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ON_NurbsSurface Class Reference

#include <pcl/surface/3rdparty/opennurbs/opennurbs_nurbssurface.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ON_NurbsSurface:
+ Collaboration diagram for ON_NurbsSurface:

Public Member Functions

 ON_NurbsSurface ()
 ON_NurbsSurface (const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs_surface)
 ON_NurbsSurface (const ON_BezierSurface &bezier_surface)
 ON_NurbsSurface (int dimension, ON_BOOL32 bIsRational, int order0, int order1, int cv_count0, int cv_count1)
unsigned int SizeOf () const
ON__UINT32 DataCRC (ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const
bool IsDuplicate (const ON_NurbsSurface &other, bool bIgnoreParameterization, double tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE) const
void Initialize (void)
ON_BOOL32 Create (int dim, ON_BOOL32 is_rat, int order0, int order1, int cv_count0, int cv_count1)
virtual int CreateRuledSurface (const ON_Curve &curveA, const ON_Curve &curveB, const ON_Interval *curveA_domain=NULL, const ON_Interval *curveB_domain=NULL)
int CreateConeSurface (ON_3dPoint apex_point, const ON_Curve &curve, const ON_Interval *curve_domain=NULL)
bool CollapseSide (int side, ON_3dPoint point=ON_unset_point)
void Destroy ()
virtual ~ON_NurbsSurface ()
void EmergencyDestroy ()
ON_NurbsSurfaceoperator= (const ON_NurbsSurface &)
ON_NurbsSurfaceoperator= (const ON_BezierSurface &bezier_surface)
ON_BOOL32 IsValid (ON_TextLog *text_log=NULL) const
void Dump (ON_TextLog &) const
ON_BOOL32 Write (ON_BinaryArchive &) const
ON_BOOL32 Read (ON_BinaryArchive &)
int Dimension () const
ON_BOOL32 GetBBox (double *, double *, ON_BOOL32=false) const
ON_BOOL32 Transform (const ON_Xform &)
bool IsDeformable () const
bool MakeDeformable ()
ON_BOOL32 SwapCoordinates (int, int)
ON_BOOL32 SetDomain (int dir, double t0, double t1)
ON_Interval Domain (int) const
ON_BOOL32 GetSurfaceSize (double *width, double *height) const
int SpanCount (int) const
ON_BOOL32 GetSpanVector (int, double *) const
int Degree (int) const
ON_BOOL32 GetParameterTolerance (int, double, double *, double *) const
ON_BOOL32 IsPlanar (ON_Plane *plane=NULL, double tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE) const
ON_BOOL32 IsClosed (int) const
ON_BOOL32 IsPeriodic (int) const
ON_BOOL32 IsSingular (int) const
bool GetNextDiscontinuity (int dir, ON::continuity c, double t0, double t1, double *t, int *hint=NULL, int *dtype=NULL, double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE, double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON) const
bool IsContinuous (ON::continuity c, double s, double t, int *hint=NULL, double point_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, double d1_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, double d2_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE, double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON) const
ON_BOOL32 Reverse (int)
ON_BOOL32 Transpose ()
ON_BOOL32 Evaluate (double, double, int, int, double *, int=0, int *=0) const
ON_CurveIsoCurve (int dir, double c) const
ON_BOOL32 Trim (int dir, const ON_Interval &domain)
bool Extend (int dir, const ON_Interval &domain)
ON_BOOL32 Split (int dir, double c, ON_Surface *&west_or_south_side, ON_Surface *&east_or_north_side) const
ON_SurfaceOffset (double offset_distance, double tolerance, double *max_deviation=NULL) const
int GetNurbForm (ON_NurbsSurface &, double=0.0) const
double ControlPolygonLength (int dir) const
bool IsRational (void) const
int CVSize (void) const
int Order (int) const
int CVCount (int) const
int CVCount (void) const
int KnotCount (int dir) const
double * CV (int i, int j) const
ON::point_style CVStyle () const
double Weight (int i, int j) const
ON_BOOL32 SetWeight (int i, int j, double weight)
ON_BOOL32 SetCV (int i, int j, ON::point_style, const double *cv)
ON_BOOL32 SetCV (int i, int j, const ON_3dPoint &cv)
ON_BOOL32 SetCV (int i, int j, const ON_4dPoint &cv)
ON_BOOL32 SetCVRow (int row_index, const ON_3dPoint &cv)
ON_BOOL32 SetCVRow (int row_index, int v_stride, const double *v)
ON_BOOL32 SetCVColumn (int col_index, const ON_3dPoint &cv)
ON_BOOL32 SetCVColumn (int col_index, int v_stride, const double *v)
ON_BOOL32 GetCV (int i, int j, ON::point_style, double *cv) const
ON_BOOL32 GetCV (int i, int j, ON_3dPoint &cv) const
ON_BOOL32 GetCV (int i, int j, ON_4dPoint &cv) const
int SetKnot (int dir, int knot_index, double knot_value)
double Knot (int dir, int knot_index) const
int KnotMultiplicity (int dir, int knot_index) const
const double * Knot (int dir) const
bool MakeClampedUniformKnotVector (int dir, double delta=1.0)
bool MakePeriodicUniformKnotVector (int dir, double delta=1.0)
bool IsClamped (int dir, int end=2) const
double SuperfluousKnot (int dir, int end) const
double GrevilleAbcissa (int dir, int cv_index) const
bool GetGrevilleAbcissae (int dir, double *g) const
bool SetClampedGrevilleKnotVector (int dir, int g_stride, const double *g)
bool SetPeriodicGrevilleKnotVector (int dir, int g_stride, const double *g)
bool ZeroCVs ()
bool ClampEnd (int dir, int end)
bool InsertKnot (int dir, double knot_value, int knot_multiplicity=1)
bool MakeRational ()
bool MakeNonRational ()
bool IncreaseDegree (int dir, int desired_degree)
bool ChangeDimension (int desired_dimension)
