Point Cloud Library (PCL)
Namespaces | |
context_items | |
details | |
Classes | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerRGBHack |
class | AreaPickingEvent |
/brief Class representing 3D area picking events. More... | |
class | CloudViewer |
Simple point cloud visualization class. More... | |
class | CloudActor |
class | Camera |
Camera class holds a set of camera parameters together with the window pos/size. More... | |
class | FloatImageUtils |
Provide some general functionalities regarding 2d float arrays, e.g., for visualization purposes More... | |
class | RenWinInteract |
class | PCLHistogramVisualizer |
PCL histogram visualizer main class. More... | |
class | ImageViewerInteractorStyle |
An image viewer interactor style, tailored for ImageViewer. More... | |
class | ImageViewer |
ImageViewer is a class for 2D image visualization. More... | |
class | PCLVisualizerInteractorStyle |
PCLVisualizerInteractorStyle defines an unique, custom VTK based interactory style for PCL Visualizer applications. More... | |
class | PCLHistogramVisualizerInteractorStyle |
PCL histogram visualizer interactory style class. More... | |
class | KeyboardEvent |
/brief Class representing key hit/release events More... | |
class | MouseEvent |
struct | Figure2D |
Abstract class for storing figure information. More... | |
struct | FPolyLine2D |
Class for PolyLine. More... | |
struct | FPoints2D |
Class for storing Points. More... | |
struct | FQuad2D |
Class for storing Quads. More... | |
struct | FPolygon2D |
Class for Polygon. More... | |
struct | FEllipticArc2D |
Class for storing EllipticArc; every ellipse , circle are covered by this. More... | |
class | PCLPainter2D |
PCL Painter2D main class. More... | |
class | PCLPlotter |
PCL Plotter main class. More... | |
class | PCLVisualizer |
PCL Visualizer main class. More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandler |
Base Handler class for PointCloud colors. More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerRandom |
Handler for random PointCloud colors (i.e., R, G, B will be randomly chosen) More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerCustom |
Handler for predefined user colors. More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField |
RGB handler class for colors. More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerHSVField |
HSV handler class for colors. More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerGenericField |
Generic field handler class for colors. More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerRGBAField |
RGBA handler class for colors. More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerLabelField |
Label field handler class for colors. More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandler< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 > |
Base Handler class for PointCloud colors. More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerRandom< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 > |
Handler for random PointCloud colors (i.e., R, G, B will be randomly chosen) More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerCustom< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 > |
Handler for predefined user colors. More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 > |
RGB handler class for colors. More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerHSVField< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 > |
HSV handler class for colors. More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerGenericField< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 > |
Generic field handler class for colors. More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerRGBAField< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 > |
RGBA handler class for colors. More... | |
class | PointCloudColorHandlerLabelField< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 > |
Label field handler class for colors. More... | |
class | PointCloudGeometryHandler |
Base handler class for PointCloud geometry. More... | |
class | PointCloudGeometryHandlerXYZ |
XYZ handler class for PointCloud geometry. More... | |
class | PointCloudGeometryHandlerSurfaceNormal |
Surface normal handler class for PointCloud geometry. More... | |
class | PointCloudGeometryHandlerCustom |
Custom handler class for PointCloud geometry. More... | |
class | PointCloudGeometryHandler< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 > |
Base handler class for PointCloud geometry. More... | |
class | PointCloudGeometryHandlerXYZ< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 > |
XYZ handler class for PointCloud geometry. More... | |
class | PointCloudGeometryHandlerSurfaceNormal< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 > |
Surface normal handler class for PointCloud geometry. More... | |
class | PointCloudGeometryHandlerCustom< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 > |
Custom handler class for PointCloud geometry. More... | |
class | PointPickingCallback |
class | PointPickingEvent |
/brief Class representing 3D point picking events. More... | |
class | RangeImageVisualizer |
Range image visualizer class. More... | |
class | PCLSimpleBufferVisualizer |
PCL simple buffer visualizer main class. More... | |
struct | PCLContextItem |
Struct PCLContextItem represents our own custom version of vtkContextItem, used by the ImageViewer class. More... | |
struct | PCLContextImageItem |
Struct PCLContextImageItem a specification of vtkContextItem, used to add an image to the scene in the ImageViewer class. More... | |
class | PCLImageCanvasSource2D |
PCLImageCanvasSource2D represents our own custom version of vtkImageCanvasSource2D, used by the ImageViewer class. More... | |
class | Window |
Typedefs | |
using | CloudActorMap = std::unordered_map< std::string, CloudActor > |
using | CloudActorMapPtr = shared_ptr< CloudActorMap > |
