Point Cloud Library (PCL)  1.14.0-dev
1 /*
2  * Software License Agreement (BSD License)
3  *
4  * Point Cloud Library (PCL) - www.pointclouds.org
5  * Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Willow Garage, Inc.
6  *
7  * All rights reserved.
8  *
9  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
10  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
11  * are met:
12  *
13  * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
14  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
15  * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
16  * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
17  * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
18  * with the distribution.
19  * * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its
20  * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
21  * from this software without specific prior written permission.
22  *
35  *
36  * $Id$
37  *
38  */
40 #pragma once
42 #include <functional>
43 #include <map>
44 #include <random>
45 #include <Eigen/Core> // for Vector3i, Vector3d, ...
47 // PCL includes
48 #include <pcl/memory.h>
49 #include <pcl/pcl_base.h>
50 #include <pcl/pcl_macros.h>
51 #include <pcl/search/search.h> // for Search
53 #include <pcl/surface/processing.h>
55 namespace pcl
56 {
58  /** \brief Data structure used to store the results of the MLS fitting */
59  struct MLSResult
60  {
62  {
63  NONE, /**< \brief Project to the mls plane. */
64  SIMPLE, /**< \brief Project along the mls plane normal to the polynomial surface. */
65  ORTHOGONAL /**< \brief Project to the closest point on the polynonomial surface. */
66  };
68  /** \brief Data structure used to store the MLS polynomial partial derivatives */
70  {
71  double z; /**< \brief The z component of the polynomial evaluated at z(u, v). */
72  double z_u; /**< \brief The partial derivative dz/du. */
73  double z_v; /**< \brief The partial derivative dz/dv. */
74  double z_uu; /**< \brief The partial derivative d^2z/du^2. */
75  double z_vv; /**< \brief The partial derivative d^2z/dv^2. */
76  double z_uv; /**< \brief The partial derivative d^2z/dudv. */
77  };
79  /** \brief Data structure used to store the MLS projection results */
81  {
82  MLSProjectionResults () = default;
84  double u{0.0}; /**< \brief The u-coordinate of the projected point in local MLS frame. */
85  double v{0.0}; /**< \brief The v-coordinate of the projected point in local MLS frame. */
86  Eigen::Vector3d point; /**< \brief The projected point. */
87  Eigen::Vector3d normal; /**< \brief The projected point's normal. */
89  };
91  inline
92  MLSResult () : num_neighbors (0), curvature (0.0f), order (0), valid (false) {}
94  inline
95  MLSResult (const Eigen::Vector3d &a_query_point,
96  const Eigen::Vector3d &a_mean,
97  const Eigen::Vector3d &a_plane_normal,
98  const Eigen::Vector3d &a_u,
99  const Eigen::Vector3d &a_v,
100  const Eigen::VectorXd &a_c_vec,
101  const int a_num_neighbors,
102  const float a_curvature,
103  const int a_order);
105  /** \brief Given a point calculate its 3D location in the MLS frame.
106  * \param[in] pt The point
107  * \param[out] u The u-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
108  * \param[out] v The v-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
109  * \param[out] w The w-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
110  */
111  inline void
112  getMLSCoordinates (const Eigen::Vector3d &pt, double &u, double &v, double &w) const;
114  /** \brief Given a point calculate its 2D location in the MLS frame.
115  * \param[in] pt The point
116  * \param[out] u The u-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
117  * \param[out] v The v-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
118  */
119  inline void
120  getMLSCoordinates (const Eigen::Vector3d &pt, double &u, double &v) const;
122  /** \brief Calculate the polynomial
123  * \param[in] u The u-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
124  * \param[in] v The v-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
125  * \return The polynomial value at the provided uv coordinates.
126  */
127  inline double
128  getPolynomialValue (const double u, const double v) const;
130  /** \brief Calculate the polynomial's first and second partial derivatives.
131  * \param[in] u The u-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
132  * \param[in] v The v-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
133  * \return The polynomial partial derivatives at the provided uv coordinates.
134  */
135  inline PolynomialPartialDerivative
136  getPolynomialPartialDerivative (const double u, const double v) const;
138  /** \brief Calculate the principal curvatures using the polynomial surface.
139  * \param[in] u The u-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
140  * \param[in] v The v-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
141  * \return The principal curvature [k1, k2] at the provided uv coordinates.
142  * \note If an error occurs then 1e-5 is returned.
143  */
144  Eigen::Vector2f
145  calculatePrincipalCurvatures (const double u, const double v) const;
147  /** \brief Calculate the principal curvatures using the polynomial surface.
148  * \param[in] u The u-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
149  * \param[in] v The v-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
150  * \return The principal curvature [k1, k2] at the provided uv coordinates.
151  * \note If an error occurs then 1e-5 is returned.
152  */
153  PCL_DEPRECATED(1, 15, "use calculatePrincipalCurvatures() instead")
154  inline Eigen::Vector2f
155  calculatePrincipleCurvatures (const double u, const double v) const { return calculatePrincipalCurvatures(u, v); };
157  /** \brief Project a point orthogonal to the polynomial surface.
158  * \param[in] u The u-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
159  * \param[in] v The v-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
160  * \param[in] w The w-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
161  * \return The MLSProjectionResults for the input data.
162  * \note If the MLSResults does not contain polynomial data it projects the point onto the mls plane.
163  * \note If the optimization diverges it performs a simple projection on to the polynomial surface.