ON_BOOL32 ChangeSurfaceSeam (int dir, double t)
ON_BOOL32 TensorProduct (const ON_NurbsCurve &, const ON_NurbsCurve &, ON_TensorProduct &)
ON_BOOL32 ReserveKnotCapacity (int dir, int knot_array_capacity)
ON_BOOL32 ReserveCVCapacity (int cv_array_capacity)
ON_BOOL32 ConvertSpanToBezier (int span_index0, int span_index1, ON_BezierSurface &bezier_surface) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Surface
void DestroyRuntimeCache (bool bDelete=true)
 ON_Surface ()
 ON_Surface (const ON_Surface &)
ON_Surfaceoperator= (const ON_Surface &)
virtual ~ON_Surface ()
unsigned int SizeOf () const
bool EvaluatePoint (const class ON_ObjRef &objref, ON_3dPoint &P) const
virtual ON_SurfaceDuplicateSurface () const
ON::object_type ObjectType () const
ON_BOOL32 HasBrepForm () const
ON_BrepBrepForm (ON_Brep *brep=NULL) const
ON_BOOL32 GetDomain (int dir, double *t0, double *t1) const
bool SetDomain (int dir, ON_Interval domain)
virtual ON_BOOL32 GetSpanVectorIndex (int dir, double t, int side, int *span_vector_index, ON_Interval *span_interval) const
virtual ISO IsIsoparametric (const ON_Curve &curve, const ON_Interval *curve_domain=NULL) const
virtual ISO IsIsoparametric (const ON_BoundingBox &bbox) const
bool IsSphere (ON_Sphere *sphere=NULL, double tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE) const
bool IsCylinder (ON_Cylinder *cylinder=NULL, double tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE) const
bool IsCone (ON_Cone *cone=NULL, double tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE) const
bool IsTorus (ON_Torus *torus=NULL, double tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE) const
bool IsSolid () const
bool IsAtSingularity (double s, double t, bool bExact=true) const
int IsAtSeam (double s, double t) const
ON_3dPoint PointAt (double, double) const
ON_3dVector NormalAt (double, double) const
ON_BOOL32 FrameAt (double u, double v, ON_Plane &frame) const
ON_BOOL32 EvPoint (double u, double v, ON_3dPoint &point, int quadrant=0, int *hint=0) const
ON_BOOL32 Ev1Der (double u, double v, ON_3dPoint &point, ON_3dVector &du, ON_3dVector &dv, int quadrant=0, int *hint=0) const
ON_BOOL32 Ev2Der (double u, double v, ON_3dPoint &point, ON_3dVector &du, ON_3dVector &dv, ON_3dVector &duu, ON_3dVector &duv, ON_3dVector &dvv, int quadrant=0, int *hint=0) const
ON_BOOL32 EvNormal (double u, double v, ON_3dPoint &point, ON_3dVector &normal, int quadrant=0, int *hint=0) const
ON_BOOL32 EvNormal (double u, double v, ON_3dVector &normal, int quadrant=0, int *hint=0) const
ON_BOOL32 EvNormal (double u, double v, ON_3dPoint &point, ON_3dVector &du, ON_3dVector &dv, ON_3dVector &normal, int=0, int *=0) const
virtual int HasNurbForm () const
ON_NurbsSurfaceNurbsSurface (ON_NurbsSurface *pNurbsSurface=NULL, double tolerance=0.0, const ON_Interval *s_subdomain=NULL, const ON_Interval *t_subdomain=NULL) const
virtual bool GetSurfaceParameterFromNurbFormParameter (double nurbs_s, double nurbs_t, double *surface_s, double *surface_t) const
virtual bool GetNurbFormParameterFromSurfaceParameter (double surface_s, double surface_t, double *nurbs_s, double *nurbs_t) const
void DestroySurfaceTree ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Geometry
 ON_Geometry ()
 ON_Geometry (const ON_Geometry &)
ON_Geometryoperator= (const ON_Geometry &)
virtual ~ON_Geometry ()
ON_BoundingBox BoundingBox () const
ON_BOOL32 GetBoundingBox (ON_BoundingBox &bbox, int bGrowBox=false) const
ON_BOOL32 GetBoundingBox (ON_3dPoint &bbox_min, ON_3dPoint &bbox_max, int bGrowBox=false) const
ON_BOOL32 Rotate (double sin_angle, double cos_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center)
ON_BOOL32 Rotate (double rotation_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center)
ON_BOOL32 Translate (const ON_3dVector &translation_vector)
ON_BOOL32 Scale (double scale_factor)
virtual bool GetTightBoundingBox (ON_BoundingBox &tight_bbox, int bGrowBox=false, const ON_Xform *xform=0) const
virtual void ClearBoundingBox ()
virtual ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ComponentIndex () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Object
bool CopyFrom (const ON_Object *src)
 ON_Object ()
 ON_Object (const ON_Object &)
ON_Objectoperator= (const ON_Object &)
virtual ~ON_Object ()
void EmergencyDestroy ()
virtual void MemoryRelocate ()
ON_BOOL32 IsKindOf (const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const
virtual ON_UUID ModelObjectId () const
bool SetUserString (const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value)
int SetUserStrings (int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace)
bool GetUserString (const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const
int GetUserStrings (ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const
int GetUserStringKeys (ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const
int UserStringCount () const
ON_BOOL32 AttachUserData (ON_UserData *pUserData)
ON_BOOL32 DetachUserData (ON_UserData *pUserData)
ON_UserDataGetUserData (const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const
void PurgeUserData ()
ON_UserDataFirstUserData () const
void TransformUserData (const ON_Xform &xform)
void CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object)
void MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object)

