Point Cloud Library (PCL)  1.14.1-dev
1 /*
2  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
3  *
4  * Point Cloud Library (PCL) - www.pointclouds.org
5  * Copyright (c) 2014-, Open Perception Inc.
6  *
7  * All rights reserved
8  */
10 #pragma once
12 #include <pcl/sample_consensus/sac_model.h>
13 #include <pcl/sample_consensus/model_types.h>
15 namespace pcl
16 {
17  /** \brief SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D defines a model for 3D ellipse segmentation.
18  *
19  * The model coefficients are defined as:
20  * - \b center.x : the X coordinate of the ellipse's center
21  * - \b center.y : the Y coordinate of the ellipse's center
22  * - \b center.z : the Z coordinate of the ellipse's center
23  * - \b semi_axis.u : semi-major axis length along the local u-axis of the ellipse
24  * - \b semi_axis.v : semi-minor axis length along the local v-axis of the ellipse
25  * - \b normal.x : the X coordinate of the normal's direction
26  * - \b normal.y : the Y coordinate of the normal's direction
27  * - \b normal.z : the Z coordinate of the normal's direction
28  * - \b u.x : the X coordinate of the local u-axis of the ellipse
29  * - \b u.y : the Y coordinate of the local u-axis of the ellipse
30  * - \b u.z : the Z coordinate of the local u-axis of the ellipse
31  *
32  * For more details please refer to the following manuscript:
33  * "Semi-autonomous Prosthesis Control Using Minimal Depth Information and Vibrotactile Feedback",
34  * Miguel N. Castro & Strahinja Dosen. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems [under review]. arXiv:2210.00541.
35  * (@ github.com/mnobrecastro/pcl-ellipse-fitting)
36  *
37  * \author Miguel Nobre Castro (mnobrecastro@gmail.com)
38  * \ingroup sample_consensus
39  */
40  template <typename PointT>
42  {
43  public:
55  using Ptr = shared_ptr<SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D<PointT> >;
56  using ConstPtr = shared_ptr<const SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D<PointT> >;
58  /** \brief Constructor for base SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D.
59  * \param[in] cloud the input point cloud dataset
60  * \param[in] random if true set the random seed to the current time, else set to 12345 (default: false)
61  */
62  SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D (const PointCloudConstPtr &cloud, bool random = false)
63  : SampleConsensusModel<PointT> (cloud, random)
64  {
65  model_name_ = "SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D";
66  sample_size_ = 6;
67  model_size_ = 11;
68  }
70  /** \brief Constructor for base SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D.
71  * \param[in] cloud the input point cloud dataset
72  * \param[in] indices a vector of point indices to be used from \a cloud
73  * \param[in] random if true set the random seed to the current time, else set to 12345 (default: false)
74  */
76  const Indices &indices,
77  bool random = false)
78  : SampleConsensusModel<PointT> (cloud, indices, random)
79  {
80  model_name_ = "SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D";
81  sample_size_ = 6;
82  model_size_ = 11;
83  }
85  /** \brief Empty destructor */
86  ~SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D () override = default;
88  /** \brief Copy constructor.
89  * \param[in] source the model to copy into this
90  */
93  {
94  *this = source;
95  model_name_ = "SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D";
96  }
98  /** \brief Copy constructor.
99  * \param[in] source the model to copy into this
100  */
103  {
105  return (*this);
106  }
108  /** \brief Check whether the given index samples can form a valid 3D ellipse model, compute the model coefficients
109  * from these samples and store them in model_coefficients. The ellipse coefficients are: x, y, R.
110  * \param[in] samples the point indices found as possible good candidates for creating a valid model
111  * \param[out] model_coefficients the resultant model coefficients
112  */
113  bool
114  computeModelCoefficients (const Indices &samples,
115  Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients) const override;
117  /** \brief Compute all distances from the cloud data to a given 3D ellipse model.
118  * \param[in] model_coefficients the coefficients of a 3D ellipse model that we need to compute distances to
119  * \param[out] distances the resultant estimated distances
120  */
121  void
122  getDistancesToModel (const Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients,
123  std::vector<double> &distances) const override;
125  /** \brief Compute all distances from the cloud data to a given 3D ellipse model.
126  * \param[in] model_coefficients the coefficients of a 3D ellipse model that we need to compute distances to
127  * \param[in] threshold a maximum admissible distance threshold for determining the inliers from the outliers
128  * \param[out] inliers the resultant model inliers
129  */
130  void
131  selectWithinDistance (const Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients,
132  const double threshold,
133  Indices &inliers) override;
135  /** \brief Count all the points which respect the given model coefficients as inliers.