164  * \note This was implemented based on this https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1497093/shortest-distance-between-point-and-surface
165  */
166  inline MLSProjectionResults
167  projectPointOrthogonalToPolynomialSurface (const double u, const double v, const double w) const;
169  /** \brief Project a point onto the MLS plane.
170  * \param[in] u The u-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
171  * \param[in] v The v-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
172  * \return The MLSProjectionResults for the input data.
173  */
174  inline MLSProjectionResults
175  projectPointToMLSPlane (const double u, const double v) const;
177  /** \brief Project a point along the MLS plane normal to the polynomial surface.
178  * \param[in] u The u-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
179  * \param[in] v The v-coordinate of the point in local MLS frame.
180  * \return The MLSProjectionResults for the input data.
181  * \note If the MLSResults does not contain polynomial data it projects the point onto the mls plane.
182  */
183  inline MLSProjectionResults
184  projectPointSimpleToPolynomialSurface (const double u, const double v) const;
186  /**
187  * \brief Project a point using the specified method.
188  * \param[in] pt The point to be project.
189  * \param[in] method The projection method to be used.
190  * \param[in] required_neighbors The minimum number of neighbors required.
191  * \note If required_neighbors is 0 then any number of neighbors is allowed.
192  * \note If required_neighbors is not satisfied it projects to the mls plane.
193  * \return The MLSProjectionResults for the input data.
194  */
195  inline MLSProjectionResults
196  projectPoint (const Eigen::Vector3d &pt, ProjectionMethod method, int required_neighbors = 0) const;
198  /**
199  * \brief Project the query point used to generate the mls surface about using the specified method.
200  * \param[in] method The projection method to be used.
201  * \param[in] required_neighbors The minimum number of neighbors required.
202  * \note If required_neighbors is 0 then any number of neighbors is allowed.
203  * \note If required_neighbors is not satisfied it projects to the mls plane.
204  * \return The MLSProjectionResults for the input data.
205  */
206  inline MLSProjectionResults
207  projectQueryPoint (ProjectionMethod method, int required_neighbors = 0) const;
209  /** \brief Smooth a given point and its neighborhood using Moving Least Squares.
210  * \param[in] cloud the input cloud, used together with index and nn_indices
211  * \param[in] index the index of the query point in the input cloud
212  * \param[in] nn_indices the set of nearest neighbors indices for pt
213  * \param[in] search_radius the search radius used to find nearest neighbors for pt
214  * \param[in] polynomial_order the order of the polynomial to fit to the nearest neighbors
215  * \param[in] weight_func defines the weight function for the polynomial fit
216  */
217  template <typename PointT> void
219  pcl::index_t index,
220  const pcl::Indices &nn_indices,
221  double search_radius,
222  int polynomial_order = 2,
223  std::function<double(const double)> weight_func = {});
225  Eigen::Vector3d query_point; /**< \brief The query point about which the mls surface was generated */
226  Eigen::Vector3d mean; /**< \brief The mean point of all the neighbors. */
227  Eigen::Vector3d plane_normal; /**< \brief The normal of the local plane of the query point. */
228  Eigen::Vector3d u_axis; /**< \brief The axis corresponding to the u-coordinates of the local plane of the query point. */
229  Eigen::Vector3d v_axis; /**< \brief The axis corresponding to the v-coordinates of the local plane of the query point. */
230  Eigen::VectorXd c_vec; /**< \brief The polynomial coefficients Example: z = c_vec[0] + c_vec[1]*v + c_vec[2]*v^2 + c_vec[3]*u + c_vec[4]*u*v + c_vec[5]*u^2 */
231  int num_neighbors; /**< \brief The number of neighbors used to create the mls surface. */
232  float curvature; /**< \brief The curvature at the query point. */
233  int order; /**< \brief The order of the polynomial. If order > 1 then use polynomial fit */
234  bool valid; /**< \brief If True, the mls results data is valid, otherwise False. */
236  private:
237  /**
238  * \brief The default weight function used when fitting a polynomial surface
239  * \param sq_dist the squared distance from a point to origin of the mls frame
240  * \param sq_mls_radius the squraed mls search radius used
241  * \return The weight for a point at squared distance from the origin of the mls frame
242  */
243  inline
244  double computeMLSWeight (const double sq_dist, const double sq_mls_radius) { return (std::exp (-sq_dist / sq_mls_radius)); }
246  };
248  /** \brief MovingLeastSquares represent an implementation of the MLS (Moving Least Squares) algorithm
249  * for data smoothing and improved normal estimation. It also contains methods for upsampling the
250  * resulting cloud based on the parametric fit.
251  * Reference paper: "Computing and Rendering Point Set Surfaces" by Marc Alexa, Johannes Behr,
252  * Daniel Cohen-Or, Shachar Fleishman, David Levin and Claudio T. Silva
253  * www.sci.utah.edu/~shachar/Publications/crpss.pdf
254  * \note There is a parallelized version of the processing step, using the OpenMP standard.
255  * Compared to the standard version, an overhead is incurred in terms of runtime and memory usage.
256  * The upsampling methods DISTINCT_CLOUD and VOXEL_GRID_DILATION are not parallelized completely,
257  * i.e. parts of the algorithm run on a single thread only.
258  * \author Zoltan Csaba Marton, Radu B. Rusu, Alexandru E. Ichim, Suat Gedikli, Robert Huitl
259  * \ingroup surface
260  */
261  template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT>
262  class MovingLeastSquares : public CloudSurfaceProcessing<PointInT, PointOutT>
263  {
264  public:
265  using Ptr = shared_ptr<MovingLeastSquares<PointInT, PointOutT> >;
266  using ConstPtr = shared_ptr<const MovingLeastSquares<PointInT, PointOutT> >;
275  using KdTreePtr = typename KdTree::Ptr;
287  using SearchMethod = std::function<int (pcl::index_t, double, pcl::Indices &, std::vector<float> &)>;
290  {
291  NONE, /**< \brief No upsampling will be done, only the input points will be projected
292  to their own MLS surfaces. */
293  DISTINCT_CLOUD, /**< \brief Project the points of the distinct cloud to the MLS surface. */
294  SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE, /**< \brief The local plane of each input point will be sampled in a circular fashion
295  using the \ref upsampling_radius_ and the \ref upsampling_step_ parameters. */
296  RANDOM_UNIFORM_DENSITY, /**< \brief The local plane of each input point will be sampled using an uniform random
297  distribution such that the density of points is constant throughout the
298  cloud - given by the \ref desired_num_points_in_radius_ parameter. */
299  VOXEL_GRID_DILATION /**< \brief The input cloud will be inserted into a voxel grid with voxels of
300  size \ref voxel_size_; this voxel grid will be dilated \ref dilation_iteration_num_
301  times and the resulting points will be projected to the MLS surface
302  of the closest point in the input cloud; the result is a point cloud
303  with filled holes and a constant point density. */
304  };
306  /** \brief Empty constructor. */
307  MovingLeastSquares () : CloudSurfaceProcessing<PointInT, PointOutT> (),
308  distinct_cloud_ (),
309  tree_ (),
313  rng_uniform_distribution_ ()
314  {};
316  /** \brief Empty destructor */
317  ~MovingLeastSquares () override = default;
320  /** \brief Set whether the algorithm should also store the normals computed
321  * \note This is optional, but need a proper output cloud type
322  */
323  inline void
324  setComputeNormals (bool compute_normals) { compute_normals_ = compute_normals; }
326  /** \brief Provide a pointer to the search object.
327  * \param[in] tree a pointer to the spatial search object.
328  */
329  inline void
331  {
332  tree_ = tree;
333  // Declare the search locator definition
334  search_method_ = [this] (pcl::index_t index, double radius, pcl::Indices& k_indices, std::vector<float>& k_sqr_distances)
335  {
336  return tree_->radiusSearch (index, radius, k_indices, k_sqr_distances, 0);
337  };
338  }
340  /** \brief Get a pointer to the search method used. */
341  inline KdTreePtr
342  getSearchMethod () const { return (tree_); }
344  /** \brief Set the order of the polynomial to be fit.
345  * \param[in] order the order of the polynomial
346  * \note Setting order > 1 indicates using a polynomial fit.
347  */
348  inline void
349  setPolynomialOrder (int order) { order_ = order; }
351  /** \brief Get the order of the polynomial to be fit. */
352  inline int
353  getPolynomialOrder () const { return (order_); }
355  /** \brief Set the sphere radius that is to be used for determining the k-nearest neighbors used for fitting.
356  * \param[in] radius the sphere radius that is to contain all k-nearest neighbors
357  * \note Calling this method resets the squared Gaussian parameter to radius * radius !
358  */
359  inline void
362  /** \brief Get the sphere radius used for determining the k-nearest neighbors. */
363  inline double
364  getSearchRadius () const { return (search_radius_); }
366  /** \brief Set the parameter used for distance based weighting of neighbors (the square of the search radius works
367  * best in general).
368  * \param[in] sqr_gauss_param the squared Gaussian parameter
369  */
370  inline void
371  setSqrGaussParam (double sqr_gauss_param) { sqr_gauss_param_ = sqr_gauss_param; }
373  /** \brief Get the parameter for distance based weighting of neighbors. */
374  inline double
375  getSqrGaussParam () const { return (sqr_gauss_param_); }
377  /** \brief Set the upsampling method to be used
378  * \param method
379  */
380  inline void
383  /** \brief Set the distinct cloud used for the DISTINCT_CLOUD upsampling method. */
384  inline void
385  setDistinctCloud (PointCloudInConstPtr distinct_cloud) { distinct_cloud_ = distinct_cloud; }
387  /** \brief Get the distinct cloud used for the DISTINCT_CLOUD upsampling method. */
388  inline PointCloudInConstPtr
389  getDistinctCloud () const { return (distinct_cloud_); }
392  /** \brief Set the radius of the circle in the local point plane that will be sampled
393  * \note Used only in the case of SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE upsampling
394  * \param[in] radius the radius of the circle
395  */
396  inline void
397  setUpsamplingRadius (double radius) { upsampling_radius_ = radius; }
399  /** \brief Get the radius of the circle in the local point plane that will be sampled
400  * \note Used only in the case of SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE upsampling
401  */
402  inline double
405  /** \brief Set the step size for the local plane sampling
406  * \note Used only in the case of SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE upsampling
407  * \param[in] step_size the step size
408  */
409  inline void
410  setUpsamplingStepSize (double step_size) { upsampling_step_ = step_size; }
413  /** \brief Get the step size for the local plane sampling
414  * \note Used only in the case of SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE upsampling
415  */
416  inline double
419  /** \brief Set the parameter that specifies the desired number of points within the search radius
420  * \note Used only in the case of RANDOM_UNIFORM_DENSITY upsampling
421  * \param[in] desired_num_points_in_radius the desired number of points in the output cloud in a sphere of
422  * radius \ref search_radius_ around each point
423  */
424  inline void
425  setPointDensity (int desired_num_points_in_radius) { desired_num_points_in_radius_ = desired_num_points_in_radius; }
428  /** \brief Get the parameter that specifies the desired number of points within the search radius
429  * \note Used only in the case of RANDOM_UNIFORM_DENSITY upsampling
430  */
431  inline int
434  /** \brief Set the voxel size for the voxel grid
435  * \note Used only in the VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling method
436  * \param[in] voxel_size the edge length of a cubic voxel in the voxel grid
437  */
438  inline void
439  setDilationVoxelSize (float voxel_size) { voxel_size_ = voxel_size; }
442  /** \brief Get the voxel size for the voxel grid
443  * \note Used only in the VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling method
444  */
445  inline float
446  getDilationVoxelSize () const { return (voxel_size_); }
448  /** \brief Set the number of dilation steps of the voxel grid
449  * \note Used only in the VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling method
450  * \param[in] iterations the number of dilation iterations
451  */
452  inline void
453  setDilationIterations (int iterations) { dilation_iteration_num_ = iterations; }
455  /** \brief Get the number of dilation steps of the voxel grid
456  * \note Used only in the VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling method
457  */
458  inline int
461  /** \brief Set whether the mls results should be stored for each point in the input cloud
462  * \param[in] cache_mls_results True if the mls results should be stored, otherwise false.
463  * \note The cache_mls_results_ is forced to be true when using upsampling method VOXEL_GRID_DILATION or DISTINCT_CLOUD.
464  * \note If memory consumption is a concern, then set it to false when not using upsampling method VOXEL_GRID_DILATION or DISTINCT_CLOUD.
465  */
466  inline void
467  setCacheMLSResults (bool cache_mls_results) { cache_mls_results_ = cache_mls_results; }
469  /** \brief Get the cache_mls_results_ value (True if the mls results should be stored, otherwise false). */
470  inline bool
471  getCacheMLSResults () const { return (cache_mls_results_); }
473  /** \brief Set the method to be used when projection the point on to the MLS surface.
474  * \param method
475  * \note This is only used when polynomial fit is enabled.
476  */
477  inline void
481  /** \brief Get the current projection method being used. */
485  /** \brief Get the MLSResults for input cloud
486  * \note The results are only stored if setCacheMLSResults(true) was called or when using the upsampling method DISTINCT_CLOUD or VOXEL_GRID_DILATION.
487  * \note This vector is aligned with the input cloud indices, so use getCorrespondingIndices to get the correct results when using output cloud indices.
488  */
489  inline const std::vector<MLSResult>&
490  getMLSResults () const { return (mls_results_); }
492  /** \brief Set the maximum number of threads to use
493  * \param threads the maximum number of hardware threads to use (0 sets the value to 1)
494  */
495  inline void
496  setNumberOfThreads (unsigned int threads = 1)
497  {
498  threads_ = threads;
499  }
501  /** \brief Base method for surface reconstruction for all points given in <setInputCloud (), setIndices ()>
502  * \param[out] output the resultant reconstructed surface model
503  */
504  void
505  process (PointCloudOut &output) override;
508  /** \brief Get the set of indices with each point in output having the
509  * corresponding point in input */
510  inline PointIndicesPtr
513  protected:
514  /** \brief The point cloud that will hold the estimated normals, if set. */
517  /** \brief The distinct point cloud that will be projected to the MLS surface. */
520  /** \brief The search method template for indices. */
523  /** \brief A pointer to the spatial search object. */
524  KdTreePtr tree_{nullptr};
526  /** \brief The order of the polynomial to be fit. */
527  int order_{2};
529  /** \brief The nearest neighbors search radius for each point. */
530  double search_radius_{0.0};
532  /** \brief Parameter for distance based weighting of neighbors (search_radius_ * search_radius_ works fine) */
533  double sqr_gauss_param_{0.0};
535  /** \brief Parameter that specifies whether the normals should be computed for the input cloud or not */
536  bool compute_normals_{false};
538  /** \brief Parameter that specifies the upsampling method to be used */
541  /** \brief Radius of the circle in the local point plane that will be sampled
542  * \note Used only in the case of SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE upsampling
543  */
544  double upsampling_radius_{0.0};
546  /** \brief Step size for the local plane sampling
547  * \note Used only in the case of SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE upsampling
548  */
549  double upsampling_step_{0.0};
551  /** \brief Parameter that specifies the desired number of points within the search radius
552  * \note Used only in the case of RANDOM_UNIFORM_DENSITY upsampling
553  */
556  /** \brief True if the mls results for the input cloud should be stored
557  * \note This is forced to be true when using upsampling methods VOXEL_GRID_DILATION or DISTINCT_CLOUD.
558  */
559  bool cache_mls_results_{true};
561  /** \brief Stores the MLS result for each point in the input cloud
562  * \note Used only in the case of VOXEL_GRID_DILATION or DISTINCT_CLOUD upsampling
563  */
564  std::vector<MLSResult> mls_results_{};
566  /** \brief Parameter that specifies the projection method to be used. */
569  /** \brief The maximum number of threads the scheduler should use. */
570  unsigned int threads_{1};
573  /** \brief A minimalistic implementation of a voxel grid, necessary for the point cloud upsampling
574  * \note Used only in the case of VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling
575  */
577  {
578  public:
579  struct Leaf { Leaf () = default; bool valid{true}; };
582  IndicesPtr &indices,
583  float voxel_size,
584  int dilation_iteration_num);
586  void
587  dilate ();
589  inline void
590  getIndexIn1D (const Eigen::Vector3i &index, std::uint64_t &index_1d) const
591  {
592  index_1d = index[0] * data_size_ * data_size_ +
593  index[1] * data_size_ + index[2];
594  }
596  inline void
597  getIndexIn3D (std::uint64_t index_1d, Eigen::Vector3i& index_3d) const
598  {
599  index_3d[0] = static_cast<Eigen::Vector3i::Scalar> (index_1d / (data_size_ * data_size_));
600  index_1d -= index_3d[0] * data_size_ * data_size_;
601  index_3d[1] = static_cast<Eigen::Vector3i::Scalar> (index_1d / data_size_);
602  index_1d -= index_3d[1] * data_size_;
603  index_3d[2] = static_cast<Eigen::Vector3i::Scalar> (index_1d);
604  }
606  inline void
607  getCellIndex (const Eigen::Vector3f &p, Eigen::Vector3i& index) const
608  {
609  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
610  index[i] = static_cast<Eigen::Vector3i::Scalar> ((p[i] - bounding_min_ (i)) / voxel_size_);
611  }
613  inline void
614  getPosition (const std::uint64_t &index_1d, Eigen::Vector3f &point) const
615  {
616  Eigen::Vector3i index_3d;
617  getIndexIn3D (index_1d, index_3d);
618  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
619  point[i] = static_cast<Eigen::Vector3f::Scalar> (index_3d[i]) * voxel_size_ + bounding_min_[i];
620  }
622  using HashMap = std::map<std::uint64_t, Leaf>;
624  Eigen::Vector4f bounding_min_, bounding_max_;
625  std::uint64_t data_size_{0};
626  float voxel_size_;
628  };
631  /** \brief Voxel size for the VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling method */
632  float voxel_size_{1.0f};
634  /** \brief Number of dilation steps for the VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling method */
637  /** \brief Number of coefficients, to be computed from the requested order.*/
638  int nr_coeff_{0};
640  /** \brief Collects for each point in output the corresponding point in the input. */
643  /** \brief Search for the nearest neighbors of a given point using a radius search
644  * \param[in] index the index of the query point
645  * \param[out] indices the resultant vector of indices representing the neighbors within search_radius_
646  * \param[out] sqr_distances the resultant squared distances from the query point to the neighbors within search_radius_
647  */
648  inline int
649  searchForNeighbors (pcl::index_t index, pcl::Indices &indices, std::vector<float> &sqr_distances) const
650  {
651  return (search_method_ (index, search_radius_, indices, sqr_distances));
652  }
654  /** \brief Smooth a given point and its neighborghood using Moving Least Squares.
655  * \param[in] index the index of the query point in the input cloud
656  * \param[in] nn_indices the set of nearest neighbors indices for pt
657  * \param[out] projected_points the set of projected points around the query point
658  * (in the case of upsampling method NONE, only the query point projected to its own fitted surface will be returned,
659  * in the case of the other upsampling methods, multiple points will be returned)
660  * \param[out] projected_points_normals the normals corresponding to the projected points
661  * \param[out] corresponding_input_indices the set of indices with each point in output having the corresponding point in input
662  * \param[out] mls_result stores the MLS result for each point in the input cloud
663  * (used only in the case of VOXEL_GRID_DILATION or DISTINCT_CLOUD upsampling)
664  */
665  void
667  const pcl::Indices &nn_indices,
668  PointCloudOut &projected_points,
669  NormalCloud &projected_points_normals,
670  PointIndices &corresponding_input_indices,
671  MLSResult &mls_result) const;
674  /** \brief This is a helper function for adding projected points
675  * \param[in] index the index of the query point in the input cloud
676  * \param[in] point the projected point to be added
677  * \param[in] normal the projected point's normal to be added
678  * \param[in] curvature the projected point's curvature
679  * \param[out] projected_points the set of projected points around the query point
680  * \param[out] projected_points_normals the normals corresponding to the projected points
681  * \param[out] corresponding_input_indices the set of indices with each point in output having the corresponding point in input
682  */
683  void
685  const Eigen::Vector3d &point,
686  const Eigen::Vector3d &normal,
687  double curvature,
688  PointCloudOut &projected_points,
689  NormalCloud &projected_points_normals,
690  PointIndices &corresponding_input_indices) const;
693  void
694  copyMissingFields (const PointInT &point_in,
695  PointOutT &point_out) const;
697  /** \brief Abstract surface reconstruction method.
698  * \param[out] output the result of the reconstruction
699  */
700  void
701  performProcessing (PointCloudOut &output) override;
703  /** \brief Perform upsampling for the distinct-cloud and voxel-grid methods
704  * \param[out] output the result of the reconstruction
705  */
706  void
709  private:
710  /** \brief Random number generator algorithm. */
711  mutable std::mt19937 rng_;
713  /** \brief Random number generator using an uniform distribution of floats
714  * \note Used only in the case of RANDOM_UNIFORM_DENSITY upsampling
715  */
716  std::unique_ptr<std::uniform_real_distribution<>> rng_uniform_distribution_;
718  /** \brief Abstract class get name method. */
719  std::string
720  getClassName () const { return ("MovingLeastSquares"); }
721  };
722 }
725 #include <pcl/surface/impl/mls.hpp>
726 #endif
CloudSurfaceProcessing represents the base class for algorithms that takes a point cloud as input and...
Definition: processing.h:58
A minimalistic implementation of a voxel grid, necessary for the point cloud upsampling.
Definition: mls.h:577
void getPosition(const std::uint64_t &index_1d, Eigen::Vector3f &point) const
Definition: mls.h:614
Eigen::Vector4f bounding_min_
Definition: mls.h:624
void getIndexIn1D(const Eigen::Vector3i &index, std::uint64_t &index_1d) const
Definition: mls.h:590
Eigen::Vector4f bounding_max_
Definition: mls.h:624
void getCellIndex(const Eigen::Vector3f &p, Eigen::Vector3i &index) const
Definition: mls.h:607
void getIndexIn3D(std::uint64_t index_1d, Eigen::Vector3i &index_3d) const
Definition: mls.h:597
MLSVoxelGrid(PointCloudInConstPtr &cloud, IndicesPtr &indices, float voxel_size, int dilation_iteration_num)
Definition: mls.hpp:808
std::map< std::uint64_t, Leaf > HashMap
Definition: mls.h:622
MovingLeastSquares represent an implementation of the MLS (Moving Least Squares) algorithm for data s...
Definition: mls.h:263
void setSqrGaussParam(double sqr_gauss_param)
Set the parameter used for distance based weighting of neighbors (the square of the search radius wor...
Definition: mls.h:371
void setDilationIterations(int iterations)
Set the number of dilation steps of the voxel grid.
Definition: mls.h:453
bool getCacheMLSResults() const
Get the cache_mls_results_ value (True if the mls results should be stored, otherwise false).
Definition: mls.h:471
double getSqrGaussParam() const
Get the parameter for distance based weighting of neighbors.
Definition: mls.h:375
unsigned int threads_
The maximum number of threads the scheduler should use.
Definition: mls.h:570
void performUpsampling(PointCloudOut &output)
Perform upsampling for the distinct-cloud and voxel-grid methods.
Definition: mls.hpp:372
typename PointCloudIn::Ptr PointCloudInPtr
Definition: mls.h:284
int order_
The order of the polynomial to be fit.
Definition: mls.h:527
double getSearchRadius() const
Get the sphere radius used for determining the k-nearest neighbors.
Definition: mls.h:364
typename KdTree::Ptr KdTreePtr
Definition: mls.h:275
MLSResult::ProjectionMethod projection_method_
Parameter that specifies the projection method to be used.
Definition: mls.h:567
typename PointCloudOut::Ptr PointCloudOutPtr
Definition: mls.h:280
KdTreePtr getSearchMethod() const
Get a pointer to the search method used.
Definition: mls.h:342
void setPolynomialOrder(int order)
Set the order of the polynomial to be fit.
Definition: mls.h:349
int getPolynomialOrder() const
Get the order of the polynomial to be fit.
Definition: mls.h:353
double getUpsamplingRadius() const
Get the radius of the circle in the local point plane that will be sampled.
Definition: mls.h:403
double search_radius_
The nearest neighbors search radius for each point.
Definition: mls.h:530
Empty constructor.
Definition: mls.h:307
pcl::PointCloud< PointOutT > PointCloudOut
Definition: mls.h:279
double sqr_gauss_param_
Parameter for distance based weighting of neighbors (search_radius_ * search_radius_ works fine)
Definition: mls.h:533
typename PointCloudIn::ConstPtr PointCloudInConstPtr
Definition: mls.h:285
int getPointDensity() const
Get the parameter that specifies the desired number of points within the search radius.
Definition: mls.h:432
std::function< int(pcl::index_t, double, pcl::Indices &, std::vector< float > &)> SearchMethod
Definition: mls.h:287
float getDilationVoxelSize() const
Get the voxel size for the voxel grid.
Definition: mls.h:446
KdTreePtr tree_
A pointer to the spatial search object.
Definition: mls.h:524
void copyMissingFields(const PointInT &point_in, PointOutT &point_out) const
Definition: mls.hpp:866
void setComputeNormals(bool compute_normals)
Set whether the algorithm should also store the normals computed.
Definition: mls.h:324
void setPointDensity(int desired_num_points_in_radius)
Set the parameter that specifies the desired number of points within the search radius.
Definition: mls.h:425
MLSResult::ProjectionMethod getProjectionMethod() const
Get the current projection method being used.
Definition: mls.h:483
shared_ptr< MovingLeastSquares< PointInT, PointOutT > > Ptr
Definition: mls.h:265
double getUpsamplingStepSize() const
Get the step size for the local plane sampling.
Definition: mls.h:417
int getDilationIterations() const
Get the number of dilation steps of the voxel grid.
Definition: mls.h:459
double upsampling_step_
Step size for the local plane sampling.
Definition: mls.h:549
NormalCloud::Ptr NormalCloudPtr
Definition: mls.h:277
void setUpsamplingRadius(double radius)
Set the radius of the circle in the local point plane that will be sampled.
Definition: mls.h:397
NormalCloudPtr normals_
The point cloud that will hold the estimated normals, if set.
Definition: mls.h:515
void setDistinctCloud(PointCloudInConstPtr distinct_cloud)
Set the distinct cloud used for the DISTINCT_CLOUD upsampling method.
Definition: mls.h:385
void setDilationVoxelSize(float voxel_size)
Set the voxel size for the voxel grid.
Definition: mls.h:439
UpsamplingMethod upsample_method_
Parameter that specifies the upsampling method to be used.
Definition: mls.h:539
int searchForNeighbors(pcl::index_t index, pcl::Indices &indices, std::vector< float > &sqr_distances) const
Search for the nearest neighbors of a given point using a radius search.
Definition: mls.h:649
double upsampling_radius_
Radius of the circle in the local point plane that will be sampled.
Definition: mls.h:544
The local plane of each input point will be sampled using an uniform random distribution such that th...
Definition: mls.h:296
The local plane of each input point will be sampled in a circular fashion using the upsampling_radius...
Definition: mls.h:294
The input cloud will be inserted into a voxel grid with voxels of size voxel_size_; this voxel grid w...
Definition: mls.h:299
No upsampling will be done, only the input points will be projected to their own MLS surfaces.
Definition: mls.h:291
Project the points of the distinct cloud to the MLS surface.
Definition: mls.h:293
PointCloudInConstPtr getDistinctCloud() const
Get the distinct cloud used for the DISTINCT_CLOUD upsampling method.
Definition: mls.h:389
void setSearchMethod(const KdTreePtr &tree)
Provide a pointer to the search object.
Definition: mls.h:330
int desired_num_points_in_radius_
Parameter that specifies the desired number of points within the search radius.
Definition: mls.h:554
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Normal > NormalCloud
Definition: mls.h:276
const std::vector< MLSResult > & getMLSResults() const
Get the MLSResults for input cloud.
Definition: mls.h:490
void setUpsamplingMethod(UpsamplingMethod method)
Set the upsampling method to be used.
Definition: mls.h:381
void setUpsamplingStepSize(double step_size)
Set the step size for the local plane sampling.
Definition: mls.h:410
PointIndicesPtr corresponding_input_indices_
Collects for each point in output the corresponding point in the input.
Definition: mls.h:641
void setCacheMLSResults(bool cache_mls_results)
Set whether the mls results should be stored for each point in the input cloud.
Definition: mls.h:467
int nr_coeff_
Number of coefficients, to be computed from the requested order.
Definition: mls.h:638
void setNumberOfThreads(unsigned int threads=1)
Set the maximum number of threads to use.
Definition: mls.h:496
bool compute_normals_
Parameter that specifies whether the normals should be computed for the input cloud or not.
Definition: mls.h:536
void performProcessing(PointCloudOut &output) override
Abstract surface reconstruction method.
Definition: mls.hpp:286
void computeMLSPointNormal(pcl::index_t index, const pcl::Indices &nn_indices, PointCloudOut &projected_points, NormalCloud &projected_points_normals, PointIndices &corresponding_input_indices, MLSResult &mls_result) const
Smooth a given point and its neighborghood using Moving Least Squares.
Definition: mls.hpp:176
shared_ptr< const MovingLeastSquares< PointInT, PointOutT > > ConstPtr
Definition: mls.h:266
SearchMethod search_method_
The search method template for indices.
Definition: mls.h:521
void process(PointCloudOut &output) override
Base method for surface reconstruction for all points given in <setInputCloud (), setIndices ()>
Definition: mls.hpp:63
void addProjectedPointNormal(pcl::index_t index, const Eigen::Vector3d &point, const Eigen::Vector3d &normal, double curvature, PointCloudOut &projected_points, NormalCloud &projected_points_normals, PointIndices &corresponding_input_indices) const
This is a helper function for adding projected points.
Definition: mls.hpp:254
PointIndicesPtr getCorrespondingIndices() const
Get the set of indices with each point in output having the corresponding point in input.
Definition: mls.h:511
void setSearchRadius(double radius)
Set the sphere radius that is to be used for determining the k-nearest neighbors used for fitting.
Definition: mls.h:360
typename PointCloudOut::ConstPtr PointCloudOutConstPtr
Definition: mls.h:281
int dilation_iteration_num_
Number of dilation steps for the VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling method.
Definition: mls.h:635
void setProjectionMethod(MLSResult::ProjectionMethod method)
Set the method to be used when projection the point on to the MLS surface.
Definition: mls.h:478
bool cache_mls_results_
True if the mls results for the input cloud should be stored.
Definition: mls.h:559
~MovingLeastSquares() override=default
Empty destructor.
std::vector< MLSResult > mls_results_
Stores the MLS result for each point in the input cloud.
Definition: mls.h:564
float voxel_size_
Voxel size for the VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling method.
Definition: mls.h:632
PointCloudInConstPtr distinct_cloud_
The distinct point cloud that will be projected to the MLS surface.
Definition: mls.h:518
PCL base class.
Definition: pcl_base.h:70
PointIndices::Ptr PointIndicesPtr
Definition: pcl_base.h:76
PointCloud represents the base class in PCL for storing collections of 3D points.
Definition: point_cloud.h:173
shared_ptr< PointCloud< pcl::Normal > > Ptr
Definition: point_cloud.h:413
shared_ptr< const PointCloud< PointOutT > > ConstPtr
Definition: point_cloud.h:414
shared_ptr< pcl::search::Search< PointInT > > Ptr
Definition: search.h:81
Macro to signal a class requires a custom allocator.
Definition: memory.h:63
Defines functions, macros and traits for allocating and using memory.
Definition: bfgs.h:10
detail::int_type_t< detail::index_type_size, detail::index_type_signed > index_t
Type used for an index in PCL.
Definition: types.h:112
IndicesAllocator<> Indices
Type used for indices in PCL.
Definition: types.h:133
PointIndices::Ptr PointIndicesPtr
Definition: PointIndices.h:23
shared_ptr< Indices > IndicesPtr
Definition: pcl_base.h:58
Defines all the PCL and non-PCL macros used.
#define PCL_DEPRECATED(Major, Minor, Message)
macro for compatibility across compilers and help remove old deprecated items for the Major....
Definition: pcl_macros.h:156
Data structure used to store the MLS projection results.
Definition: mls.h:81
Eigen::Vector3d point
The projected point.
Definition: mls.h:86
double v
The v-coordinate of the projected point in local MLS frame.
Definition: mls.h:85
Eigen::Vector3d normal
The projected point's normal.
Definition: mls.h:87
double u
The u-coordinate of the projected point in local MLS frame.
Definition: mls.h:84
Data structure used to store the MLS polynomial partial derivatives.
Definition: mls.h:70
double z_uv
The partial derivative d^2z/dudv.
Definition: mls.h:76
double z_u
The partial derivative dz/du.
Definition: mls.h:72
double z_uu
The partial derivative d^2z/du^2.
Definition: mls.h:74
double z
The z component of the polynomial evaluated at z(u, v).
Definition: mls.h:71
double z_vv
The partial derivative d^2z/dv^2.
Definition: mls.h:75
double z_v
The partial derivative dz/dv.
Definition: mls.h:73
Data structure used to store the results of the MLS fitting.
Definition: mls.h:60
MLSProjectionResults projectPoint(const Eigen::Vector3d &pt, ProjectionMethod method, int required_neighbors=0) const
Project a point using the specified method.
Definition: mls.hpp:639
Definition: mls.h:92
Eigen::Vector3d mean
The mean point of all the neighbors.
Definition: mls.h:226
MLSProjectionResults projectPointOrthogonalToPolynomialSurface(const double u, const double v, const double w) const
Project a point orthogonal to the polynomial surface.
Definition: mls.hpp:539
Eigen::Vector3d u_axis
The axis corresponding to the u-coordinates of the local plane of the query point.
Definition: mls.h:228
Eigen::Vector2f calculatePrincipleCurvatures(const double u, const double v) const
Calculate the principal curvatures using the polynomial surface.
Definition: mls.h:155
Eigen::Vector3d plane_normal
The normal of the local plane of the query point.
Definition: mls.h:227
Definition: mls.h:62
Project to the closest point on the polynonomial surface.
Definition: mls.h:65
Project along the mls plane normal to the polynomial surface.
Definition: mls.h:64
Project to the mls plane.
Definition: mls.h:63
Eigen::Vector3d v_axis
The axis corresponding to the v-coordinates of the local plane of the query point.
Definition: mls.h:229
int num_neighbors
The number of neighbors used to create the mls surface.
Definition: mls.h:231
Eigen::VectorXd c_vec
The polynomial coefficients Example: z = c_vec[0] + c_vec[1]*v + c_vec[2]*v^2 + c_vec[3]*u + c_vec[4]...
Definition: mls.h:230
void computeMLSSurface(const pcl::PointCloud< PointT > &cloud, pcl::index_t index, const pcl::Indices &nn_indices, double search_radius, int polynomial_order=2, std::function< double(const double)> weight_func={})
Smooth a given point and its neighborhood using Moving Least Squares.
Definition: mls.hpp:692
void getMLSCoordinates(const Eigen::Vector3d &pt, double &u, double &v, double &w) const
Given a point calculate its 3D location in the MLS frame.
Definition: mls.hpp:455
float curvature
The curvature at the query point.
Definition: mls.h:232
PolynomialPartialDerivative getPolynomialPartialDerivative(const double u, const double v) const
Calculate the polynomial's first and second partial derivatives.
Definition: mls.hpp:494
MLSProjectionResults projectPointSimpleToPolynomialSurface(const double u, const double v) const
Project a point along the MLS plane normal to the polynomial surface.
Definition: mls.hpp:616
MLSProjectionResults projectPointToMLSPlane(const double u, const double v) const
Project a point onto the MLS plane.
Definition: mls.hpp:604
Eigen::Vector2f calculatePrincipalCurvatures(const double u, const double v) const
Calculate the principal curvatures using the polynomial surface.
double getPolynomialValue(const double u, const double v) const
Calculate the polynomial.
Definition: mls.hpp:472
Eigen::Vector3d query_point
The query point about which the mls surface was generated.
Definition: mls.h:225
MLSProjectionResults projectQueryPoint(ProjectionMethod method, int required_neighbors=0) const
Project the query point used to generate the mls surface about using the specified method.
Definition: mls.hpp:661
int order
The order of the polynomial.
Definition: mls.h:233
bool valid
If True, the mls results data is valid, otherwise False.
Definition: mls.h:234