Static Public Member Functions

static ON_NurbsSurfaceNew ()
static ON_NurbsSurfaceNew (const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs_surface)
static ON_NurbsSurfaceNew (const ON_BezierSurface &bezier_surface)
static ON_NurbsSurfaceNew (int dimension, ON_BOOL32 bIsRational, int order0, int order1, int cv_count0, int cv_count1)

Public Attributes

int m_dim
int m_is_rat
int m_order [2]
int m_cv_count [2]
int m_knot_capacity [2]
double * m_knot [2]
int m_cv_stride [2]
int m_cv_capacity
double * m_cv

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ON_Surface
enum  ISO {
  not_iso = 0 , x_iso = 1 , y_iso = 2 , W_iso = 3 ,
  S_iso = 4 , E_iso = 5 , N_iso = 6 , iso_count = 7

Detailed Description

Definition at line 64 of file opennurbs_nurbssurface.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ON_NurbsSurface() [1/4]

ON_NurbsSurface::ON_NurbsSurface ( )

◆ ON_NurbsSurface() [2/4]

ON_NurbsSurface::ON_NurbsSurface ( const ON_NurbsSurface nurbs_surface)

◆ ON_NurbsSurface() [3/4]

ON_NurbsSurface::ON_NurbsSurface ( const ON_BezierSurface bezier_surface)

◆ ON_NurbsSurface() [4/4]

