40 #include <pcl/io/grabber.h>
41 #include <pcl/point_cloud.h>
48 namespace io {
namespace depth_sense {
struct DepthSenseGrabberImpl; } }
61 using Ptr = shared_ptr<DepthSenseGrabber>;
62 using ConstPtr = shared_ptr<const DepthSenseGrabber>;
69 DepthSense_QVGA_30Hz = 0,
75 DepthSense_Median = 1,
76 DepthSense_Average = 2,
109 return (std::string (
Grabber for DepthSense devices (e.g.
void enableTemporalFiltering(TemporalFilteringType type, std::size_t window_size=1)
Enable temporal filtering of the depth data received from the device.
virtual ~DepthSenseGrabber() noexcept
void(const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::ConstPtr &) sig_cb_depth_sense_point_cloud
void disableTemporalFiltering()
Disable temporal filtering.
void setConfidenceThreshold(int threshold)
Set the confidence threshold for depth data.
shared_ptr< DepthSenseGrabber > Ptr
DepthSenseGrabber(const std::string &device_id="")
Create a grabber for a DepthSense device.
virtual float getFramesPerSecond() const
returns fps.
std::string getDeviceSerialNumber() const
Get the serial number of device captured by the grabber.
void(const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGBA >::ConstPtr &) sig_cb_depth_sense_point_cloud_rgba
shared_ptr< const DepthSenseGrabber > ConstPtr
Grabber interface for PCL 1.x device drivers.
shared_ptr< const PointCloud< PointT > > ConstPtr
Defines all the PCL implemented PointT point type structures.