136  *
137  * \param[in] model_coefficients the coefficients of a model that we need to compute distances to
138  * \param[in] threshold maximum admissible distance threshold for determining the inliers from the outliers
139  * \return the resultant number of inliers
140  */
141  std::size_t
142  countWithinDistance (const Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients,
143  const double threshold) const override;
145  /** \brief Recompute the 3d ellipse coefficients using the given inlier set and return them to the user.
146  * @note: these are the coefficients of the 3d ellipse model after refinement (e.g. after SVD)
147  * \param[in] inliers the data inliers found as supporting the model
148  * \param[in] model_coefficients the initial guess for the optimization
149  * \param[out] optimized_coefficients the resultant recomputed coefficients after non-linear optimization
150  */
151  void
152  optimizeModelCoefficients (const Indices &inliers,
153  const Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients,
154  Eigen::VectorXf &optimized_coefficients) const override;
156  /** \brief Create a new point cloud with inliers projected onto the 3d ellipse model.
157  * \param[in] inliers the data inliers that we want to project on the 3d ellipse model
158  * \param[in] model_coefficients the coefficients of a 3d ellipse model
159  * \param[out] projected_points the resultant projected points
160  * \param[in] copy_data_fields set to true if we need to copy the other data fields
161  */
162  void
163  projectPoints (const Indices &inliers,
164  const Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients,
165  PointCloud &projected_points,
166  bool copy_data_fields = true) const override;
168  /** \brief Verify whether a subset of indices verifies the given 3d ellipse model coefficients.
169  * \param[in] indices the data indices that need to be tested against the 3d ellipse model
170  * \param[in] model_coefficients the 3d ellipse model coefficients
171  * \param[in] threshold a maximum admissible distance threshold for determining the inliers from the outliers
172  */
173  bool
174  doSamplesVerifyModel (const std::set<index_t> &indices,
175  const Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients,
176  const double threshold) const override;
178  /** \brief Return a unique id for this model (SACMODEL_ELLIPSE3D). */
179  inline pcl::SacModel
180  getModelType () const override { return (SACMODEL_ELLIPSE3D); }
182  protected:
186  /** \brief Check whether a model is valid given the user constraints.
187  * \param[in] model_coefficients the set of model coefficients
188  */
189  bool
190  isModelValid (const Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients) const override;
192  /** \brief Check if a sample of indices results in a good sample of points indices.
193  * \param[in] samples the resultant index samples
194  */
195  bool
196  isSampleGood(const Indices &samples) const override;
198  private:
199  /** \brief Functor for the optimization function */
200  struct OptimizationFunctor : pcl::Functor<double>
201  {
202  /** Functor constructor
203  * \param[in] indices the indices of data points to evaluate
204  * \param[in] estimator pointer to the estimator object
205  */
206  OptimizationFunctor (const pcl::SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D<PointT> *model, const Indices& indices) :
207  pcl::Functor<double> (indices.size ()), model_ (model), indices_ (indices) {}
209  /** Cost function to be minimized
210  * \param[in] x the variables array
211  * \param[out] fvec the resultant functions evaluations
212  * \return 0
213  */
214  int operator() (const Eigen::VectorXd &x, Eigen::VectorXd &fvec) const
215  {
216  // c : Ellipse Center
217  const Eigen::Vector3f c(x[0], x[1], x[2]);
218  // n : Ellipse (Plane) Normal
219  const Eigen::Vector3f n_axis(x[5], x[6], x[7]);
220  // x : Ellipse (Plane) X-Axis
221  const Eigen::Vector3f x_axis(x[8], x[9], x[10]);
222  // y : Ellipse (Plane) Y-Axis
223  const Eigen::Vector3f y_axis = n_axis.cross(x_axis).normalized();
224  // a : Ellipse semi-major axis (X) length
225  const float par_a(x[3]);
226  // b : Ellipse semi-minor axis (Y) length
227  const float par_b(x[4]);
229  // Compute the rotation matrix and its transpose
230  const Eigen::Matrix3f Rot = (Eigen::Matrix3f(3,3)
231  << x_axis(0), y_axis(0), n_axis(0),
232  x_axis(1), y_axis(1), n_axis(1),
233  x_axis(2), y_axis(2), n_axis(2))
234  .finished();
235  const Eigen::Matrix3f Rot_T = Rot.transpose();
237  for (int i = 0; i < values (); ++i)
238  {
239  // what i have:
240  // p : Sample Point
241  const Eigen::Vector3f p = (*model_->input_)[indices_[i]].getVector3fMap().template cast<float>();
243  // Local coordinates of sample point p
244  const Eigen::Vector3f p_ = Rot_T * (p - c);
246  // k : Point on Ellipse
247  // Calculate the shortest distance from the point to the ellipse which is
248  // given by the norm of a vector that is normal to the ellipse tangent
249  // calculated at the point it intersects the tangent.
250  const Eigen::VectorXf params = (Eigen::VectorXf(5) << par_a, par_b, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).finished();
251  float th_opt;
252  const Eigen::Vector2f distanceVector = dvec2ellipse(params, p_(0), p_(1), th_opt);
253  fvec[i] = distanceVector.norm();
254  }
255  return (0);
256  }
259  const Indices &indices_;
260  };
262  static void
263  get_ellipse_point(const Eigen::VectorXf& par, float th, float& x, float& y);
265  static Eigen::Vector2f
266  dvec2ellipse(const Eigen::VectorXf& par, float u, float v, float& th_opt);
268  static float
269  golden_section_search(
270  const Eigen::VectorXf& par,
271  float u,
272  float v,
273  float th_min,
274  float th_max,
275  float epsilon);
276  };
277 }
280 #include <pcl/sample_consensus/impl/sac_model_ellipse3d.hpp>
281 #endif
PointCloud represents the base class in PCL for storing collections of 3D points.
Definition: point_cloud.h:173
SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D defines a model for 3D ellipse segmentation.
void optimizeModelCoefficients(const Indices &inliers, const Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients, Eigen::VectorXf &optimized_coefficients) const override
Recompute the 3d ellipse coefficients using the given inlier set and return them to the user.
pcl::SacModel getModelType() const override
Return a unique id for this model (SACMODEL_ELLIPSE3D).
std::size_t countWithinDistance(const Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients, const double threshold) const override
Count all the points which respect the given model coefficients as inliers.
SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D(const SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D &source)
Copy constructor.
void projectPoints(const Indices &inliers, const Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients, PointCloud &projected_points, bool copy_data_fields=true) const override
Create a new point cloud with inliers projected onto the 3d ellipse model.
bool computeModelCoefficients(const Indices &samples, Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients) const override
Check whether the given index samples can form a valid 3D ellipse model, compute the model coefficien...
SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D(const PointCloudConstPtr &cloud, bool random=false)
Constructor for base SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D.
~SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D() override=default
Empty destructor.
bool doSamplesVerifyModel(const std::set< index_t > &indices, const Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients, const double threshold) const override
Verify whether a subset of indices verifies the given 3d ellipse model coefficients.
void selectWithinDistance(const Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients, const double threshold, Indices &inliers) override
Compute all distances from the cloud data to a given 3D ellipse model.
SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D & operator=(const SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D &source)
Copy constructor.
SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D(const PointCloudConstPtr &cloud, const Indices &indices, bool random=false)
Constructor for base SampleConsensusModelEllipse3D.
bool isSampleGood(const Indices &samples) const override
Check if a sample of indices results in a good sample of points indices.
bool isModelValid(const Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients) const override
Check whether a model is valid given the user constraints.
void getDistancesToModel(const Eigen::VectorXf &model_coefficients, std::vector< double > &distances) const override
Compute all distances from the cloud data to a given 3D ellipse model.
SampleConsensusModel represents the base model class.
Definition: sac_model.h:71
shared_ptr< SampleConsensusModel< PointT > > Ptr
Definition: sac_model.h:78
unsigned int sample_size_
The size of a sample from which the model is computed.
Definition: sac_model.h:589
typename PointCloud::ConstPtr PointCloudConstPtr
Definition: sac_model.h:74
IndicesPtr indices_
A pointer to the vector of point indices to use.
Definition: sac_model.h:557
std::string model_name_
The model name.
Definition: sac_model.h:551
unsigned int model_size_
The number of coefficients in the model.
Definition: sac_model.h:592
typename PointCloud::Ptr PointCloudPtr
Definition: sac_model.h:75
shared_ptr< const SampleConsensusModel< PointT > > ConstPtr
Definition: sac_model.h:79
Definition: model_types.h:46
Definition: model_types.h:65
IndicesAllocator<> Indices
Type used for indices in PCL.
Definition: types.h:133
Base functor all the models that need non linear optimization must define their own one and implement...
Definition: sac_model.h:680
A point structure representing Euclidean xyz coordinates, and the RGB color.