ON_NurbsSurface::ON_NurbsSurface ( int  dimension,
ON_BOOL32  bIsRational,
int  order0,
int  order1,
int  cv_count0,
int  cv_count1 

◆ ~ON_NurbsSurface()

virtual ON_NurbsSurface::~ON_NurbsSurface ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ ChangeDimension()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::ChangeDimension ( int  desired_dimension)

◆ ChangeSurfaceSeam()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::ChangeSurfaceSeam ( int  dir,
double  t 

◆ ClampEnd()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::ClampEnd ( int  dir,
int  end 

◆ CollapseSide()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::CollapseSide ( int  side,
ON_3dPoint  point = ON_unset_point 

◆ ControlPolygonLength()

double ON_NurbsSurface::ControlPolygonLength ( int  dir) const

◆ ConvertSpanToBezier()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::ConvertSpanToBezier ( int  span_index0,
int  span_index1,
ON_BezierSurface bezier_surface 
) const

◆ Create()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::Create ( int  dim,
ON_BOOL32  is_rat,
int  order0,
int  order1,
int  cv_count0,
int  cv_count1 

◆ CreateConeSurface()

int ON_NurbsSurface::CreateConeSurface ( ON_3dPoint  apex_point,
const ON_Curve curve,
const ON_Interval curve_domain = NULL 

◆ CreateRuledSurface()

virtual int ON_NurbsSurface::CreateRuledSurface ( const ON_Curve curveA,
const ON_Curve curveB,
const ON_Interval curveA_domain = NULL,
const ON_Interval curveB_domain = NULL 

◆ CV()

double* ON_NurbsSurface::CV ( int  i,
int  j 
) const

◆ CVCount() [1/2]

int ON_NurbsSurface::CVCount ( int  ) const

◆ CVCount() [2/2]

int ON_NurbsSurface::CVCount ( void  ) const

◆ CVSize()

int ON_NurbsSurface::CVSize ( void  ) const

◆ CVStyle()

ON::point_style ON_NurbsSurface::CVStyle ( ) const

◆ DataCRC()

ON__UINT32 ON_NurbsSurface::DataCRC ( ON__UINT32  current_remainder) const

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ Degree()

int ON_NurbsSurface::Degree ( int  ) const

Implements ON_Surface.

◆ Destroy()

void ON_NurbsSurface::Destroy ( )

◆ Dimension()

int ON_NurbsSurface::Dimension ( ) const

Implements ON_Geometry.

◆ Domain()

ON_Interval ON_NurbsSurface::Domain ( int  ) const

Implements ON_Surface.

◆ Dump()

void ON_NurbsSurface::Dump ( ON_TextLog ) const

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ EmergencyDestroy()

void ON_NurbsSurface::EmergencyDestroy ( )

◆ Evaluate()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::Evaluate ( double  ,
double  ,
int  ,
int  ,
double *  ,
int  = 0,
int *  = 0 
) const

Implements ON_Surface.

◆ Extend()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::Extend ( int  dir,
const ON_Interval domain 

Reimplemented from ON_Surface.

◆ GetBBox()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::GetBBox ( double *  ,
double *  ,
ON_BOOL32  = false 
) const

Implements ON_Geometry.

◆ GetCV() [1/3]

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::GetCV ( int  i,
int  j,
ON::point_style  ,
double *  cv 
) const

◆ GetCV() [2/3]

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::GetCV ( int  i,
int  j,
ON_3dPoint cv 
) const

◆ GetCV() [3/3]

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::GetCV ( int  i,
int  j,
ON_4dPoint cv 
) const

◆ GetGrevilleAbcissae()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::GetGrevilleAbcissae ( int  dir,
double *  g 
) const

◆ GetNextDiscontinuity()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::GetNextDiscontinuity ( int  dir,
ON::continuity  c,
double  t0,
double  t1,
double *  t,
int *  hint = NULL,
int *  dtype = NULL,
double  cos_angle_tolerance = ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE,
double  curvature_tolerance = ON_SQRT_EPSILON 
) const

Reimplemented from ON_Surface.

◆ GetNurbForm()

int ON_NurbsSurface::GetNurbForm ( ON_NurbsSurface ,
double  = 0.0 
) const

Reimplemented from ON_Surface.

◆ GetParameterTolerance()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::GetParameterTolerance ( int  ,
double  ,
double *  ,
double *   
) const

Reimplemented from ON_Surface.

◆ GetSpanVector()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::GetSpanVector ( int  ,
double *   
) const

Implements ON_Surface.

◆ GetSurfaceSize()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::GetSurfaceSize ( double *  width,
double *  height 
) const

Reimplemented from ON_Surface.

◆ GrevilleAbcissa()

double ON_NurbsSurface::GrevilleAbcissa ( int  dir,
int  cv_index 
) const

◆ IncreaseDegree()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::IncreaseDegree ( int  dir,
int  desired_degree 

◆ Initialize()

void ON_NurbsSurface::Initialize ( void  )

◆ InsertKnot()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::InsertKnot ( int  dir,
double  knot_value,
int  knot_multiplicity = 1 

◆ IsClamped()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::IsClamped ( int  dir,
int  end = 2 
) const

◆ IsClosed()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::IsClosed ( int  ) const

Reimplemented from ON_Surface.

◆ IsContinuous()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::IsContinuous ( ON::continuity  c,
double  s,
double  t,
int *  hint = NULL,
double  point_tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
double  d1_tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
double  d2_tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
double  cos_angle_tolerance = ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE,
double  curvature_tolerance = ON_SQRT_EPSILON 
) const

Reimplemented from ON_Surface.

◆ IsDeformable()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::IsDeformable ( ) const

Reimplemented from ON_Geometry.

◆ IsDuplicate()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::IsDuplicate ( const ON_NurbsSurface other,
bool  bIgnoreParameterization,
double  tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE 
) const

◆ IsoCurve()

ON_Curve* ON_NurbsSurface::IsoCurve ( int  dir,
double  c 
) const

Reimplemented from ON_Surface.

◆ IsPeriodic()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::IsPeriodic ( int  ) const

Reimplemented from ON_Surface.

◆ IsPlanar()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::IsPlanar ( ON_Plane plane = NULL,
double  tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE 
) const

Reimplemented from ON_Surface.

◆ IsRational()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::IsRational ( void  ) const

◆ IsSingular()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::IsSingular ( int  ) const

Reimplemented from ON_Surface.

◆ IsValid()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::IsValid ( ON_TextLog text_log = NULL) const

Implements ON_Object.

◆ Knot() [1/2]

const double* ON_NurbsSurface::Knot ( int  dir) const

◆ Knot() [2/2]

double ON_NurbsSurface::Knot ( int  dir,
int  knot_index 
) const

◆ KnotCount()

int ON_NurbsSurface::KnotCount ( int  dir) const

◆ KnotMultiplicity()

int ON_NurbsSurface::KnotMultiplicity ( int  dir,
int  knot_index 
) const

◆ MakeClampedUniformKnotVector()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::MakeClampedUniformKnotVector ( int  dir,
double  delta = 1.0 

◆ MakeDeformable()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::MakeDeformable ( )

Reimplemented from ON_Geometry.

◆ MakeNonRational()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::MakeNonRational ( )

◆ MakePeriodicUniformKnotVector()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::MakePeriodicUniformKnotVector ( int  dir,
double  delta = 1.0 

◆ MakeRational()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::MakeRational ( )

◆ New() [1/4]

static ON_NurbsSurface* ON_NurbsSurface::New ( )

◆ New() [2/4]

static ON_NurbsSurface* ON_NurbsSurface::New ( const ON_BezierSurface bezier_surface)

◆ New() [3/4]

static ON_NurbsSurface* ON_NurbsSurface::New ( const ON_NurbsSurface nurbs_surface)

◆ New() [4/4]

static ON_NurbsSurface* ON_NurbsSurface::New ( int  dimension,
ON_BOOL32  bIsRational,
int  order0,
int  order1,
int  cv_count0,
int  cv_count1 

◆ Offset()

ON_Surface* ON_NurbsSurface::Offset ( double  offset_distance,
double  tolerance,
double *  max_deviation = NULL 
) const

◆ operator=() [1/2]

ON_NurbsSurface& ON_NurbsSurface::operator= ( const ON_BezierSurface bezier_surface)

◆ operator=() [2/2]

ON_NurbsSurface& ON_NurbsSurface::operator= ( const ON_NurbsSurface )

◆ Order()

int ON_NurbsSurface::Order ( int  ) const

◆ Read()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::Read ( ON_BinaryArchive )

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ ReserveCVCapacity()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::ReserveCVCapacity ( int  cv_array_capacity)

◆ ReserveKnotCapacity()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::ReserveKnotCapacity ( int  dir,
int  knot_array_capacity 

◆ Reverse()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::Reverse ( int  )

Implements ON_Surface.

◆ SetClampedGrevilleKnotVector()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::SetClampedGrevilleKnotVector ( int  dir,
int  g_stride,
const double *  g 

◆ SetCV() [1/3]

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::SetCV ( int  i,
int  j,
const ON_3dPoint cv 

◆ SetCV() [2/3]

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::SetCV ( int  i,
int  j,
const ON_4dPoint cv 

◆ SetCV() [3/3]

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::SetCV ( int  i,
int  j,
ON::point_style  ,
const double *  cv 

◆ SetCVColumn() [1/2]

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::SetCVColumn ( int  col_index,
const ON_3dPoint cv 

◆ SetCVColumn() [2/2]

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::SetCVColumn ( int  col_index,
int  v_stride,
const double *  v 

◆ SetCVRow() [1/2]

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::SetCVRow ( int  row_index,
const ON_3dPoint cv 

◆ SetCVRow() [2/2]

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::SetCVRow ( int  row_index,
int  v_stride,
const double *  v 

◆ SetDomain()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::SetDomain ( int  dir,
double  t0,
double  t1 

Reimplemented from ON_Surface.

◆ SetKnot()

int ON_NurbsSurface::SetKnot ( int  dir,
int  knot_index,
double  knot_value 

◆ SetPeriodicGrevilleKnotVector()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::SetPeriodicGrevilleKnotVector ( int  dir,
int  g_stride,
const double *  g 

◆ SetWeight()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::SetWeight ( int  i,
int  j,
double  weight 

◆ SizeOf()

unsigned int ON_NurbsSurface::SizeOf ( ) const

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ SpanCount()

int ON_NurbsSurface::SpanCount ( int  ) const

Implements ON_Surface.

◆ Split()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::Split ( int  dir,
double  c,
ON_Surface *&  west_or_south_side,
ON_Surface *&  east_or_north_side 
) const

Reimplemented from ON_Surface.

◆ SuperfluousKnot()

double ON_NurbsSurface::SuperfluousKnot ( int  dir,
int  end 
) const

◆ SwapCoordinates()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::SwapCoordinates ( int  ,

Reimplemented from ON_Geometry.

◆ TensorProduct()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::TensorProduct ( const ON_NurbsCurve ,
const ON_NurbsCurve ,

◆ Transform()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::Transform ( const ON_Xform )

Reimplemented from ON_Geometry.

◆ Transpose()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::Transpose ( )

Implements ON_Surface.

◆ Trim()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::Trim ( int  dir,
const ON_Interval domain 

Reimplemented from ON_Surface.

◆ Weight()

double ON_NurbsSurface::Weight ( int  i,
int  j 
) const

◆ Write()

ON_BOOL32 ON_NurbsSurface::Write ( ON_BinaryArchive ) const

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ ZeroCVs()

bool ON_NurbsSurface::ZeroCVs ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_cv

double* ON_NurbsSurface::m_cv

Definition at line 1015 of file opennurbs_nurbssurface.h.

◆ m_cv_capacity

int ON_NurbsSurface::m_cv_capacity

Definition at line 1006 of file opennurbs_nurbssurface.h.

◆ m_cv_count

int ON_NurbsSurface::m_cv_count[2]

Definition at line 983 of file opennurbs_nurbssurface.h.

◆ m_cv_stride

int ON_NurbsSurface::m_cv_stride[2]

Definition at line 1003 of file opennurbs_nurbssurface.h.

◆ m_dim

int ON_NurbsSurface::m_dim

Definition at line 974 of file opennurbs_nurbssurface.h.

◆ m_is_rat

int ON_NurbsSurface::m_is_rat

Definition at line 976 of file opennurbs_nurbssurface.h.

◆ m_knot

double* ON_NurbsSurface::m_knot[2]

Definition at line 998 of file opennurbs_nurbssurface.h.

◆ m_knot_capacity

int ON_NurbsSurface::m_knot_capacity[2]

Definition at line 987 of file opennurbs_nurbssurface.h.

◆ m_order

int ON_NurbsSurface::m_order[2]

Definition at line 981 of file opennurbs_nurbssurface.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: