Point Cloud Library (PCL)  1.14.1-dev
1 #pragma once
3 #include "typedefs.h"
5 #include <pcl/ModelCoefficients.h>
6 #include <pcl/sample_consensus/method_types.h>
7 #include <pcl/sample_consensus/model_types.h>
8 #include <pcl/segmentation/sac_segmentation.h>
9 #include <pcl/filters/extract_indices.h>
10 #include <pcl/segmentation/extract_clusters.h>
13 /* Use SACSegmentation to find the dominant plane in the scene
14  * Inputs:
15  * input
16  * The input point cloud
17  * max_iterations
18  * The maximum number of RANSAC iterations to run
19  * distance_threshold
20  * The inlier/outlier threshold. Points within this distance
21  * from the hypothesized plane are scored as inliers.
22  * Return: A pointer to the ModelCoefficients (i.e., the 4 coefficients of the plane,
23  * represented in c0*x + c1*y + c2*z + c3 = 0 form)
24  */
26 fitPlane (const PointCloudPtr & input, float distance_threshold, float max_iterations)
27 {
28  pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coefficients;
29  return (coefficients);
30 }
32 /* Use SACSegmentation and an ExtractIndices filter to find the dominant plane and subtract it
33  * Inputs:
34  * input
35  * The input point cloud
36  * max_iterations
37  * The maximum number of RANSAC iterations to run
38  * distance_threshold
39  * The inlier/outlier threshold. Points within this distance
40  * from the hypothesized plane are scored as inliers.
41  * Return: A pointer to a new point cloud which contains only the non-plane points
42  */
43 PointCloudPtr
44 findAndSubtractPlane (const PointCloudPtr & input, float distance_threshold, float max_iterations)
45 {
46  PointCloudPtr output;
47  return (output);
48 }
50 /* Use EuclidieanClusterExtraction to group a cloud into contiguous clusters
51  * Inputs:
52  * input
53  * The input point cloud
54  * cluster_tolerance
55  * The maximum distance between neighboring points in a cluster
56  * min/max_cluster_size
57  * The minimum and maximum allowable cluster sizes
58  * Return (by reference): a vector of PointIndices containing the points indices in each cluster
59  */
60 void
61 clusterObjects (const PointCloudPtr & input,
62  float cluster_tolerance, int min_cluster_size, int max_cluster_size,
63  std::vector<pcl::PointIndices> & cluster_indices_out)
64 {
65 }
shared_ptr< ::pcl::ModelCoefficients > Ptr