using | ShapeActorMap = std::unordered_map< std::string, vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > > |
using | ShapeActorMapPtr = shared_ptr< ShapeActorMap > |
using | CoordinateActorMap = std::unordered_map< std::string, vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > > |
using | CoordinateActorMapPtr = shared_ptr< CoordinateActorMap > |
using | RenWinInteractMap = std::map< std::string, RenWinInteract > |
using | Vector3ub = Eigen::Array< unsigned char, 3, 1 > |
Functions | |
PCL_EXPORTS void | getRandomColors (double &r, double &g, double &b, double min=0.2, double max=2.8) |
Get (good) random values for R/G/B. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS void | getRandomColors (pcl::RGB &rgb, double min=0.2, double max=2.8) |
Get (good) random values for R/G/B. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS Eigen::Matrix4d | vtkToEigen (vtkMatrix4x4 *vtk_matrix) |
PCL_EXPORTS Eigen::Vector2i | worldToView (const Eigen::Vector4d &world_pt, const Eigen::Matrix4d &view_projection_matrix, int width, int height) |
PCL_EXPORTS void | getViewFrustum (const Eigen::Matrix4d &view_projection_matrix, double planes[24]) |
PCL_EXPORTS int | cullFrustum (double planes[24], const Eigen::Vector3d &min_bb, const Eigen::Vector3d &max_bb) |
PCL_EXPORTS float | viewScreenArea (const Eigen::Vector3d &eye, const Eigen::Vector3d &min_bb, const Eigen::Vector3d &max_bb, const Eigen::Matrix4d &view_projection_matrix, int width, int height) |
PCL_EXPORTS bool | getColormapLUT (LookUpTableRepresentationProperties colormap_type, vtkSmartPointer< vtkLookupTable > &table) |
Generate a lookup table for a colormap. More... | |
template<typename PointT > | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | createPolygon (const typename pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::ConstPtr &cloud) |
Create a 3d poly line from a set of points. More... | |
template<typename PointT > | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | createPolygon (const pcl::PlanarPolygon< PointT > &planar_polygon) |
Create a 3d poly line from a set of points on the boundary of a planar region. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS void | getCorrespondingPointCloud (vtkPolyData *src, const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > &tgt, pcl::Indices &indices) |
Obtain a list of corresponding indices, for a set of vtk points, from a pcl::PointCloud. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS bool | savePointData (vtkPolyData *data, const std::string &out_file, const CloudActorMapPtr &actors) |
Saves the vtk-formatted Point Cloud data into a set of files, based on whether the data comes from previously loaded PCD files. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | createLine (const Eigen::Vector4f &pt1, const Eigen::Vector4f &pt2) |
Create a line shape from two points. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | createSphere (const Eigen::Vector4f ¢er, double radius, int res=10) |
Create a sphere shape from a point and a radius. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | createCylinder (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients, int numsides=30) |
Create a cylinder shape from a set of model coefficients. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | createSphere (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients, int res=10) |
Create a sphere shape from a set of model coefficients. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | createLine (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients) |
Create a line shape from a set of model coefficients. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | createPlane (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients) |
Create a planar shape from a set of model coefficients. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | createPlane (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients, double x, double y, double z) |
Create a planar shape from a set of model coefficients. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | create2DCircle (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients, double z=0.0) |
Create a 2d circle shape from a set of model coefficients. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | createCone (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients) |
Create a cone shape from a set of model coefficients. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | createCube (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients) |
Create a cube shape from a set of model coefficients. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | createCube (const Eigen::Vector3f &translation, const Eigen::Quaternionf &rotation, double width, double height, double depth) |
Create a cube shape from a set of model coefficients. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | createCube (double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max) |
Create a cube from a set of bounding points. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | createEllipsoid (const Eigen::Isometry3d &transform, double radius_x, double radius_y, double radius_z) |
Create an ellipsoid shape from the given parameters. More... | |
PCL_EXPORTS void | allocVtkUnstructuredGrid (vtkSmartPointer< vtkUnstructuredGrid > &polydata) |
Allocate a new unstructured grid smartpointer. More... | |
static const Vector3ub | green_color (0, 255, 0) |
static const Vector3ub | red_color (255, 0, 0) |
static const Vector3ub | blue_color (0, 0, 255) |
using pcl::visualization::CloudActorMap = typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, CloudActor> |
Definition at line 96 of file actor_map.h.
using pcl::visualization::CloudActorMapPtr = typedef shared_ptr<CloudActorMap> |
Definition at line 97 of file actor_map.h.
using pcl::visualization::CoordinateActorMap = typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, vtkSmartPointer<vtkProp> > |
Definition at line 102 of file actor_map.h.
using pcl::visualization::CoordinateActorMapPtr = typedef shared_ptr<CoordinateActorMap> |
Definition at line 103 of file actor_map.h.
using pcl::visualization::RenWinInteractMap = typedef std::map<std::string, RenWinInteract> |
Definition at line 80 of file ren_win_interact_map.h.
using pcl::visualization::ShapeActorMap = typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, vtkSmartPointer<vtkProp> > |
Definition at line 99 of file actor_map.h.
using pcl::visualization::ShapeActorMapPtr = typedef shared_ptr<ShapeActorMap> |
Definition at line 100 of file actor_map.h.
using pcl::visualization::Vector3ub = typedef Eigen::Array<unsigned char, 3, 1> |
Definition at line 66 of file image_viewer.h.
A list of potential keyboard modifiers for pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizerInteractorStyle::PCLVisualizerInteractorStyle() Defaults to Alt.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 69 of file interactor_style.h.
Colormap properties. See mathworks colormap page for image representations of the colormaps.
Set of rendering properties.
Enumerator | |
PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE | integer starting from 1 |
PCL_VISUALIZER_OPACITY | Float going from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque) |
PCL_VISUALIZER_LINE_WIDTH | Integer starting from 1. |
PCL_VISUALIZER_COLOR | 3 floats (R, G, B) going from 0.0 (dark) to 1.0 (light) |
PCL_VISUALIZER_LUT | colormap type pcl::visualization::LookUpTableRepresentationProperties |
PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::visualization::allocVtkUnstructuredGrid | ( | vtkSmartPointer< vtkUnstructuredGrid > & | polydata | ) |
Allocate a new unstructured grid smartpointer.
For internal use only.
[out] | polydata | the resultant unstructured grid. |
Referenced by pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::addPolygonMesh(), and createPolygon().
static |
PCL_EXPORTS vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSet> pcl::visualization::createCube | ( | double | x_min, |
double | x_max, | ||
double | y_min, | ||
double | y_max, | ||
double | z_min, | ||
double | z_max | ||
) |
Create a cube from a set of bounding points.
[in] | x_min | is the minimum x value of the box |
[in] | x_max | is the maximum x value of the box |
[in] | y_min | is the minimum y value of the box |
[in] | y_max | is the maximum y value of the box |
[in] | z_min | is the minimum z value of the box |
[in] | z_max | is the maximum z value of the box |
PCL_EXPORTS int pcl::visualization::cullFrustum | ( | double | planes[24], |
const Eigen::Vector3d & | min_bb, | ||
const Eigen::Vector3d & | max_bb | ||
) |
PCL_EXPORTS bool pcl::visualization::getColormapLUT | ( | LookUpTableRepresentationProperties | colormap_type, |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkLookupTable > & | table | ||
) |
Generate a lookup table for a colormap.
[in] | colormap_type | |
[out] | table | a vtk lookup table |
PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::visualization::getRandomColors | ( | double & | r, |
double & | g, | ||
double & | b, | ||
double | min = 0.2 , |
double | max = 2.8 |
) |
Get (good) random values for R/G/B.
[out] | r | the resultant R color value |
[out] | g | the resultant G color value |
[out] | b | the resultant B color value |
[in] | min | minimum value for the colors |
[in] | max | maximum value for the colors |
Referenced by pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRandom< PointT >::getColor(), and pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showCorrespondences().
PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::visualization::getRandomColors | ( | pcl::RGB & | rgb, |
double | min = 0.2 , |
double | max = 2.8 |
) |
Get (good) random values for R/G/B.
[out] | rgb | the resultant RGB color value |
[in] | min | minimum value for the colors |
[in] | max | maximum value for the colors |
PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::visualization::getViewFrustum | ( | const Eigen::Matrix4d & | view_projection_matrix, |
double | planes[24] | ||
) |
static |
static |
PCL_EXPORTS float pcl::visualization::viewScreenArea | ( | const Eigen::Vector3d & | eye, |
const Eigen::Vector3d & | min_bb, | ||
const Eigen::Vector3d & | max_bb, | ||
const Eigen::Matrix4d & | view_projection_matrix, | ||
int | width, | ||
int | height | ||
) |
PCL_EXPORTS Eigen::Matrix4d pcl::visualization::vtkToEigen | ( | vtkMatrix4x4 * | vtk_matrix | ) |
PCL_EXPORTS Eigen::Vector2i pcl::visualization::worldToView | ( | const Eigen::Vector4d & | world_pt, |
const Eigen::Matrix4d & | view_projection_matrix, | ||
int | width, | ||
int | height | ||
) |