewport::IsValidCamera ( ) const

◆ IsValidFrustum()

bool ON_Viewport::IsValidFrustum ( ) const

◆ operator=()

ON_Viewport& ON_Viewport::operator= ( const ON_Viewport )

◆ PerspectiveMinNearDist()

double ON_Viewport::PerspectiveMinNearDist ( ) const

◆ PerspectiveMinNearOverFar()

double ON_Viewport::PerspectiveMinNearOverFar ( ) const

◆ Projection()

ON::view_projection ON_Viewport::Projection ( ) const

◆ Read()

ON_BOOL32 ON_Viewport::Read ( ON_BinaryArchive )

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ ScreenPortHeight()

int ON_Viewport::ScreenPortHeight ( ) const

◆ ScreenPortWidth()

int ON_Viewport::ScreenPortWidth ( ) const

◆ SetCamera35mmLenseLength()

bool ON_Viewport::SetCamera35mmLenseLength ( double  lens_length)

◆ SetCamera35mmLensLength()

bool ON_Viewport::SetCamera35mmLensLength ( double  lens_length)

◆ SetCameraAngle()

bool ON_Viewport::SetCameraAngle ( double  half_smallest_angle)

◆ SetCameraDirection()

bool ON_Viewport::SetCameraDirection ( const ON_3dVector )

◆ SetCameraDirectionLock()

void ON_Viewport::SetCameraDirectionLock ( bool  bLockCameraDirection)

◆ SetCameraLocation()

bool ON_Viewport::SetCameraLocation ( const ON_3dPoint )

◆ SetCameraLocationLock()

void ON_Viewport::SetCameraLocationLock ( bool  bLockCameraLocation)

◆ SetCameraUp()

bool ON_Viewport::SetCameraUp ( const ON_3dVector )

◆ SetCameraUpLock()

void ON_Viewport::SetCameraUpLock ( bool  bLockCameraUp)

◆ SetFrustum()

bool ON_Viewport::SetFrustum ( double  left,
double  right,
double  bottom,
double  top,
double  near_dist,
double  far_dist 

◆ SetFrustumAspect()

bool ON_Viewport::SetFrustumAspect ( double  )

◆ SetFrustumLeftRightSymmetry()

void ON_Viewport::SetFrustumLeftRightSymmetry ( bool  bForceLeftRightSymmetry)

◆ SetFrustumNearFar() [1/5]

bool ON_Viewport::SetFrustumNearFar ( const double *  bboxmin,
const double *  bboxmax 

◆ SetFrustumNearFar() [2/5]

bool ON_Viewport::SetFrustumNearFar ( const double *  center,
double  radius 

◆ SetFrustumNearFar() [3/5]

bool ON_Viewport::SetFrustumNearFar ( double  near_dist,
double  far_dist 

◆ SetFrustumNearFar() [4/5]

bool ON_Viewport::SetFrustumNearFar ( double  near_dist,
double  far_dist,
double  min_near_dist,
double  min_near_over_far,
double  target_dist 

◆ SetFrustumNearFar() [5/5]

bool ON_Viewport::SetFrustumNearFar ( double  near_dist,
double  far_dist,
double  min_near_dist,
double  min_near_over_far,
double  target_dist,
double  relative_depth_bias 

◆ SetFrustumTopBottomSymmetry()

void ON_Viewport::SetFrustumTopBottomSymmetry ( bool  bForceTopBottomSymmetry)

◆ SetPerspectiveClippingPlaneConstraints()

void ON_Viewport::SetPerspectiveClippingPlaneConstraints ( unsigned int  depth_buffer_bit_depth)

◆ SetPerspectiveMinNearDist()

void ON_Viewport::SetPerspectiveMinNearDist ( double  min_near_dist)

◆ SetPerspectiveMinNearOverFar()

void ON_Viewport::SetPerspectiveMinNearOverFar ( double  min_near_over_far)

◆ SetProjection()

bool ON_Viewport::SetProjection ( ON::view_projection  projection)

◆ SetScreenPort()

bool ON_Viewport::SetScreenPort ( int  port_left,
int  port_right,
int  port_bottom,
int  port_top,
int  port_near = 0,
int  port_far = 0 

◆ SetTargetPoint()

bool ON_Viewport::SetTargetPoint ( ON_3dPoint  target_point)

◆ SetViewportId()

bool ON_Viewport::SetViewportId ( const ON_UUID viewport_id)

◆ SetViewScale()

bool ON_Viewport::SetViewScale ( double  x,
double  y 

◆ TargetDistance()

double ON_Viewport::TargetDistance ( bool  bUseFrustumCenterFallback) const

◆ TargetPoint()

ON_3dPoint ON_Viewport::TargetPoint ( ) const

◆ Transform()

ON_BOOL32 ON_Viewport::Transform ( const ON_Xform )

Reimplemented from ON_Geometry.

◆ UnlockCamera()

void ON_Viewport::UnlockCamera ( )

◆ UnlockFrustumSymmetry()

void ON_Viewport::UnlockFrustumSymmetry ( )

◆ ViewportId()

ON_UUID ON_Viewport::ViewportId ( void  ) const

◆ Write()

ON_BOOL32 ON_Viewport::Write ( ON_BinaryArchive ) const

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ ZoomToScreenRect()

bool ON_Viewport::ZoomToScreenRect ( int  screen_x0,
int  screen_y0,
int  screen_x1,
int  screen_y1 

Member Data Documentation

◆ Default3dCameraDirection

const ON_3dVector ON_Viewport::Default3dCameraDirection

Definition at line 37 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ DefaultFarDist

const double ON_Viewport::DefaultFarDist

Definition at line 1458 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ DefaultMinNearDist

const double ON_Viewport::DefaultMinNearDist

Definition at line 1459 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ DefaultMinNearOverFar

const double ON_Viewport::DefaultMinNearOverFar

Definition at line 1460 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ DefaultNearDist

const double ON_Viewport::DefaultNearDist

Definition at line 1457 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_bLockCamDir

bool ON_Viewport::m_bLockCamDir

Definition at line 1379 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_bLockCamLoc

bool ON_Viewport::m_bLockCamLoc

Definition at line 1380 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_bLockCamUp

bool ON_Viewport::m_bLockCamUp

Definition at line 1378 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_bValidCamera

bool ON_Viewport::m_bValidCamera

Definition at line 1356 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_bValidFrustum

bool ON_Viewport::m_bValidFrustum

Definition at line 1357 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_bValidPort

bool ON_Viewport::m_bValidPort

Definition at line 1358 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_CamDir

ON_3dVector ON_Viewport::m_CamDir

Definition at line 1384 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_CamLoc

ON_3dPoint ON_Viewport::m_CamLoc

Definition at line 1383 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_CamUp

ON_3dVector ON_Viewport::m_CamUp

Definition at line 1385 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_CamX

ON_3dVector ON_Viewport::m_CamX

Definition at line 1388 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_CamY

ON_3dVector ON_Viewport::m_CamY

Definition at line 1389 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_CamZ

ON_3dVector ON_Viewport::m_CamZ

Definition at line 1390 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_frus_bottom

double ON_Viewport::m_frus_bottom

Definition at line 1398 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_frus_far

double ON_Viewport::m_frus_far

Definition at line 1399 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_frus_left

double ON_Viewport::m_frus_left

Definition at line 1397 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_frus_near

double ON_Viewport::m_frus_near

Definition at line 1399 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_frus_right

double ON_Viewport::m_frus_right

Definition at line 1397 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_frus_top

double ON_Viewport::m_frus_top

Definition at line 1398 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_frustum_symmetry_flags

unsigned char ON_Viewport::m_frustum_symmetry_flags

Definition at line 1381 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_port_bottom

int ON_Viewport::m_port_bottom

Definition at line 1409 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_port_far

int ON_Viewport::m_port_far

Definition at line 1415 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_port_left

int ON_Viewport::m_port_left

Definition at line 1408 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_port_near

int ON_Viewport::m_port_near

Definition at line 1415 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_port_right

int ON_Viewport::m_port_right

Definition at line 1408 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_port_top

int ON_Viewport::m_port_top

Definition at line 1409 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_projection

ON::view_projection ON_Viewport::m_projection

Definition at line 1364 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_reserved1

unsigned char ON_Viewport::m_reserved1

Definition at line 1359 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

◆ m_target_point

ON_3dPoint ON_Viewport::m_target_point

Definition at line 1425 of file opennurbs_viewport.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: