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ON_BinaryFile Class Reference

#include <pcl/surface/3rdparty/opennurbs/opennurbs_archive.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ON_BinaryFile:
+ Collaboration diagram for ON_BinaryFile:

Public Member Functions

 ON_BinaryFile (ON::archive_mode)
 ON_BinaryFile (ON::archive_mode, FILE *fp)
virtual ~ON_BinaryFile ()
std::size_t CurrentPosition () const
bool SeekFromCurrentPosition (int)
bool SeekFromStart (std::size_t)
bool AtEnd () const
bool SeekFromEnd (int)
void EnableMemoryBuffer (int=16384)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_BinaryArchive
 ON_BinaryArchive (ON::archive_mode)
virtual ~ON_BinaryArchive ()
bool BigSeekFromStart (ON__UINT64 offset)
bool BigSeekForward (ON__UINT64 offset)
bool BigSeekBackward (ON__UINT64 offset)
bool BigSeekFromCurrentPosition (ON__INT64 offset)
bool ReadMode () const
bool WriteMode () const
ON::endian Endian () const
int BadCRCCount () const
bool ReadByte (std::size_t, void *)
bool WriteByte (std::size_t, const void *)
ON__UINT64 ReadBuffer (ON__UINT64 sizeof_buffer, void *buffer)
bool EnableCRCCalculation (bool bEnable)
bool ReadCompressedBufferSize (std::size_t *sizeof__outbuffer)
bool ReadCompressedBuffer (std::size_t sizeof__outbuffer, void *outbuffer, int *bFailedCRC)
bool WriteCompressedBuffer (std::size_t sizeof__inbuffer, const void *inbuffer)
bool ReadBool (bool *)
bool ReadChar (std::size_t, char *)
bool ReadChar (std::size_t, unsigned char *)
bool ReadChar (char *)
bool ReadChar (unsigned char *)
bool ReadShort (std::size_t, short *)
bool ReadShort (std::size_t, unsigned short *)
bool ReadShort (short *)
bool ReadShort (unsigned short *)
bool ReadInt (std::size_t, int *)
bool ReadInt (std::size_t, unsigned int *)
bool ReadInt (int *)
bool ReadInt (unsigned int *)
bool ReadBigInt (std::size_t, ON__INT64 *)
bool ReadBigInt (std::size_t, ON__UINT64 *)
bool ReadBigInt (ON__INT64 *)
bool ReadBigInt (ON__UINT64 *)
bool ReadLong (std::size_t, long *)
bool ReadLong (std::size_t, unsigned long *)
bool ReadLong (long *)
bool ReadLong (unsigned long *)
bool ReadSize (std::size_t *)
bool ReadBigSize (std::size_t *)
bool ReadBigTime (time_t *)
bool ReadFloat (std::size_t, float *)
bool ReadFloat (float *)
bool ReadDouble (std::size_t, double *)
bool ReadDouble (double *)
bool ReadColor (ON_Color &)
bool ReadPoint (ON_2dPoint &)
bool ReadPoint (ON_3dPoint &)
bool ReadPoint (ON_4dPoint &)
bool ReadVector (ON_2dVector &)
bool ReadVector (ON_3dVector &)
bool ReadBoundingBox (ON_BoundingBox &)
bool ReadXform (ON_Xform &)
bool ReadPlaneEquation (ON_PlaneEquation &)
bool ReadPlane (ON_Plane &)
bool ReadLine (ON_Line &)
bool ReadArc (ON_Arc &)
bool ReadCircle (ON_Circle &)
bool ReadInterval (ON_Interval &)
bool ReadUuid (ON_UUID &)
bool ReadDisplayMaterialRef (ON_DisplayMaterialRef &)
bool ReadLinetypeSegment (ON_LinetypeSegment &)
bool ReadTime (struct tm &)
ON_DEPRECATED bool ReadStringSize (std::size_t *str_array_count)
bool ReadStringUTF8ElementCount (std::size_t *string_utf8_element_count)
bool ReadStringUTF16ElementCount (std::size_t *string_utf16_element_count)
bool ReadString (std::size_t str_array_count, char *str_array)
bool ReadString (std::size_t str_array_count, unsigned char *str_array)
bool ReadString (std::size_t str_array_count, unsigned short *str_array)
bool ReadString (ON_String &sUTF8)
bool ReadString (ON_wString &s)
bool ReadComponentIndex (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< bool > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< char > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< short > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< int > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< float > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< double > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_Color > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_4dPoint > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dVector > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dVector > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_Xform > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_2fPoint > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_3fPoint > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_4fPoint > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_2fVector > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_3fVector > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_UUID > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_UuidIndex > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_SurfaceCurvature > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_ClassArray< ON_String > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_DisplayMaterialRef > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_LinetypeSegment > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< ON_MappingChannel > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_ClassArray< ON_MaterialRef > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_ClassArray< ON_MappingRef > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_ClassArray< class ON_ObjRef > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< class ON_ObjRef_IRefID > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< class ON_ClippingPlaneInfo > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_ObjectArray< class ON_Layer > &)
bool ReadArray (ON_SimpleArray< class ON_Layer * > &)
bool WriteBool (bool)
bool WriteChar (std::size_t, const char *)
bool WriteChar (std::size_t, const unsigned char *)
bool WriteChar (char)
bool WriteChar (unsigned char)
bool WriteShort (std::size_t, const short *)
bool WriteShort (std::size_t, const unsigned short *)
bool WriteShort (short)
bool WriteShort (unsigned short)
bool WriteInt (std::size_t, const int *)
bool WriteInt (std::size_t, const unsigned int *)
bool WriteInt (int)
bool WriteInt (unsigned int)
bool WriteBigInt (std::size_t, const ON__INT64 *)
bool WriteBigInt (std::size_t, const ON__UINT64 *)
bool WriteBigInt (ON__INT64)
bool WriteBigInt (ON__UINT64)
bool WriteLong (std::size_t, const long *)
bool WriteLong (std::size_t, const unsigned long *)
bool WriteLong (long)
bool WriteLong (unsigned long)
bool WriteSize (std::size_t)
bool WriteBigSize (std::size_t)
bool WriteBigTime (time_t)
bool WriteFloat (std::size_t, const float *)
bool WriteFloat (float)
bool WriteDouble (std::size_t, const double *)
bool WriteDouble (double)
bool WriteColor (const ON_Color &)
bool WritePoint (const ON_2dPoint &)
bool WritePoint (const ON_3dPoint &)
bool WritePoint (const ON_4dPoint &)
bool WriteVector (const ON_2dVector &)
bool WriteVector (const ON_3dVector &)
bool WriteBoundingBox (const ON_BoundingBox &)
bool WriteXform (const ON_Xform &)
bool WritePlaneEquation (const ON_PlaneEquation &)
bool WritePlane (const ON_Plane &)
bool WriteLine (const ON_Line &)
bool WriteArc (const ON_Arc &)
bool WriteCircle (const ON_Circle &)
bool WriteInterval (const ON_Interval &)
bool WriteUuid (const ON_UUID &)
bool WriteDisplayMaterialRef (const ON_DisplayMaterialRef &)
bool WriteLinetypeSegment (const ON_LinetypeSegment &)
bool WriteTime (const struct tm &)
bool WriteString (const char *sUTF8)
bool WriteString (const unsigned char *sUTF8)
bool WriteString (const unsigned short *sUTF16)
bool WriteString (const ON_String &sUTF8)
bool WriteString (const ON_wString &s)
bool WriteComponentIndex (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< bool > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< char > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< short > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< int > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< float > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< double > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_Color > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_4dPoint > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dVector > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dVector > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2fPoint > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3fPoint > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_4fPoint > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2fVector > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3fVector > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_Xform > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_UUID > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_UuidIndex > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SurfaceCurvature > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_ClassArray< ON_String > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_DisplayMaterialRef > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_LinetypeSegment > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_MappingChannel > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_ClassArray< ON_MaterialRef > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_ClassArray< ON_MappingRef > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_ClassArray< class ON_ObjRef > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< class ON_ObjRef_IRefID > &)
bool WriteArray (const ON_SimpleArray< class ON_ClippingPlaneInfo > &)
bool WriteArray (int count, const class ON_Layer *)
bool WriteArray (int count, const class ON_Layer *const *)
int ReadObject (ON_Object **ppObject)
int ReadObject (ON_Object &object)
bool WriteObject (const ON_Object *)
bool WriteObject (const ON_Object &)
bool EnableSave3dmRenderMeshes (ON_BOOL32=true)
bool Save3dmRenderMeshes () const
bool EnableSave3dmAnalysisMeshes (ON_BOOL32=true)
bool Save3dmAnalysisMeshes () const
bool EnableSaveUserData (ON_BOOL32=true)
bool SaveUserData () const
bool Write3dmStartSection (int version, const char *sStartSectionComment)
bool Read3dmStartSection (int *version, ON_String &sStartSectionComment)
bool Write3dmProperties (const ON_3dmProperties &)
bool Read3dmProperties (ON_3dmProperties &)
bool Write3dmSettings (const ON_3dmSettings &)
bool Read3dmSettings (ON_3dmSettings &)
bool BeginWrite3dmBitmapTable ()
bool Write3dmBitmap (const ON_Bitmap &)
bool EndWrite3dmBitmapTable ()
bool BeginRead3dmBitmapTable ()
int Read3dmBitmap (ON_Bitmap **)
bool EndRead3dmBitmapTable ()
bool BeginWrite3dmTextureMappingTable ()
bool Write3dmTextureMapping (const ON_TextureMapping &)
bool EndWrite3dmTextureMappingTable ()
bool BeginRead3dmTextureMappingTable ()
int Read3dmTextureMapping (ON_TextureMapping **)
bool EndRead3dmTextureMappingTable ()
bool BeginWrite3dmMaterialTable ()
bool Write3dmMaterial (const ON_Material &)
bool EndWrite3dmMaterialTable ()
bool BeginRead3dmMaterialTable ()
int Read3dmMaterial (ON_Material **)
bool EndRead3dmMaterialTable ()
bool BeginWrite3dmLinetypeTable ()
bool Write3dmLinetype (const ON_Linetype &)
bool EndWrite3dmLinetypeTable ()
bool BeginRead3dmLinetypeTable ()
int Read3dmLinetype (ON_Linetype **)
bool EndRead3dmLinetypeTable ()
bool BeginWrite3dmLayerTable ()
bool Write3dmLayer (const ON_Layer &)
bool EndWrite3dmLayerTable ()
bool BeginRead3dmLayerTable ()
int Read3dmLayer (ON_Layer **)
bool EndRead3dmLayerTable ()
bool BeginWrite3dmGroupTable ()
bool Write3dmGroup (const ON_Group &)
bool EndWrite3dmGroupTable ()
bool BeginRead3dmGroupTable ()
int Read3dmGroup (ON_Group **)
bool EndRead3dmGroupTable ()
bool BeginWrite3dmFontTable ()
bool Write3dmFont (const ON_Font &)
bool EndWrite3dmFontTable ()
bool BeginRead3dmFontTable ()
int Read3dmFont (ON_Font **)
bool EndRead3dmFontTable ()
bool BeginWrite3dmDimStyleTable ()
bool Write3dmDimStyle (const ON_DimStyle &)
bool EndWrite3dmDimStyleTable ()
bool BeginRead3dmDimStyleTable ()
int Read3dmDimStyle (ON_DimStyle **)
bool EndRead3dmDimStyleTable ()
bool BeginWrite3dmLightTable ()
bool Write3dmLight (const ON_Light &, const ON_3dmObjectAttributes *)
bool EndWrite3dmLightTable ()
bool BeginRead3dmLightTable ()
int Read3dmLight (ON_Light **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *)
bool EndRead3dmLightTable ()
bool BeginWrite3dmHatchPatternTable ()
bool Write3dmHatchPattern (const ON_HatchPattern &)
bool EndWrite3dmHatchPatternTable ()
bool BeginRead3dmHatchPatternTable ()
int Read3dmHatchPattern (ON_HatchPattern **)
bool EndRead3dmHatchPatternTable ()
bool BeginWrite3dmInstanceDefinitionTable ()
bool Write3dmInstanceDefinition (const ON_InstanceDefinition &)
bool EndWrite3dmInstanceDefinitionTable ()
bool BeginRead3dmInstanceDefinitionTable ()
int Read3dmInstanceDefinition (ON_InstanceDefinition **)
bool EndRead3dmInstanceDefinitionTable ()
bool BeginWrite3dmObjectTable ()
bool Write3dmObject (const ON_Object &, const ON_3dmObjectAttributes *)
bool EndWrite3dmObjectTable ()
bool BeginRead3dmObjectTable ()
int Read3dmObject (ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *, unsigned int=0)
bool EndRead3dmObjectTable ()
bool BeginWrite3dmHistoryRecordTable ()
bool Write3dmHistoryRecord (const class ON_HistoryRecord &)
bool EndWrite3dmHistoryRecordTable ()
bool BeginRead3dmHistoryRecordTable ()
int Read3dmHistoryRecord (class ON_HistoryRecord *&)
bool EndRead3dmHistoryRecordTable ()
bool BeginWrite3dmUserTable (const ON_UUID &plugin_id, bool bSavingGoo, int goo_3dm_version, int goo_opennurbs_version)
bool EndWrite3dmUserTable ()
bool Write3dmAnonymousUserTableRecord (const ON_UUID &plugin_id, int goo_3dm_version, int goo_opennurbs_version, const ON_3dmGoo &goo)
ON_DEPRECATED bool BeginWrite3dmUserTable (const ON_UUID &)
ON_DEPRECATED bool Write3dmAnonymousUserTable (const ON_3dmGoo &)
bool BeginRead3dmUserTable (ON_UUID &plugin_id, bool *bLastSavedAsGoo, int *archive_3dm_version, int *archive_opennurbs_version)
bool Read3dmAnonymousUserTable (int archive_3dm_version, int archive_opennurbs_version, ON_3dmGoo &goo)
bool EndRead3dmUserTable ()
ON_DEPRECATED bool BeginRead3dmUserTable (ON_UUID &)
ON_DEPRECATED bool Read3dmAnonymousUserTable (ON_3dmGoo &)
bool Write3dmEndMark ()
bool Read3dmEndMark (std::size_t *)
bool BeginWrite3dmChunk (unsigned int, int)
bool BeginWrite3dmBigChunk (ON__UINT32 typecode, ON__INT64 value)
bool BeginWrite3dmChunk (unsigned int tcode, int major_version, int minor_version)
bool EndWrite3dmChunk ()
bool Write3dmGoo (const ON_3dmGoo &)
ON_DEPRECATED bool BeginRead3dmChunk (unsigned int *, int *)
bool BeginRead3dmBigChunk (unsigned int *, ON__INT64 *)
bool BeginRead3dmChunk (unsigned int expected_tcode, int *major_version, int *minor_version)
bool EndRead3dmChunk ()
bool EndRead3dmChunk (bool bSupressPartiallyReadChunkWarning)
bool BeginWriteDictionary (ON_UUID dictionary_id, unsigned int version, const wchar_t *dictionary_name)
bool EndWriteDictionary ()
bool BeginWriteDictionaryEntry (int de_type, const wchar_t *entry_name)
bool EndWriteDictionaryEntry ()
bool BeginReadDictionary (ON_UUID *dictionary_id, unsigned int *version, ON_wString &dictionary_name)
bool EndReadDictionary ()
int BeginReadDictionaryEntry (int *de_type, ON_wString &entry_name)
bool EndReadDictionaryEntry ()
bool Read3dmGoo (ON_3dmGoo &)
ON_DEPRECATED bool PeekAt3dmChunkType (unsigned int *, int *)
bool PeekAt3dmBigChunkType (ON__UINT32 *typecode, ON__INT64 *big_value)
bool Seek3dmChunkFromStart (unsigned int)
bool Seek3dmChunkFromCurrentPosition (unsigned int)
bool Write3dmChunkVersion (int, int)
bool Read3dmChunkVersion (int *, int *)
bool WriteObjectUserData (const ON_Object &object)
bool ReadObjectUserData (ON_Object &object)
int Archive3dmVersion () const
int ArchiveOpenNURBSVersion () const
std::size_t ArchiveStartOffset () const
int GetCurrentChunk (ON_3DM_CHUNK &chunk) const
int GetCurrentChunk (ON_3DM_BIG_CHUNK &big_chunk) const
bool FindTableInDamagedArchive (unsigned int tcode_table, unsigned int tcode_record, ON_UUID class_uuid, int min_length_data)
unsigned int Dump3dmChunk (ON_TextLog &text_log, int recursion_depth=0)
bool ReadV1_TCODE_RH_POINT (ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *)
bool ReadV1_TCODE_MESH_OBJECT (ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *)
bool ReadV1_TCODE_LEGACY_CRV (ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *)
bool ReadV1_TCODE_LEGACY_FAC (ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *)
bool ReadV1_TCODE_LEGACY_SHL (ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *)
bool ReadV1_TCODE_RHINOIO_OBJECT_NURBS_CURVE (ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *)
bool ReadV1_TCODE_RHINOIO_OBJECT_NURBS_SURFACE (ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *)
bool ReadV1_TCODE_RHINOIO_OBJECT_BREP (ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *)
bool ReadV1_TCODE_ANNOTATION (unsigned int, ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *)
std::size_t SizeofChunkLength () const

Protected Member Functions

std::size_t Read (std::size_t, void *)
std::size_t Write (std::size_t, const void *)
bool Flush ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ON_BinaryArchive
virtual int LoadUserDataApplication (ON_UUID)
bool SetArchive3dmVersion (int)
unsigned int ErrorMessageMask () const
bool MaskReadError (ON__UINT64 sizeof_request, ON__UINT64 sizeof_read) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ON_BinaryArchive
enum  table_type {
  no_active_table = 0 , properties_table , settings_table , bitmap_table ,
  texture_mapping_table , material_table , linetype_table , layer_table ,
  light_table , object_table , group_table , font_table ,
  dimstyle_table , hatchpattern_table , instance_definition_table , historyrecord_table ,
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ON_BinaryArchive
static bool ToggleByteOrder (int, int, const void *, void *)
static const char * TypecodeName (unsigned int tcode)
static char * ON_TypecodeParse (unsigned int tcode, char *typecode_name, std::size_t max_length)
static int CurrentArchiveVersion ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 2755 of file opennurbs_archive.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ON_BinaryFile() [1/2]

ON_BinaryFile::ON_BinaryFile ( ON::archive_mode  )

◆ ON_BinaryFile() [2/2]

ON_BinaryFile::ON_BinaryFile ( ON::archive_mode  ,
FILE *  fp 

◆ ~ON_BinaryFile()

virtual ON_BinaryFile::~ON_BinaryFile ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AtEnd()

bool ON_BinaryFile::AtEnd ( ) const

Implements ON_BinaryArchive.

◆ CurrentPosition()

std::size_t ON_BinaryFile::CurrentPosition ( ) const

Implements ON_BinaryArchive.

◆ EnableMemoryBuffer()

void ON_BinaryFile::EnableMemoryBuffer ( int  = 16384)

◆ Flush()

bool ON_BinaryFile::Flush ( )

Implements ON_BinaryArchive.

◆ Read()

std::size_t ON_BinaryFile::Read ( std::size_t  ,
void *   

Implements ON_BinaryArchive.

◆ SeekFromCurrentPosition()

bool ON_BinaryFile::SeekFromCurrentPosition ( int  )

Implements ON_BinaryArchive.

◆ SeekFromEnd()

bool ON_BinaryFile::SeekFromEnd ( int  )

◆ SeekFromStart()

bool ON_BinaryFile::SeekFromStart ( std::size_t  )

Implements ON_BinaryArchive.

◆ Write()

std::size_t ON_BinaryFile::Write ( std::size_t  ,
const void *   

Implements ON_BinaryArchive.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: